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Pamela Perrewe
Pamela Perrewe
fsu.edu üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Political skill in organizations
GR Ferris, DC Treadway, PL Perrewé, RL Brouer, C Douglas, S Lux
Journal of management 33 (3), 290-320, 2007
The role of social support in the stressor-strain relationship: An examination of work-family conflict
DS Carlson, PL Perrewé
Journal of management 25 (4), 513-540, 1999
An empirical examination of individual traits as antecedents to computer anxiety and computer self-efficacy
JB Thatcher, PL Perrewe
MIS quarterly, 381-396, 2002
Burnout in health care: The role of the five factors of personality
KL Zellars, PL Perrewe, WA Hochwarter
Journal of applied social psychology 30 (8), 1570-1598, 2000
Political skill at work
GR Ferris, PL Perrewé, WP Anthony, DC Gilmore
Organizational influence processes, 395-406, 2016
The effect of item content overlap on Organizational Commitment Questionnaire–turnover cognitions relationships.
DP Bozeman, PL Perrewé
Journal of applied psychology 86 (1), 161, 2001
Affective personality and the content of emotional social support: coping in organizations.
KL Zellars, PL Perrewé
Journal of Applied Psychology 86 (3), 459, 2001
Perceived organizational support as a mediator of the relationship between politics perceptions and work outcomes
WA Hochwarter, C Kacmar, PL Perrewe, D Johnson
Journal of Vocational behavior 63 (3), 438-456, 2003
An examination of attributions and emotions in the transactional approach to the organizational stress process
PL Perrewé, KL Zellars
Journal of organizational behavior 20 (5), 739-752, 1999
Neutralizing job stressors: Political skill as an antidote to the dysfunctional consequences of role conflict
PL Perrewé, KL Zellars, GR Ferris, AM Rossi, CJ Kacmar, DA Ralston
Academy of Management Journal 47 (1), 141-152, 2004
Do politics perceptions relate to political behaviors? Tests of an implicit assumption and expanded model
M Valle, PL Perrewe
Human relations 53 (3), 359-386, 2000
Managerial decision-making under crisis: The role of emotion in an intuitive decision process
L Sayegh, WP Anthony, PL Perrewé
Human resource management review 14 (2), 179-199, 2004
Institutionalization of organizational ethics through transformational leadership
DS Carlson, PL Perrewe
Journal of business ethics 14, 829-838, 1995
Strategic human resource management
WR Anthony, PL Perrewe, KM Kacmar
Dryden Press, 1996
Political skill at work: Impact on work effectiveness
GR Ferris
Hachette UK, 2011
Implicit sources of bias in employment interview judgments and decisions
SLS Purkiss, PL Perrewé, TL Gillespie, BT Mayes, GR Ferris
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 101 (2), 152-167, 2006
Political skill: An antidote for workplace stressors
PL Perrewé, GR Ferris, DD Frink, WP Anthony
Academy of Management Perspectives 14 (3), 115-123, 2000
Human resource management: A strategic approach
WP Anthony, PL Perrewe, KM Kacmar
Cengage Learning, 1999
An examination of beliefs about older workers: Do stereotypes still exist?
BL Hassell, PL Perrewe
Journal of organizational behavior 16 (5), 457-468, 1995
What did you expect? An examination of career-related support and social support among mentors and protégés
AM Young, PL Perrewe
Journal of Management 26 (4), 611-632, 2000
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