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Yingzhong Tang
Yingzhong Tang
qdio.ac.cn üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
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Alıntı yapanlar
Niche of harmful alga Aureococcus anophagefferens revealed through ecogenomics
CJ Gobler, DL Berry, ST Dyhrman, SW Wilhelm, A Salamov, AV Lobanov, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108 (11), 4352-4357, 2011
Most harmful algal bloom species are vitamin B1 and B12 auxotrophs
YZ Tang, F Koch, CJ Gobler
Proceedings of the national academy of sciences 107 (48), 20756-20761, 2010
Characterization, dynamics, and ecological impacts of harmful Cochlodinium polykrikoides blooms on eastern Long Island, NY, USA
CJ Gobler, DL Berry, OR Anderson, A Burson, F Koch, BS Rodgers, ...
Harmful Algae 7 (3), 293-307, 2008
The green macroalga, Ulva lactuca, inhibits the growth of seven common harmful algal bloom species via allelopathy
YZ Tang, CJ Gobler
Harmful Algae 10 (5), 480-488, 2011
Characterization of the toxicity of Cochlodinium polykrikoides isolates from Northeast US estuaries to finfish and shellfish
YZ Tang, CJ Gobler
Harmful Algae 8 (3), 454-462, 2009
The role of nitrogenous nutrients in the occurrence of harmful algal blooms caused by Cochlodinium polykrikoides in New York estuaries (USA)
CJ Gobler, A Burson, F Koch, Y Tang, MR Mulholland
Harmful Algae 17, 64-74, 2012
Derivation and application of a new model for heavy metal biosorption by algae
KYH Gin, YZ Tang, MA Aziz
Water Research 36 (5), 1313-1323, 2002
Green autofluorescence in dinoflagellates, diatoms, and other microalgae and its implications for vital staining and morphological studies
YZ Tang, FC Dobbs
Applied and environmental microbiology 73 (7), 2306-2313, 2007
Allelopathic effects of Cochlodinium polykrikoides isolates and blooms from the estuaries of Long Island, New York, on co-occurring phytoplankton
YZ Tang, CJ Gobler
Marine Ecology Progress Series 406, 19-31, 2010
The toxic dinoflagellate Cochlodinium polykrikoides (Dinophyceae) produces resting cysts
YZ Tang, CJ Gobler
Harmful Algae 20, 71-80, 2012
Sublethal and killing effects of atmospheric‐pressure, nonthermal plasma on eukaryotic microalgae in aqueous media
YZ Tang, XP Lu, M Laroussi, FC Dobbs
Plasma Processes and Polymers 5 (6), 552-558, 2008
Expansion of harmful brown tides caused by the pelagophyte, Aureoumbra lagunensis DeYoe et Stockwell, to the US east coast
CJ Gobler, F Koch, Y Kang, DL Berry, YZ Tang, M Lasi, L Walters, L Hall, ...
Harmful Algae 27, 29-41, 2013
Emerging harmful algal bloom species over the last four decades in China
H Gu, Y Wu, S Lü, D Lu, YZ Tang, Y Qi
Harmful Algae 111, 102059, 2022
Inhibition of marine coastal bloom-forming phytoplankton by commercially cultivated Gracilaria lemaneiformis (Rhodophyta)
Y Yang, Q Liu, Z Chai, Y Tang
Journal of Applied Phycology 27, 2341-2352, 2015
Cochlodinium polykrikoides blooms and clonal isolates from the northwest Atlantic coast cause rapid mortality in larvae of multiple bivalve species
YZ Tang, CJ Gobler
Marine biology 156 (12), 2601-2611, 2009
Lethal effects of Northwest Atlantic Ocean isolates of the dinoflagellate, Scrippsiella trochoidea, on Eastern oyster (Crassostrea virginica) and Northern quahog (Mercenaria …
YZ Tang, CJ Gobler
Marine Biology 159 (1), 199-210, 2012
Sexual resting cyst production by the dinoflagellate Akashiwo sanguinea: a potential mechanism contributing to the ubiquitous distribution of a harmful alga
YZ Tang, CJ Gobler
Journal of Phycology 51 (2), 298-309, 2015
Deleterious consequences of a red tide dinoflagellate Cochlodinium polykrikoides for the calanoid copepod Acartia tonsa
X Jiang, Y Tang, DJ Lonsdale, CJ Gobler
Marine Ecology Progress Series 390, 105-116, 2009
Dinoflagellate Alexandrium leei (Dinophyceae) from Singapore coastal waters produces a water-soluble ichthyotoxin
YZ Tang, L Kong, MJ Holmes
Marine Biology 150, 541-549, 2007
The ability of the red macroalga, Porphyra purpurea (Rhodophyceae) to inhibit the proliferation of seven common harmful microalgae
YZ Tang, Y Kang, D Berry, CJ Gobler
Journal of applied phycology 27, 531-544, 2015
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