Effects of soft drink consumption on nutrition and health: a systematic review and meta-analysis LR Vartanian, MB Schwartz, KD Brownell American journal of public health 97 (4), 667-675, 2007 | 2726 | 2007 |
Social comparisons on social media: The impact of Facebook on young women's body image concerns and mood J Fardouly, PC Diedrichs, LR Vartanian, E Halliwell Body image 13, 38-45, 2015 | 1505 | 2015 |
Social media and body image concerns: Current research and future directions J Fardouly, LR Vartanian Current opinion in psychology 9, 1-5, 2016 | 1027 | 2016 |
Negative comparisons about one's appearance mediate the relationship between Facebook usage and body image concerns J Fardouly, LR Vartanian Body image 12, 82-88, 2015 | 842 | 2015 |
Instagram use and young women’s body image concerns and self-objectification: Testing mediational pathways J Fardouly, BK Willburger, LR Vartanian New media & society 20 (4), 1380-1395, 2018 | 748 | 2018 |
The impact of appearance comparisons made through social media, traditional media, and in person in women’s everyday lives J Fardouly, RT Pinkus, LR Vartanian Body image 20, 31-39, 2017 | 652 | 2017 |
Effects of weight stigma on exercise motivation and behavior: A preliminary investigation among college-aged females LR Vartanian, JG Shaprow Journal of health psychology 13 (1), 131-138, 2008 | 624 | 2008 |
The influence of one's own body weight on implicit and explicit anti‐fat bias MB Schwartz, LR Vartanian, BA Nosek, KD Brownell Obesity 14 (3), 440-447, 2006 | 591 | 2006 |
Internalized societal attitudes moderate the impact of weight stigma on avoidance of exercise LR Vartanian, SA Novak Obesity 19 (4), 757-762, 2011 | 547 | 2011 |
Consumption stereotypes and impression management: How you are what you eat LR Vartanian, CP Herman, J Polivy Appetite 48 (3), 265-277, 2007 | 463 | 2007 |
Weight stigma and eating behavior: A review of the literature LR Vartanian, AM Porter Appetite 102, 3-14, 2016 | 416 | 2016 |
The relationship between eating disorder not otherwise specified (EDNOS) and officially recognized eating disorders: meta-analysis and implications for DSM. JJ Thomas, LR Vartanian, KD Brownell Psychological bulletin 135 (3), 407, 2009 | 379 | 2009 |
The relationship between weight stigma and eating behavior is explained by weight bias internalization and psychological distress KS O'Brien, JD Latner, RM Puhl, LR Vartanian, C Giles, K Griva, A Carter Appetite 102, 70-76, 2016 | 378 | 2016 |
Self-concept clarity, thin-ideal internalization, and appearance-related social comparison as predictors of body dissatisfaction LR Vartanian, S Dey Body image 10 (4), 495-500, 2013 | 348 | 2013 |
Disgust and perceived control in attitudes toward obese people LR Vartanian International journal of obesity 34 (8), 1302-1307, 2010 | 266 | 2010 |
When the body defines the self: Self-concept clarity, internalization, and body image LR Vartanian Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology 28 (1), 94-126, 2009 | 256 | 2009 |
The mediating role of appearance comparisons in the relationship between media usage and self-objectification in young women J Fardouly, PC Diedrichs, LR Vartanian, E Halliwell Psychology of Women Quarterly 39 (4), 447-457, 2015 | 225 | 2015 |
Are we aware of the external factors that influence our food intake? LR Vartanian, CP Herman, B Wansink Health Psychology 27 (5), 533, 2008 | 225 | 2008 |
Appearance vs. health motives for exercise and for weight loss LR Vartanian, CM Wharton, EB Green Psychology of Sport and Exercise 13 (3), 251-256, 2012 | 214 | 2012 |
Impression management and food intake. Current directions in research LR Vartanian Appetite 86, 74-80, 2015 | 204 | 2015 |