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Joel D. Hartman
Joel D. Hartman
Associate Research Scholar, Department of Astrophysical Sciences, Princeton University
astro.princeton.edu üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip - Ana Sayfa
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Obliquities of hot Jupiter host stars: Evidence for tidal interactions and primordial misalignments
S Albrecht, JN Winn, JA Johnson, AW Howard, GW Marcy, RP Butler, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 757 (1), 18, 2012
Kepler-9: a system of multiple planets transiting a Sun-like star, confirmed by timing variations
MJ Holman, DC Fabrycky, D Ragozzine, EB Ford, JH Steffen, WF Welsh, ...
science 330 (6000), 51-54, 2010
Astrometric exoplanet detection with Gaia
M Perryman, J Hartman, GÁ Bakos, L Lindegren
The Astrophysical Journal 797 (1), 14, 2014
HAT-P-11b: a super-Neptune planet transiting a bright K star in the Kepler field
GÁ Bakos, G Torres, A Pál, J Hartman, G Kovács, RW Noyes, DW Latham, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 710 (2), 1724, 2010
HAT-P-16b: A 4 MJ planet transiting a bright star on an eccentric orbit
LA Buchhave, GÁ Bakos, JD Hartman, G Torres, G Kovács, DW Latham, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 720 (2), 1118, 2010
A multiwavelength view of the TeV blazar markarian 421: Correlated variability, flaring, and spectral evolution
M Błażejowski, G Blaylock, IH Bond, SM Bradbury, JH Buckley, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 630 (1), 130, 2005
HATSouth: A Global Network of Fully Automated Identical Wide-Field Telescopes1
GÁ Bakos, Z Csubry, K Penev, D Bayliss, A Jordán, C Afonso, JD Hartman, ...
Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 125 (924), 154, 2013
A 15.65-solar-mass black hole in an eclipsing binary in the nearby spiral galaxy M 33
JA Orosz, JE McClintock, R Narayan, CD Bailyn, JD Hartman, L Macri, ...
Nature 449 (7164), 872-875, 2007
Orbital phase variations of the eccentric giant planet HAT-P-2b
NK Lewis, HA Knutson, AP Showman, NB Cowan, G Laughlin, A Burrows, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 766 (2), 95, 2013
The detection and characterization of a nontransiting planet by transit timing variations
D Nesvorný, DM Kipping, LA Buchhave, GÁ Bakos, J Hartman, ...
Science 336 (6085), 1133-1136, 2012
A large sample of photometric rotation periods for FGK Pleiades stars
JD Hartman, GÁ Bakos, G Kovács, RW Noyes
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 408 (1), 475-489, 2010
A photometric variability survey of field K and M dwarf stars with HATNet
JD Hartman, GÁ Bakos, RW Noyes, B Sipőcz, G Kovács, T Mazeh, ...
The Astronomical Journal 141 (5), 166, 2011
VARTOOLS: A program for analyzing astronomical time-series data
JD Hartman, GÁ Bakos
Astronomy and Computing 17, 1-72, 2016
HAT-P-32b and HAT-P-33b: Two highly inflated hot Jupiters transiting high-jitter stars
JD Hartman, GÁ Bakos, G Torres, DW Latham, G Kovács, B Béky, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 742 (1), 59, 2011
KOI-142, the king of transit variations, is a pair of planets near the 2: 1 resonance
D Nesvorný, D Kipping, D Terrell, J Hartman, GA Bakos, LA Buchhave
The Astrophysical Journal 777 (1), 3, 2013
The oblique orbit of the super-Neptune HAT-P-11b
JN Winn, JA Johnson, AW Howard, GW Marcy, H Isaacson, A Shporer, ...
The Astrophysical Journal Letters 723 (2), L223, 2010
HAT-P-20b–HAT-P-23b: Four massive transiting extrasolar planets
GÁ Bakos, J Hartman, G Torres, DW Latham, G Kovács, RW Noyes, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 742 (2), 116, 2011
HAT-P-12b: A low-density sub-saturn mass planet transiting a metal-poor K dwarf
JD Hartman, GÁ Bakos, G Torres, G Kovács, RW Noyes, A Pál, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 706 (1), 785, 2009
HAT-P-13b, c: A transiting hot jupiter with a massive outer companion on an eccentric orbit
GÁ Bakos, AW Howard, RW Noyes, J Hartman, G Torres, G Kovács, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 707 (1), 446, 2009
HATNET Variability Survey in the High Stellar Density “Kepler Field” with Millimagnitude Image Subtraction Photometry
JD Hartman, G Bakos, KZ Stanek, RW Noyes
The Astronomical Journal 128 (4), 1761, 2004
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