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Konstantinos Andrianopoulos
Konstantinos Andrianopoulos
Civil Engineer, Ph.D.
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Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Bounding surface plasticity model for the seismic liquefaction analysis of geostructures
KI Andrianopoulos, AG Papadimitriou, GD Bouckovalas
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 30 (10), 895-911, 2010
A critical state interpretation for the cyclic liquefaction resistance of silty sands
GD Bouckovalas, KI Andrianopoulos, AG Papadimitriou
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 23 (2), 115-125, 2003
Numerical analysis of liquefaction-induced bearing capacity degradation of shallow foundations on a two-layered soil profile
DK Karamitros, GD Bouckovalas, YK Chaloulos, KI Andrianopoulos
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 44, 90-101, 2013
Explicit integration of bounding surface model for the analysis of earthquake soil liquefaction
KI Andrianopoulos, AG Papadimitriou, GD Bouckovalas
International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics …, 2010
Analysis of circular tunnels due to seismic P-wave propagation, with emphasis on unreinforced concrete liners
GP Kouretzis, KI Andrianopoulos, SW Sloan, JP Carter
Computers and Geotechnics 55, 187-194, 2014
Methodology for estimating seismic coefficients for performance-based design of earthdams and tall embankments
AG Papadimitriou, GD Bouckovalas, KI Andrianopoulos
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 56, 57-73, 2014
Insight into the seismic response of earth dams with an emphasis on seismic coefficient estimation
KI Andrianopoulos, AG Papadimitriou, GD Bouckovalas, DK Karamitros
Computers and Geotechnics 55, 195-210, 2014
A critical state evaluation of fines effect on liquefaction potential
KI Andrianopoulos, GD Bouckovalas, AG Papadimitriou
University of Missouri--Rolla, 2001
Use of a new bounding surface model for the analysis of earthquake-induced liquefaction phenomena
KI Andrianopoulos, AG Papadimitriou, GD Bouckovalas
Proceedings, 4th International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical …, 2007
Bounding surface models of sands: pitfalls of mapping rules for cyclic loading
KI Andrianopoulos, AG Papadimitriou, GD Bouckovalas
Proceedings, 11th international conference on computer methods and advances …, 2005
Effective stress analysis for the seismic response of shallow foundations on llquefiable sand
KI Andrianopoulos, GD Bouckovalas, DK Karamitros, AG Papadimitriou
Numerical methods in geotechnical engineering, 211-216, 2006
Numerical modeling of static and dynamic behavior of elastoplastic soils
KI Andrianopoulos
Doctorate Thesis, 2006
Simulation of seismic response of passively stabilised sand
KI Andrianopoulos, GI Agapoulaki, AG Papadimitriou
Geotechnical Research 3 (2), 40-53, 2016
Pseudo static vs. performance based seismic bearing capacity of footings on liquefiable soil
GD Bouckovalas, AI Valsamis, KI Andrianopoulos
Proceedings of the TC4 Satellite Confer., 16th ICSMGE, Osaka, 22-29, 2005
Implementation of a bounding surface model for seismic response of sands
KI Andrianopoulos, AG Papadimitriou, GD Bouckovalas
Proceedings of the 4th International FLAC Symposium on Numerical Modeling in …, 2006
Improved methodology for estimating seismic coefficients for the pseudo-static stability analysis of earth dams
AG Papadimitriou, KI Andrianopoulos, GD Bouckovalas, ...
Missouri University of Science and Technology, 2010
Efficient numerical modeling of liquefaction-induced deformations of soil structures
A Papadimitriou, K Andrianopoulos, G Bouckovalas
Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics IV, 1-10, 2008
Numerical analysis of geostructures in a liquefaction regime
KI Andrianopoulos, AG Papadimitriou, GD Bouckovalas
Proceedings, 1st European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and …, 2006
Numerical analysis of the seismic response of sand passively stabilized against liquefaction
KI Andrianopoulos, GI Agapoulaki, AG Papadimitriou
Phenomenological simulation of the seismic response of ground stabilized with colloidal silica
AG Papadimitriou, GI Agapoulaki, KI Andrianopoulos
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