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Marie Hammond
Marie Hammond
Professor of Psychology, Tennessee State University
tnstate.edu üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Reliability and validity of five-level response continua for the Career Decision Self-Efficacy Scale
NE Betz, MS Hammond, KD Multon
Journal of Career Assessment 13 (2), 131-149, 2005
The reliability and factor structure of the career decision self-efficacy scale-SF with African Americans
D Chaney, MS Hammond, NE Betz, KD Multon
Journal of Career Assessment 15 (2), 194-205, 2007
Methodological issues with coding participants in anonymous psychological longitudinal studies
LM Audette, MS Hammond, NK Rochester
Educational and Psychological Measurement 80 (1), 163-185, 2020
The use of the five-factor model of personality as a therapeutic tool in career counseling
MS Hammond
Journal of Career Development 27, 153-165, 2001
Development of the distance from privilege measures: A tool for understanding the persistence of talented women in STEM
BA Kerr, KD Multon, ML Syme, NM Fry, R Owens, M Hammond, ...
Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment 30 (1), 88-102, 2012
A test of the tripartite model of career indecision of Brown and Krane for African Americans incorporating emotional intelligence and positive affect
MS Hammond, JD Lockman, T Boling
Journal of career assessment 18 (2), 161-176, 2010
Super’s work values inventory-revised scale validation for African Americans
MS Hammond, NE Betz, KD Multon, T Irvin
Journal of Career Assessment 18 (3), 266-275, 2010
Career centers and needs assessments: Getting the information you need to increase your success
MS Hammond
Journal of Career Development 27, 187-197, 2001
Validating a measure of stages of change in career development
MS Hammond, T Michael, C Luke
International journal for educational and vocational guidance 17, 39-59, 2017
Persistence of African American Females in Engineering: The Mathematics Identity Factor.
TL McKoy, CD Beane, MO Oyeteju, MS Hammond, SK Hargrove
Urban education research and policy annuals 7 (1), 2020
Differences in career development among first-year students: A proposed typology for intervention planning
MS Hammond
Journal of The First-Year Experience & Students in Transition 29 (2), 45-64, 2017
Career intervention effects on agricultural students’ career development at an 1890 land-grant institution
KA Johnson, TW Broyles, MS Hammond
NACTA Journal 62 (2), 135-141, 2018
Persistence of African American Females in Engineering: The Identity Factor
T McKoy, M Hammond, C Armwood, SK Hargrove
American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Zone 2 conference, San …, 2017
Impact of client personality on presenting problems and symptoms
MS Hammond
University of Missouri-Columbia, 1999
Decent Work and Mental Health During the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Case of Un-/Under-employed Workers
TN Roberts, MS Hammond, MM Morrison, TR Williams, EM Lynch, ...
Swiss Psychology Open: the official journal of the Swiss Psychological …, 2023
Building your career in psychology
MS Hammond, P Brady-Amoon
Routledge, 2021
Retaining Underrepresented Students in Biology: Outcomes of a Culturally Responsive Intervention on Perceptions of Supports and Barriers
CK Smith, AC Young-Seigler, ED Martin, JJ Capretto, MS Hammond
Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering 27 (6), 2021
Short-and Long-Term Outcomes of Two Theoretically Based Career Interventions
S Einarsdottir, MD Björnsdóttir, GB Arnkelsson, MS Hammond, JG Lenz
Nordic Journal of Transitions, Careers and Guidance 5 (1), 2024
Validating the Engineering Fields Questionnaire for Use With African American Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Students
MS Hammond, S Girresch-Ward, N Rochester, JS Lehmann, R Leachman, ...
Journal of Career Assessment 32 (3), 482-503, 2024
Vocational Identity in College Students: Path Analysis of Childhood Attachment, Gender, Age, and Socioeconomic Status
L Strate, T Michael, M Hammond
COUNS-EDU: The International Journal of Counseling and Education 8 (1), 45-53, 2023
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