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Christoph Strauch
Christoph Strauch
uu.nl üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip - Ana Sayfa
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Pupillometry as an integrated readout of distinct attentional networks
C Strauch, CA Wang, W Einhäuser, S Van der Stigchel, M Naber
Trends in Neurosciences 45 (8), 635-647, 2022
Real autonomous driving from a passenger’s perspective: Two experimental investigations using gaze behaviour and trust ratings in field and simulator
C Strauch, K Mühl, K Patro, C Grabmaier, S Reithinger, M Baumann, ...
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 66, 15-28, 2019
Get ready for being chauffeured: Passenger’s preferences and trust while being driven by human and automation
K Mühl, C Strauch, C Grabmaier, S Reithinger, A Huckauf, M Baumann
Human factors 62 (8), 1322-1338, 2020
A field study on watching eyes and hand hygiene compliance in a public restroom
S Pfattheicher, C Strauch, S Diefenbacher, R Schnuerch
Journal of Applied Social Psychology 48 (4), 188-194, 2018
Pupil size changes as an active information channel for biofeedback applications
J Ehlers, C Strauch, J Georgi, A Huckauf
Applied psychophysiology and biofeedback 41, 331-339, 2016
Four personality types may be neither robust nor exhaustive
JP Freudenstein, C Strauch, P Mussel, M Ziegler
Nature human behaviour 3 (10), 1045-1046, 2019
Pupil dilation but not microsaccade rate robustly reveals decision formation
C Strauch, L Greiter, A Huckauf
Scientific reports 8 (1), 13165, 2018
Decision making and oddball effects on pupil size: Evidence for a sequential process
C Strauch, I Koniakowsky, A Huckauf
Journal of cognition 3 (1), 7, 2020
Increasing pupil size is associated with improved detection performance in the periphery
LV Eberhardt, C Strauch, TS Hartmann, A Huckauf
Attention, perception, & psychophysics 84 (1), 138-149, 2022
A view to a click: Pupil size changes as input command in eyes-only human-computer interaction
J Ehlers, C Strauch, A Huckauf
International journal of human-computer studies 119, 28-34, 2018
The orienting response drives pseudoneglect—Evidence from an objective pupillometric method
C Strauch, C Romein, M Naber, S Van der Stigchel, AF Ten Brink
Cortex 151, 259-271, 2022
Pupil-assisted target selection (pats)
C Strauch, J Ehlers, A Huckauf
Human-Computer Interaction–INTERACT 2017: 16th IFIP TC 13 International …, 2017
Revealing visual working memory operations with pupillometry: Encoding, maintenance, and prioritization
D Koevoet, C Strauch, S Van der Stigchel, S Mathôt, M Naber
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Cognitive Science 15 (2), e1668, 2024
The costs of paying overt and covert attention assessed with pupillometry
D Koevoet, C Strauch, M Naber, SV der Stigchel
Psychological science 34 (8), 887-898, 2023
Direct voluntary control of pupil constriction and dilation: Exploratory evidence from pupillometry, optometry, skin conductance, perception, and functional MRI
LV Eberhardt, G Grön, M Ulrich, A Huckauf, C Strauch
International Journal of Psychophysiology 168, 33-42, 2021
Differential aspects of attention predict the depth of visual working memory encoding: Evidence from pupillometry
D Koevoet, M Naber, C Strauch, RS Somai, S Van der Stigchel
Journal of Vision 23 (6), 9-9, 2023
Training facilitates cognitive control on pupil dilation
J Ehlers, C Strauch, A Huckauf
Proceedings of the 2018 ACM Symposium on Eye Tracking Research …, 2018
Uncovering the (un) attended: Pupil light responses index persistent biases of spatial attention in neglect
AF Ten Brink, M Van Heijst, BL Portengen, M Naber, C Strauch
cortex 167, 101-114, 2023
Don't hide the instruction manual: A dynamic trade-off between using internal and external templates during visual search
AJ Hoogerbrugge, C Strauch, TCW Nijboer, S Van der Stigchel
Journal of Vision 23 (7), 14-14, 2023
Pupil dilation fulfills the requirements for dynamic difficulty adjustment in gaming on the example of pong
C Strauch, M Barthelmaes, E Altgassen, A Huckauf
ACM Symposium on Eye Tracking Research and Applications, 1-9, 2020
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