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Thomas U. Grund
Thomas U. Grund
Professor, Institute of Sociology, RWTH Aachen University
soziologie.rwth-aachen.de üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip - Ana Sayfa
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Network structure and team performance: The case of English Premier League soccer teams
TU Grund
Social Networks 34 (4), 682-690, 2012
Multidimensional homophily in friendship networks
P Block, TU Grund
Network Science 2 (02), 189-212, 2014
Ethnic homophily and triad closure: Mapping internal gang structure using exponential random graph models
TU Grund, JA Densley
Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice 31 (3), 354-370, 2015
Society as a self-organized critical system
T Kron, T Grund
Cybernetics & Human Knowing 16 (1-2), 65-82, 2009
How natural selection can create both self-and other-regarding preferences, and networked minds
T Grund, C Waloszek, D Helbing
Scientific Reports, 2013
Network dynamics and market structure: The case of art fairs
T Yogev, T Grund
Sociological Focus 45 (1), 23-40, 2012
Ethnic heterogeneity in the activity and structure of a Black street gang
TU Grund, JA Densley
European Journal of Criminology 9 (4), 388-406, 2012
Punishing the foreigner: Implicit discrimination in the Premier League based on oppositional identity
E Gallo, T Grund, J James Reade
Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics 75 (1), 136-156, 2013
Residential segregation and ‘ethnic flight’vs.‘ethnic avoidance’in Sweden
TS Müller, TU Grund, JH Koskinen
European Sociological Review 34 (3), 268-285, 2018
Overlapping crime: Stability and specialization of co-offending relationships
T Grund, C Morselli
Social Networks 51, 14-22, 2017
Modeling the impact of supra-structural network nodes: The case of anonymous syringe sharing and HIV among people who inject drugs
L Richardson, T Grund
Social Science Research 41 (3), 624-636, 2012
Die Analytische Soziologie in der Diskussion
T Kron, T Grund
VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften/Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH, Wiesbaden, 2010
nwcommands. Network analysis in Stata
TU Grund
Recuperado de: http://nwcommands. org, el 25, 10-18, 2015
Network stability issues in a co-offending population
C Morselli, TU Grund, R Boivin
Disrupting criminal networks: network analysis in crime prevention, 47-65, 2015
Accusation and confession discrepancies in bullying: Dual-perspective networks and individual-level attributes
TG Tatum, TU Grund
Social Networks 60 (1), 61-70, 2020
Why your friends are more important and special than you think
TU Grund
Sociological Science 1, 128–140, 2014
The Relational Value of Network Experience in Teams: Evidence From the English Premier League
TU Grund
American Behavioral Scientist 60, 1260-1280, 2016
Eine Mediensoziologie—aus der Sicht der Klassiker
M Jäckel, T Grund
Mediensoziologie: Grundfragen und Forschungsfelder, 15-32, 2005
Role of Narrative and Social Networks in Thwarting Violence and Sexual Abuse in Young People’s Lives
M Hydén, D Gadd, TU Grund
British Journal of Social Work 50 (7), 2172-2190, 2020
Modeling diffusion through statistical network analysis: A simulation study and empirical application to same-sex marriage
JA Elkink, TU Grund
International Studies Quarterly 66 (1), sqab087, 2022
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