Kamu erişimi zorunlu olan makaleler - Andrew Kylander-ClarkDaha fazla bilgi edinin
Hiçbir yerde sunulmuyor: 12
Proterozoic reworking of Archean (Yilgarn) basement in the Bunger Hills, east Antarctica
NM Tucker, JL Payne, C Clark, M Hand, RJM Taylor, ARC Kylander-Clark, ...
Precambrian Research 298, 16-38, 2017
Zorunlu olanlar: Australian Research Council
Interpreting titanite U–Pb dates and Zr thermobarometry in high-grade rocks: empirical constraints on elemental diffusivities of Pb, Al, Fe, Zr, Nb, and Ce
RM Holder, BR Hacker, GGE Seward, ARC Kylander-Clark
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 174, 1-19, 2019
Zorunlu olanlar: US National Science Foundation
Partial melting of ultrahigh-pressure eclogite by omphacite-breakdown facilitates exhumation of deeply-subducted crust
P Feng, L Wang, M Brown, TE Johnson, A Kylander-Clark, PM Piccoli
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 554, 116664, 2021
Zorunlu olanlar: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Growth and fluid-assisted alteration of accessory phases before, during and after Rodinia breakup: U-Pb geochronology from the Moine Supergroup rocks of northern Scotland
CA Mako, RD Law, MJ Caddick, A Kylander-Clark, JR Thigpen, KT Ashley, ...
Precambrian Research 355, 106089, 2021
Zorunlu olanlar: US National Science Foundation
Dissolution-reprecipitation metasomatism and growth of zircon within phosphatic garnet in metapelites from western Massachusetts
EM Peterman, DR Snoeyenbos, MJ Jercinovic, A Kylander-Clark
American Mineralogist 101 (8), 1792-1806, 2016
Zorunlu olanlar: US National Science Foundation
Eclogite subduction wedge intruded by arc-type magma: The earliest record of Variscan arc in the Bohemian Massif
P Deiller, P Štípská, M Ulrich, K Schulmann, S Collett, V Peřestý, B Hacker, ...
Gondwana Research 99, 220-246, 2021
Zorunlu olanlar: US National Science Foundation
Finite pattern of Barrovian metamorphic zones: interplay between thermal reequilibration and post-peak deformation during continental collision—insights from the Svratka dome …
P Štípská, K Schulmann, M Racek, JM Lardeaux, BR Hacker, ...
International Journal of Earth Sciences 109, 1161-1187, 2020
Zorunlu olanlar: US National Science Foundation
No sediment transport across the Tethys ocean during the latest Cretaceous: detrital zircon record from the Pontides and the Anatolide–Tauride Block
AI Okay, ARC Kylander‐Clark
International Journal of Earth Sciences 112 (3), 999-1022, 2023
Zorunlu olanlar: Türkiye Bilimsel ve Teknolojik Araştırma Kurumu
A plate tectonic view from the top of the world
KP Larson, JM Cottle, A Kylander‐Clark, D Lageson
Terra nova 34 (3), 224-230, 2022
Zorunlu olanlar: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
In-situ calcite U-Pb ages and absolute timing of oil charge events: A case study of ultra-deep carbonate reservoirs in the Shunbei oilfield, Tarim basin, Northwest China
F Cong, J Tian, F Hao, Q Wang, ARC Kylander-Clark, Z Cao
Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 259, 105904, 2024
Zorunlu olanlar: National Natural Science Foundation of China
U–Pb ages and paleoenvironmental evolution of the guanchín formation (neogene fiambalá foreland basin), Central Andes, Argentina
MN Deri, PL Ciccioli, WH Amidon, SA Marenssi, A Kylander-Clark
Journal of South American Earth Sciences 132, 104629, 2023
Zorunlu olanlar: Government of Argentina
Late Neoproterozoic tholeiitic plutonism in far-east Avalonia (the Dirgine Batholith, Istanbul Zone): Exposed mid-crustal section of an oceanic arc
S Yılmazer, G Topuz, AI Okay, ARC Kylander‐Clark
Precambrian Research 410, 107475, 2024
Zorunlu olanlar: Türkiye Bilimsel ve Teknolojik Araştırma Kurumu
Bir yerde sunuluyor: 77
The onset of the Dead Sea transform based on calcite age-strain analyses
P Nuriel, R Weinberger, ARC Kylander-Clark, BR Hacker, JP Craddock
Geology 45 (7), 587-590, 2017
Zorunlu olanlar: US National Science Foundation
Cenozoic deep crust in the Pamir
J Schmidt, BR Hacker, L Ratschbacher, K Stübner, M Stearns, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 312 (3-4), 411-421, 2011
Zorunlu olanlar: German Research Foundation
Titanite petrochronology of the Pamir gneiss domes: Implications for middle to deep crust exhumation and titanite closure to Pb and Zr diffusion
MA Stearns, BR Hacker, L Ratschbacher, D Rutte, ARC Kylander‐Clark
Tectonics 34 (4), 784-802, 2015
Zorunlu olanlar: German Research Foundation
Nanogeochronology of discordant zircon measured by atom probe microscopy of Pb-enriched dislocation loops
EM Peterman, SM Reddy, DW Saxey, DR Snoeyenbos, WDA Rickard, ...
Science advances 2 (9), e1601318, 2016
Zorunlu olanlar: US National Science Foundation, Australian Research Council
Trace element characterisation of MAD‐559 zircon reference material for ion microprobe analysis
MA Coble, JA Vazquez, AP Barth, J Wooden, D Burns, A Kylander‐Clark, ...
Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research 42 (4), 481-497, 2018
Zorunlu olanlar: US National Science Foundation
Controls on trace element uptake in metamorphic titanite: Implications for petrochronology
JM Garber, BR Hacker, ARC Kylander-Clark, M Stearns, G Seward
Journal of Petrology 58 (6), 1031-1057, 2017
Zorunlu olanlar: US National Science Foundation
Synchronous Oligocene–Miocene metamorphism of the Pamir and the north Himalaya driven by plate-scale dynamics
MA Stearns, BR Hacker, L Ratschbacher, J Lee, JM Cottle, ...
Geology 41 (10), 1071-1074, 2013
Zorunlu olanlar: German Research Foundation
Focused radiogenic heating of middle crust caused ultrahigh temperatures in southern Madagascar
F Horton, B Hacker, A Kylander‐Clark, R Holder, N Jöns
Tectonics 35 (2), 293-314, 2016
Zorunlu olanlar: US National Science Foundation
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