On the development of fly ash-based geopolymer concrete D Hardjito, SE Wallah, DMJ Sumajouw, BV Rangan Materials Journal 101 (6), 467-472, 2004 | 1979 | 2004 |
Low-calcium fly ash-based geopolymer concrete: long-term properties S Wallah, BV Rangan | 835 | 2006 |
Fly ash-based geopolymer concrete D Hardjito, SE Wallah, DMJ Sumajouw, BV Rangan Australian Journal of Structural Engineering 6 (1), 77-86, 2005 | 480 | 2005 |
Factors influencing the compressive strength of fly ash-based geopolymer concrete D Hardjito, SE Wallah, DMJ Sumajouw, BV Rangan Civil engineering dimension 6 (2), 88-93, 2004 | 423 | 2004 |
Studies on fly ash-based geopolymer concrete BV Rangan, D Hardjito, SE Wallah, DM Sumajouw Proceedings of the world congress geopolymer, Saint Quentin, France 28, 133-137, 2005 | 419 | 2005 |
Fly ash-based geopolymer concrete: study of slender reinforced columns DMJ Sumajouw, D Hardjito, SE Wallah, BV Rangan Journal of materials science 42, 3124-3130, 2007 | 394 | 2007 |
Drying shrinkage of heat-cured fly ash-based geopolymer concrete SE Wallah Modern Applied Science 3 (12), 14-21, 2009 | 154 | 2009 |
Creep behaviour of fly ash-based geopolymer concrete SE Wallah Civil Engineering Dimension 12 (2), 73-78, 2010 | 134 | 2010 |
Introducing fly ash-based geopolymer concrete: Manufacture and engineering properties D Hardjito, SE Wallah, DMJ Sumajouw, BV Rangan 30th conference on our world in concrete & structures 24, 2005 | 125 | 2005 |
Properties of geopolymer concrete with fly ash as source material: effect of mixture composition D Hardjito, SE Wallah, DMJ Sumajouw, BV Rangan Special Publication 222, 109-118, 2004 | 121 | 2004 |
Tingkat pencemaran udara CO akibat lalu lintas dengan model prediksi polusi udara skala mikro SL Sengkey, F Jansen, SE Wallah Jurnal Ilmiah Media Engineering 1 (2), 98114, 2011 | 114 | 2011 |
Study on engineering properties of fly ash-based geopolymer concrete D Hardjito, SE Wallah JOURNAL OF THE AUSTRALIAN CERAMIC SOCIETY 38 (1), 44-47, 2002 | 96 | 2002 |
Brief review of development of geopolymer concrete D Hardjito, SE Wallah, DMJ Sumajouw, BV Rangan 8th CANMET/ACI International Conference on fly ash, silica fume, slag and …, 2004 | 93 | 2004 |
The stress-strain behaviour of fly ash-based geopolymer concrete D Hardjito, SE Wallah, DMJ Sumajouw, BV Rangan Development in mechanics of structures and materials 35, 831-834, 2004 | 86 | 2004 |
Sulfate and acid resistance of fly ash-based geopolymer concrete SE Wallah, D Hardjito, DMJ Sumajouw, BV Rangan Australian Structural Engineering Conference 2005, [733]-[742], 2005 | 61 | 2005 |
Research into engineering properties of geopolymer concrete D Hardjito, SE Wallah, BV Rangan International Conference'Geopolymer2002-turn potential into profit …, 2002 | 59 | 2002 |
Perencanaan struktur beton bertulang gedung kuliah 5 lantai FJ Liando, SO Dapas, SE Wallah Jurnal Sipil Statik 8 (4), 471-482, 2020 | 57 | 2020 |
Pengaruh jumlah semen dan fas terhadap kuat tekan beton dengan agregat yang berasal dari sungai RAI Sari, SE Wallah, RS Windah Jurnal Sipil Statik 3 (1), 68-76, 2015 | 55 | 2015 |
Geopolymer concrete: turn waste into environmentally friendly concrete D Hardjito, SE Wallah, DMJ Sumajouw, BV Rangan International Conference on Recent Trends in Concrete Technology and …, 2003 | 51 | 2003 |
Kuat tekan beton dengan bahan tambah serbuk kaca sebagai substitusi parsial semen HY Karwur, R Tenda, SE Wallah, RS Windah Jurnal Sipil Statik 1 (4), 2013 | 47 | 2013 |