Takip et
joost vercruysse
joost vercruysse
Université Libre de Bruxelles
ulb.be üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip - Ana Sayfa
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Morita theory for corings and cleft entwining structures
S Caenepeel, J Vercruysse, S Wang
Journal of Algebra 276 (1), 210-235, 2004
Partial representations of Hopf algebras
MMS Alves, E Batista, J Vercruysse
Journal of Algebra 426, 137-187, 2015
Galois theory for comatrix corings: descent theory, Morita Theory, Frobenius and separability properties
S Caenepeel, E De Groot, J Vercruysse
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 359 (1), 185-226, 2007
A semi-abelian extension of a theorem by Takeuchi
M Gran, F Sterck, J Vercruysse
Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 223 (10), 4171-4190, 2019
Hopf categories
E Batista, S Caenepeel, J Vercruysse
Algebras and Representation Theory 19 (5), 1173-1216, 2016
A torsion theory in the category of cocommutative Hopf algebras
M Gran, G Kadjo, J Vercruysse
Applied Categorical Structures 24 (3), 269-282, 2016
Dual constructions for partial actions of Hopf algebras
E Batista, J Vercruysse
Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 220 (2), 518-559, 2016
Multiplier bi-and Hopf algebras
K Janssen, J Vercruysse
Journal of Algebra and Its Applications 9 (2), 275-303, 2010
Local units versus local projectivity dualisations: corings with local structure maps
J Vercruysse
Communications in Algebra® 34 (6), 2079-2103, 2006
Comatrix corings and Galois comodules over firm rings
J Gómez-Torrecillas, J Vercruysse
Algebras and representation theory 10 (3), 271-306, 2007
Morita theory for coring extensions and cleft bicomodules
G Böhm, J Vercruysse
Advances in Mathematics 209 (2), 611-648, 2007
Equivalences between categories of modules and categories of comodules
J Vercruysse
Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series 24 (10), 1655-1674, 2008
Geometrically partial actions
J Hu, J Vercruysse
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 373 (6), 4085-4143, 2020
Partial corepresentations of Hopf algebras
MMS Alves, E Batista, F Castro, G Quadros, J Vercruysse
Journal of Algebra 577, 74-135, 2021
Dilations of partial representations of Hopf algebras
MMS Alves, E Batista, J Vercruysse
Journal of the London Mathematical Society 100 (1), 273-300, 2019
A Note on the categorification of Lie algebras
I Goyvaerts, J Vercruysse
Lie Theory and Its Applications in Physics, 541-550, 2013
Constructing infinite comatrix corings from colimits
S Caenepeel, E De Groot, J Vercruysse
Applied Categorical Structures 14 (5), 539-565, 2006
Morita Theory for Comodules Over Corings
G Böhm, J Vercruysse
Communications in Algebra® 37 (9), 3207-3247, 2009
V-universal Hopf algebras (co)acting on -algebras
AL Agore, AS Gordienko, J Vercruysse
Communications in Contemporary Mathematics 25 (01), 2150095, 2023
A Larson-Sweedler theorem for Hopf V-categories
M Buckley, T Fieremans, C Vasilakopoulou, J Vercruysse
Advances in Mathematics, 107456, 2020
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