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Ema Damayanti
Ema Damayanti
National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN)
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Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Amino acid profil of earthworm and earthworm m al (Lumbricus Rubellus) for animal f dstuff
L Istiqomah, A Sofyan, E Damayanti, H Julendra
Journal of the Indonesian Tropical Animal Agriculture 34 (4), 253-257, 2009
Pemanfaatan tepung cacing tanah (Lumbricus rubellus) sebagai agensia anti-pullorum dalam imbuhan pakan ayam broiler
E Damayanti, A Sofyan, H Julendra, T Untari
Jitv 14 (2), 83-89, 2009
Uji in vitro penghambatan aktivitas Escherichia coli dengan tepung cacing tanah (Lumbricus rubellus)
H Julendra, A Sofyan
Media Peternakan 30 (1), 2007
Efek penghambatan beberapa fraksi ekstrak buah mengkudu terhadap Shigella dysenteriae
E Damayanti, TB Suparjana
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknik Kimia Kejuangan. Fakultas Biologi …, 2007
Laju pertumbuhan Saccharomyces cerevisiae pada proses fermentasi pembentukan bioetanol dari biji sorgum (Sorghum bicolor L.)
SK Wahono, E Damayanti, VT Rosyida, EI Sadyastuti
Proceeding of National Seminar on Chemical Engineering and Process at …, 2011
Bile salt and acid tolerant of lactic acid bacteria isolated from proventriculus of broiler chicken
E Damayanti, H Julendra, A Sofyan, SN Hayati
Media Peternakan 37 (2), 80-80, 2014
Profil asam amino ekstrak cacing tanah (LUMBRICUS RUBELLUS) Terenkapsulasi dengan metode spray drying
SN Hayati, H Herdian, E Damayanti, L Istiqomah, H Julendra
Jurnal Teknologi Indonesia 34, 1-7, 2011
Polyherbal formula (ASILACT®) induces Milk production in lactating rats through Upregulation of α-Lactalbumin and aquaporin expression
Mustofa, FS Yuliani, S Purwono, AH Sadewa, E Damayanti, DS Heriyanto
BMC Complementary Medicine and Therapies 20, 1-8, 2020
Isolation of cellulolytic lactic-acid bacteria from Mentok (Anas moschata) gastro-intestinal tract
H Herdian, L Istiqomah, E Damayanti, AE Suryani, AS Anggraeni, ...
Tropical Animal Science Journal 41 (3), 200-206, 2018
Isolation of lactic acid bacteria with cholesterol-lowering activity from digestive tracts of Indonesian native chickens
H Julendra, AE Suryani, L Istiqomah, E Damayanti, M Anwar, N Fitriani
Media Peternakan 40 (1), 35-41, 2017
Karakteristik fisikokimia tepung biji sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.) terfermentasi bakteri asam laktat Lactobacilllus acidophilus
M Kurniadi, M Andriani, F Faturohman, E Damayanti
Agritech 33 (3), 288-295, 2013
Two strains of airborne Nocardiopsis alba producing different volatile organic compounds (VOCs) as biofungicide for Ganoderma boninense
J Widada, E Damayanti, MR Alhakim, T Yuwono, M Mustofa
FEMS Microbiology Letters 368 (20), fnab138, 2021
Characterization of lactic acid bacteria as poultry probiotic candidates with aflatoxin B1 binding activities
E Damayanti, L Istiqomah, JE Saragih, T Purwoko
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 101 (1), 012030, 2017
Phytate degrading activities of lactic acid bacteria isolated from traditional fermented food
E Damayanti, FN Ratisiwi, L Istiqomah, L Sembiring, A Febrisiantosa
AIP conference proceedings 1823 (1), 2017
Performance and meat quality of broilers infected with Escherichia coli and administered with bio additive, probiotic, and antibiotic
L Istiqomah, SN Hayati, E Damayanti, H Julendra, AA Sakti, T Untari
Media Peternakan 36 (1), 14-14, 2013
Seleksi bakteri asam laktat dengan aktivitas anti jamur yang diisolasi dari silase dan saluran cerna ternak
E Damayanti, AE Suryani, A Sofyan, MF Karimy, H Julendra
Agritech 35 (2), 164-169, 2015
Metabologenomics approach to the discovery of novel compounds from Streptomyces sp. GMR22 as anti-SARS-CoV-2 drugs
YN Melinda, J Widada, TD Wahyuningsih, R Febriansah, E Damayanti, ...
Heliyon 7 (11), 2021
Antibacteria activity of earthworm meal (Lumbricus rubellus) with different methods to the Escherichia coli
E Damayanti, H Julendra, A Sofyan
Proceedings. National Food Seminar, Yogyakarta, 54-60, 2008
Potential secondary metabolite from Indonesian Actinobacteria (InaCC A758) against Mycobacterium tuberculosis
MD Rakhmawatie, T Wibawa, P Lisdiyanti, WR Pratiwi, E Damayanti
Iranian Journal of Basic Medical Sciences 24 (8), 1058, 2021
Isolation and identification of phytate-degrading yeast from traditional fermented food
AE Suryani, AS Anggraeni, L Istiqomah, E Damayanti, MF Karimy
Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity 22 (2), 2021
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