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Steve Hill
Steve Hill
Geological Survey of South Australia
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Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Developing a framework for indicators of authenticity: The place and space of cultural and heritage tourism
T Jamal, S Hill
Cultural and Heritage Tourism in Asia and the Pacific, 17-34, 2013
Estrogen receptor expression in human breast cancer associated with an estrogen receptor gene restriction fragment length polymorphism
SM Hill, SAW Fuqua, GC Chamness, GL Greene, WL McGuire
Cancer research 49 (1), 145-148, 1989
The home and the world:(Post) touristic spaces of (in) authenticity?
T Jamal, S Hill
The tourist as a metaphor of the social world, 77-107, 2002
Decentralization, integration and the post‐bureaucratic organization: The case of R&D
S Hill, R Martin, M Harris
Journal of Management Studies 37 (4), 563-586, 2000
Electrophoretic analysis of 248 clinical breast cancer specimens for P-glycoprotein overexpression or gene amplification.
DE Merkel, SA Fuqua, AK Tandon, SM Hill, AU Buzdar, WL McGuire
Journal of Clinical Oncology 7 (8), 1129-1136, 1989
Loess and floods: High-resolution multi-proxy data of Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) slackwater deposition in the Flinders Ranges, semi-arid South Australia
D Haberlah, MAJ Williams, G Halverson, GH McTainsh, SM Hill, T Hrstka, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 29 (19-20), 2673-2693, 2010
Vent blade device mounting assembly
R Tiller, A Hobbs, S Hill
US Patent 10,122,400, 2018
The nature and distribution of regolith carbonate accumulations in southeastern Australia and their potential as a sampling medium in geochemical exploration
KG McQueen, SM Hill, KA Foster
Journal of Geochemical Exploration 67 (1-3), 67-82, 1999
Spinifex biogeochemical expressions of buried gold mineralisation: the great mineral exploration penetrator of transported regolith
N Reid, SM Hill, DM Lewis
Applied Geochemistry 23 (1), 76-84, 2008
Regolith carbonate accumulations in western and central NSW: characteristics and potential as an exploration sampling medium
SM Hill, KG McQueen, KA Foster
State of the Regolith, Proceedings of Regolith 98, 191-208, 1999
Methodological improvements for investigating silcrete formation: petrography, FT-IR and oxygen isotope ratio of silcrete quartz cement, Lake Eyre Basin (Australia)
A Alexandre, JD Meunier, E Llorens, SM Hill, SM Savin
Chemical Geology 211 (3-4), 261-274, 2004
Calcium in regolith carbonates of central and southern Australia: Its source and implications for the global carbon cycle
RC Dart, KM Barovich, DJ Chittleborough, SM Hill
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 249 (3-4), 322-334, 2007
Biogeochemical sampling for mineral exploration in arid terrains: Tanami Gold Province, Australia
N Reid, SM Hill
Journal of Geochemical Exploration 104 (3), 105-117, 2010
The differential weathering of granitic rocks in Victoria, Australia
SM Hill
AGSO Journal of Australian Geology and Geophysics 16 (3), 271-276, 1995
Oxidative breakers in a silicone based suspension
K Dismuke, D Philpot, R Hill, R Pennypacker, S Hill
US Patent App. 13/830,925, 2014
Early decompression following cervical spinal cord injury: examining the process of care from accident scene to surgery
CR Battistuzzo, A Armstrong, J Clark, L Worley, L Sharwood, P Lin, ...
Journal of neurotrauma 33 (12), 1161-1169, 2016
River red gums as a biogeochemical sampling medium in mineral exploration and environmental chemistry programs in the Curnamona Craton and adjacent regions of NSW and SA
KA Hulme, SM Hill
Advances in Regolith 2003, 205-210, 2003
Termite species variations and their importance for termitaria biogeochemistry: towards a robust media approach for mineral exploration
AE Petts, SM Hill, L Worrall
AAG/Geological Society of London 9 (3), 257-266, 2009
Coiled Tubing Drilling and Real-Time Sensing—Enabling Prospecting Drilling in the 21st Century?
RR Hillis, D Giles, SE van der Wielen, A Baensch, JS Cleverley, A Fabris, ...
Mesozoic regolith and palaeolandscape features in southeastern Australia: significance for interpretations of denudation and highland evolution
SM Hill
Australian Journal of Earth Sciences 46 (2), 217-232, 1999
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