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peter bamberger
peter bamberger
Tel Aviv University, Cornell University
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Alıntı yapanlar
COVID-19 and the workplace: Implications, issues, and insights for future research and action.
KM Kniffin, J Narayanan, F Anseel, J Antonakis, SP Ashford, AB Bakker, ...
American psychologist 76 (1), 63, 2021
Work‐home conflict among nurses and engineers: Mediating the impact of role stress on burnout and satisfaction at work
SB Bacharach, P Bamberger, S Conley
Journal of organizational Behavior 12 (1), 39-53, 1991
From the editors beyond contextualization: Using context theories to narrow the micro-macro gap in management research
P Bamberger
Academy of Management Journal 51 (5), 839-846, 2008
Human resource strategy: Formulation, implementation, and impact
M Biron, C Boon, PA Bamberger
Routledge, 2014
The organizational transformation process: The micropolitics of dissonance reduction and the alignment of logics of action
SB Bacharach, P Bamberger, WJ Sonnenstuhl
Administrative Science Quarterly, 477-506, 1996
Abusive supervision and subordinate problem drinking: Taking resistance, stress and subordinate personality into account
PA Bamberger, SB Bacharach
Human Relations 59 (6), 723-752, 2006
The impact of rudeness on medical team performance: a randomized trial
A Riskin, A Erez, TA Foulk, A Kugelman, A Gover, I Shoris, KS Riskin, ...
Pediatrics 136 (3), 487-495, 2015
Moving forward by looking back: Reclaiming unconventional research contexts and samples in organizational scholarship
PA Bamberger, MG Pratt
Academy of management journal 53 (4), 665-671, 2010
The dimensionality of decision participation in educational organizations: The value of a multi-domain evaluative approach
SB Bacharach, P Bamberger, SC Conley, S Bauer
Educational Administration Quarterly 26 (2), 126-167, 1990
The antecedents and consequences of union commitment: A meta-analysis
PA Bamberger, AN Kluger, R Suchard
Academy of Management Journal 42 (3), 304-318, 1999
Diversity and homophily at work: Supportive relations among white and African-American peers
SB Bacharach, PA Bamberger, D Vashdi
Academy of Management Journal 48 (4), 619-644, 2005
Employee help-seeking: Antecedents, consequences and new insights for future research
P Bamberger
Research in personnel and human resources management, 49-98, 2009
Work processes, role conflict, and role overload: The case of nurses and engineers in the public sector
SB Bacharach, P Bamberger, SC Conley
Work and Occupations 17 (2), 199-228, 1990
Firefighters, critical incidents, and drinking to cope: the adequacy of unit-level performance resources as a source of vulnerability and protection.
SB Bacharach, PA Bamberger, E Doveh
Journal of Applied Psychology 93 (1), 155, 2008
9/11 and New York City firefighters' post hoc unit support and control climates: A context theory of the consequences of involvement in traumatic work-related events
SB Bacharach, PA Bamberger
Academy of Management Journal 50 (4), 849-868, 2007
Driven to drink: Managerial control, work-related risk factors, and employee problem drinking
SB Bacharach, PA Bamberger, WJ Sonnenstuhl
Academy of Management Journal 45 (4), 637-658, 2002
Can surgical teams ever learn? The role of coordination, complexity, and transitivity in action team learning
DR Vashdi, PA Bamberger, M Erez
Academy of Management Journal 56 (4), 945-971, 2013
Alcohol consumption and workplace absenteeism: the moderating effect of social support.
SB Bacharach, P Bamberger, M Biron
Journal of Applied Psychology 95 (2), 334, 2010
Empowerment cognitions and empowerment acts: Recognizing the importance of gender
D Eylon, P Bamberger
Group & Organization Management 25 (4), 354-372, 2000
AMD—Clarifying what we are about and where we are going
PA Bamberger
Academy of management discoveries 4 (1), 1-10, 2018
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