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Hiçbir yerde sunulmuyor: 3
The relationship between social networks and spatial mobility: A mobile phone–based study in Estonia
A Puura, S Silm, R Ahas
Digital Social Networks and Travel Behaviour in Urban Environments, 72-93, 2019
Zorunlu olanlar: Academy of Finland
GPS data cleaning and analysis based on YouSense mobile application
Q Sun, R Ahas, A Aasa, W Wan, C Yuan
4th International Conference on Smart and Sustainable City (ICSSC 2017), 1-8, 2017
Zorunlu olanlar: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Modeling the dynamic social relations of citizens based on daily GPS data
C Yuan, R Ahas, A Aasa, X Yu, Q Sun
4th International Conference on Smart and Sustainable City (ICSSC 2017), 43-47, 2017
Zorunlu olanlar: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Bir yerde sunuluyor: 8
Everyday space–time geographies: using mobile phone-based sensor data to monitor urban activity in Harbin, Paris, and Tallinn
R Ahas, A Aasa, Y Yuan, M Raubal, Z Smoreda, Y Liu, C Ziemlicki, M Tiru, ...
International Journal of Geographical Information Science 29 (11), 2017-2039, 2015
Zorunlu olanlar: Swiss National Science Foundation
Are younger age groups less segregated? Measuring ethnic segregation in activity spaces using mobile phone data
S Silm, R Ahas, V Mooses
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 44 (11), 1797-1817, 2018
Zorunlu olanlar: Academy of Finland
Generational differences in spatial mobility: A study with mobile phone data
A Masso, S Silm, R Ahas
Population, Space and Place 25 (2), e2210, 2019
Zorunlu olanlar: Academy of Finland, European Commission
The link between ethnic segregation and socio‐economic status: An activity space approach
O Järv, A Masso, S Silm, R Ahas
Tijdschrift voor economische en sociale geografie 112 (3), 319-335, 2021
Zorunlu olanlar: European Commission, Kone Foundation
How does the environmental load of household consumption depend on residential location?
A Poom, R Ahas
Sustainability 8 (9), 799, 2016
Zorunlu olanlar: European Commission
Emergent properties of HIV risk among injection drug users in Tallinn, Estonia: synthesis of individual and neighbourhood-level factors
A Uusküla, JM McMahon, M Raag, S Silm, K Rüütel, A Talu, K Abel-Ollo, ...
Sexually Transmitted Infections 86 (Suppl 3), iii79-iii84, 2010
Zorunlu olanlar: US National Institutes of Health
Edgar Kant, Estonian geography and the reception of Walter Christaller's central place theory, 1933–1960
E Tammiksaar, JS Jauhiainen, T Pae, R Ahas
Journal of Historical Geography 60, 77-88, 2018
Zorunlu olanlar: Academy of Finland
Neighborhood and network segregation: ethnic homophily in a silently separate society
J Blumenstock, O Toomet, R Ahas, E Saluveer
Proc. NetMob, 2015
Zorunlu olanlar: UK Economic and Social Research Council
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