Structural equation modeling in practice: A review and recommended two-step approach. JC Anderson, DW Gerbing Psychological bulletin 103 (3), 411, 1988 | 59440 | 1988 |
A model of distributor firm and manufacturer firm working partnerships JC Anderson, JA Narus Journal of marketing 54 (1), 42-58, 1990 | 11146 | 1990 |
An updated paradigm for scale development incorporating unidimensionality and its assessment DW Gerbing, JC Anderson Journal of marketing research 25 (2), 186-192, 1988 | 9651 | 1988 |
Dyadic business relationships within a business network context JC Anderson, H Håkansson, J Johanson Journal of marketing 58 (4), 1-15, 1994 | 3987 | 1994 |
Conducting interorganizational research using key informants N Kumar, LW Stern, JC Anderson Academy of management journal 36 (6), 1633-1651, 1993 | 3492 | 1993 |
The effect of sampling error on convergence, improper solutions, and goodness-of-fit indices for maximum likelihood confirmatory factor analysis JC Anderson, DW Gerbing Psychometrika 49 (2), 155-173, 1984 | 3406 | 1984 |
Business market management: Understanding, creating, and delivering value JC Anderson Pearson Education India, 2004 | 2127 | 2004 |
A model of the distributor's perspective of distributor-manufacturer working relationships JC Anderson, JA Narus Journal of marketing 48 (4), 62-74, 1984 | 2118 | 1984 |
Predicting the performance of measures in a confirmatory factor analysis with a pretest assessment of their substantive validities. JC Anderson, DW Gerbing Journal of applied psychology 76 (5), 732, 1991 | 1744 | 1991 |
Some methods for respecifying measurement models to obtain unidimensional construct measurement JC Anderson, DW Gerbing Journal of marketing research 19 (4), 453-460, 1982 | 1738 | 1982 |
Business marketing: understand what customers value JC Anderson, JA Narus Harvard business review 76, 53-67, 1998 | 1601 | 1998 |
Customer value propositions in business markets JC Anderson, JA Narus, W Van Rossum Harvard business review 84 (3), 90, 2006 | 1469 | 2006 |
Monte Carlo evaluations of goodness of fit indices for structural equation models DW Gerbing, JC Anderson Sociological Methods & Research 21 (2), 132-160, 1992 | 984 | 1992 |
Partnering as a focused market strategy JC Anderson, JA Narus California Management Review 33 (3), 95-113, 1991 | 938 | 1991 |
Monte Carlo evaluations of goodness-of-fit indices for structural equation models DW Gerbing, JC Anderson Testing structural equation models, 40-65, 1993 | 898 | 1993 |
Customer value assessment in business markets: A state-of-practice study JC Anderson, DC Jain, PK Chintagunta Journal of Business-to-business Marketing 1 (1), 3-29, 1992 | 865 | 1992 |
Assumptions and comparative strengths of the two-step approach: Comment on Fornell and Yi JC Anderson, DW Gerbing Sociological Methods & Research 20 (3), 321-333, 1992 | 797 | 1992 |
On the meaning of within-factor correlated measurement errors DW Gerbing, JC Anderson Journal of consumer research 11 (1), 572-580, 1984 | 780 | 1984 |
Relationships in business markets: exchange episodes, value creation, and their empirical assessment JC Anderson Journal of the academy of marketing science 23, 346-350, 1995 | 767 | 1995 |
An approach for confirmatory measurement and structural equation modeling of organizational properties JC Anderson Management science 33 (4), 525-541, 1987 | 744 | 1987 |