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Øystein Sæbø
Øystein Sæbø
Professor in Information Systems, University of Agder, Norway
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Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
The shape of eParticipation: Characterizing an emerging research area
Ø Sæbø, J Rose, LS Flak
Government information quarterly 25 (3), 400-428, 2008
Understanding the dynamics in e-Participation initiatives: Looking through the genre and stakeholder lenses
Ø Sæbø, LS Flak, MK Sein
Government information quarterly 28 (3), 416-425, 2011
Stakeholder theory for the E-government context: Framing a value-oriented normative core
J Rose, LS Flak, Ø Sæbø
Government Information Quarterly 35 (3), 362-374, 2018
Models of e-democracy
T Päivärinta, Ø Sæbø
Communications of the Association for Information Systems 17 (1), 37, 2006
Exploring the link between ICT and development in the context of developing countries: A literature review
D Thapa, Ø Sæbø
The Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries 64 (1 …, 2014
A holistic perspective on the theoretical foundations for ICT4D research
MK Sein, D Thapa, M Hatakka, Ø Sæbø
Information Technology for Development 25 (1), 7-25, 2019
Towards understanding the gender digital divide: A systematic literature review
A Acilar, Ø Sæbø
Global knowledge, memory and communication 72 (3), 233-249, 2023
The role of social networking services in eParticipation
Ø Sæbø, J Rose, T Nyvang
Electronic Participation: First International Conference, ePart 2009 Linz …, 2009
Building collective capabilities through ICT in a mountain region of Nepal: where social capital leads to collective action
D Thapa, MK Sein, Ø Sæbø
Information Technology for Development 18 (1), 5-22, 2012
eParticipation: Designing and managing political discussion forums
Ø Sæbø, J Rose, J Molka-Danielsen
Social science computer review 28 (4), 403-426, 2010
The public sector's roles in the sharing economy and the implications for public values
S Hofmann, Ø Sæbø, AM Braccini, S Za
Government Information Quarterly 36 (4), 101399, 2019
Understanding TwitterTM Use among Parliament Representatives: A Genre Analysis
Ø Sæbø
Electronic Participation: Third IFIP WG 8.5 International Conference, ePart …, 2011
Design for social media engagement: Insights from elderly care assistance
P Spagnoletti, A Resca, Ø Sæbø
The Journal of Strategic Information Systems 24 (2), 128-145, 2015
Opportunities and challenges of digitized discretionary practices: a public service worker perspective
PA Busch, HZ Henriksen, Ø Sæbø
Government Information Quarterly 35 (4), 547-556, 2018
Designing deliberation systems
J Rose, Ø Sæbø
The information society 26 (3), 228-240, 2010
Citizens AND HYdrology (CANDHY): conceptualizing a transdisciplinary framework for citizen science addressing hydrological challenges
F Nardi, C Cudennec, T Abrate, C Allouch, A Annis, T Assumpção, ...
Hydrological Sciences Journal 67 (16), 2534-2551, 2022
Combining social media affordances for organising collective action
Ø Sæbø, T Federici, AM Braccini
Information Systems Journal 30 (4), 699-732, 2020
‘Gentlemen, all aboard!’ICT and party politics: Reflections from a Mass-eParticipation experience
T Federici, AM Braccini, Ø Sæbø
Government Information Quarterly 32 (3), 287-298, 2015
Social media as public sphere: a stakeholder perspective
MR Johannessen, Ø Sæbø, LS Flak
Transforming Government: People, Process and Policy 10 (2), 212-238, 2016
The role telecentres play in providing e‐government services in rural areas
B Furuholt, Ø Sæbø
The Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries 84 (1), 2018
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