Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kesuksesan pembelajaran daring dalam revolusi industri 4.0 RA Pangondian, PI Santosa, E Nugroho Seminar Nasional Teknologi Komputer & Sains (SAINTEKS) 1 (1), 56-60, 2019 | 749 | 2019 |
Metode penelitian kuantitatif: Pengembangan hipotesis dan pengujiannya menggunakan SmartPLS PI Santosa Andi, 2018 | 394 | 2018 |
Leaf classification using shape, color, and texture features A Kadir, LE Nugroho, A Susanto, PI Santosa arXiv preprint arXiv:1401.4447, 2013 | 362 | 2013 |
User involvement and user satisfaction with information-seeking activity PI Santosa, KK Wei, HC Chan European Journal of Information Systems 14 (4), 361-370, 2005 | 242 | 2005 |
Machine learning-based IoT-botnet attack detection with sequential architecture YN Soe, Y Feng, PI Santosa, R Hartanto, K Sakurai Sensors 20 (16), 4372, 2020 | 218 | 2020 |
Studi literatur tentang perbandingan metode untuk proses analisis sentimen di Twitter NMS Hadna, PI Santosa, WW Winarno Semin. Nas. Teknol. Inf. dan Komun 2016, 57-64, 2016 | 159 | 2016 |
Interkasi manusia dan komputer I Santosa Andi Offset, 2004 | 148 | 2004 |
Pengujian Usability Website Menggunakan System Usability Scale Website Usability Testing using System Usability Scale IHN Aprilia, PI Santoso, R Ferdiana, T Elektro, T Informatika, U Gadjah, ... J. Iptek-Kom 17 (1), 31-38, 2015 | 124 | 2015 |
Towards a lightweight detection system for cyber attacks in the IoT environment using corresponding features YN Soe, Y Feng, PI Santosa, R Hartanto, K Sakurai Electronics 9 (1), 144, 2020 | 117 | 2020 |
Technology readiness and technology acceptance model in new technology implementation process in low technology SMEs N Larasati, PI Santosa International journal of innovation, Management and Technology 8 (2), 113, 2017 | 104 | 2017 |
Ddos attack detection based on simple ann with smote for iot environment YN Soe, PI Santosa, R Hartanto 2019 fourth international conference on informatics and computing (ICIC), 1-5, 2019 | 101 | 2019 |
Neural network application on foliage plant identification A Kadir, LE Nugroho, A Susanto, PI Santosa arXiv preprint arXiv:1311.5829, 2013 | 100 | 2013 |
Grafika Komputer Dan Antarmuka Grafis: Teknik Penyusunan Program Aplikasi Berbaris Grafis Yang Profesional PI Santosa Andi Offset, 1994 | 98 | 1994 |
Experiments of Zernike moments for leaf identification A Kadir, LE Nugroho, A Susanto, PI Santosa Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology (JATIT) 41 (1), 82-93, 2012 | 87 | 2012 |
Meta-review of augmented reality in education BS Hantono, LE Nugroho, PI Santosa 2018 10th international conference on information technology and electrical …, 2018 | 85 | 2018 |
Review on customer segmentation technique on ecommerce JN Sari, LE Nugroho, R Ferdiana, PI Santosa Advanced Science Letters 22 (10), 3018-3022, 2016 | 85 | 2016 |
Interaksi Manusia dan Komputer Edisi 2 I Santoso Penerbit Andi, 2009 | 85 | 2009 |
Performance improvement of leaf identification system using principal component analysis A Kadir, LE Nugroho, A Susanto, PI Santosa International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology 44 (2), 2012 | 84 | 2012 |
Pengujian Usability Website Menggunakan System Usability Scale Website Usability Testing using System Usability Scale IA HN, PI Santoso, R Ferdiana Jurnal Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Teknologi Komunikasi 17 (1), 31-8, 2015 | 82 | 2015 |
Teknik Digital KF Ibrahim, S Insap (No Title), 1996 | 78 | 1996 |