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Mari Elken
Mari Elken
iped.uio.no üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Conceptualising ‘quality work’in higher education
M Elken, B Stensaker
Quality in higher education 24 (3), 189-202, 2018
The relationship between research and education: typologies and indicators. A literature review
M Elken, S Wollscheid
NIFU, 2016
Quality in Norwegian Higher Education: A review of research on aspects affecting student learning
C Damşa, T de Lange, M Elken, R Esterhazy, T Fossland, N Frølich, ...
NIFU, 2015
Academic career structures in Europe: perspectives from Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, the Netherlands, Austria and the UK
N Frølich, K Wendt, I Reymert, SM Tellmann, M Elken, S Kyvik, A Vabø, ...
Nordic Institute for Studies in Innovation, Research and Education NIFU …, 2018
Global rankings in the Nordic region: challenging the identity of research-intensive universities?
M Elken, E Hovdhaugen, B Stensaker
Higher Education 72 (6), 781-795, 2016
The painters behind the profile: the rise and functioning of communication departments in universities
M Elken, B Stensaker, I Dedze
Higher Education 76, 1109-1122, 2018
European integration and the transformation of higher education
M Elken, Å Gornitzka, P Maassen, M Vukasovic
Oslo: University of Oslo 57, 2011
Multi-level, multi-actor and multi-issue dimensions of governance of the European Higher Education Area, and beyond
M Vukasovic, J Jungblut, MH Chou, M Elken, P Ravinet
European higher education area: The impact of past and future policies, 321-334, 2018
Standardization of (higher) education in Europe–policy coordination 2.0?
M Elken
Policy and Society 36 (1), 127-142, 2017
Dynamics of voluntary policy coordination: actors and networks in the Bologna Process
M Elken, M Vukasovic
The Europe of knowledge, comparing dynamics of integration in higher …, 2014
Developing policy instruments for education in the EU: The European qualifications framework for lifelong learning
M Elken
International Journal of Lifelong Education 34 (6), 710-726, 2015
The looseness of loose coupling: The use and misuse of “loose coupling” in higher education research
M Elken, M Vukasovic
Theory and method in higher education research, 53-71, 2019
Still the main show in town? Assessing political saliency of the Bologna Process across time and space
M Vukasovic, J Jungblut, M Elken
Studies in Higher Education 42 (8), 1421-1436, 2017
New EU instruments for education: Vertical, horizontal and internal tensions in the European Qualifications Framework
M Elken
Journal of Contemporary European Research 11 (1), 2015
Professional higher education institutions as organizational actors
M Elken, T Røsdal
Tertiary Education and Management 23, 376-387, 2017
Marketing in higher education
M Elken
The International Encyclopedia of Higher Education Systems and Institutions …, 2020
Policies for quality in higher education–coordination and consistency in EU-policymaking 2000–2010
M Elken, B Stensaker
European Journal of Higher Education 1 (4), 297-314, 2011
Researching ‘quality work’in higher education
M Elken, B Stensaker
Quality work in higher education: Organisational and pedagogical dimensions …, 2020
‘EU-on-demand’: developing national qualifications frameworks in a multi-level context
M Elken
European Educational Research Journal 15 (6), 628-643, 2016
Quo Vadis EHEA: Balancing structural continuation and political variety
J Jungblut, P Maassen, M Elken
European higher education area: Challenges for a new decade, 391-415, 2020
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