Kamu erişimi zorunlu olan makaleler - Gregory G DeierleinDaha fazla bilgi edinin
Hiçbir yerde sunulmuyor: 11
Behavior of screw and adhesive connections to gypsum wallboard in wood and cold-formed steel-framed wallettes
S Swensen, GG Deierlein, E Miranda
Journal of Structural Engineering 142 (4), E4015002, 2016
Zorunlu olanlar: US National Science Foundation
Seismic performance assessment of steel corrugated shear wall system using non-linear analysis
LG Vigh, GG Deierlein, E Miranda, AB Liel, S Tipping
Journal of Constructional Steel Research 85, 48-59, 2013
Zorunlu olanlar: Hungarian Scientific Research Fund
Calibration of continuum cyclic constitutive models for structural steel using particle swarm optimization
C Smith, A Kanvinde, G Deierlein
Journal of Engineering Mechanics 143 (5), 04017012, 2017
Zorunlu olanlar: US National Science Foundation
Validation of the SCEC broadband platform simulations for tall building risk assessments considering spectral shape and duration of the ground motion
N Bijelić, T Lin, GG Deierlein
Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics 47 (11), 2233-2251, 2018
Zorunlu olanlar: US National Science Foundation
Capacity design procedure for rocking braced frames using modified modal superposition method
A Martin, GG Deierlein, X Ma
Journal of Structural Engineering 145 (6), 04019041, 2019
Zorunlu olanlar: US National Science Foundation
Evaluation of building collapse risk and drift demands by nonlinear structural analyses using conventional hazard analysis versus direct simulation with CyberShake seismograms
N Bijelić, T Lin, GG Deierlein
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 109 (5), 1812-1828, 2019
Zorunlu olanlar: US National Science Foundation
Effective incremental ground velocity for estimating the peak sliding displacement of rigid structures to pulse-like earthquake ground motions
E Jampole, E Miranda, G Deierlein
Journal of Engineering Mechanics 144 (12), 04018113, 2018
Zorunlu olanlar: US National Science Foundation
Verification of void growth-based exponential damage function for ductile crack initiation over the full range of stress triaxialities
X Liu, S Yan, KJR Rasmussen, GG Deierlein
Engineering Fracture Mechanics 269, 108571, 2022
Zorunlu olanlar: Australian Research Council, National Natural Science Foundation of China
Parametric study of seismic isolation properties for light-frame houses
E Jampole, S Swensen, E Miranda, GG Deierlein
Journal of Structural Engineering 146 (10), 04020207, 2020
Zorunlu olanlar: US National Science Foundation
Strengths and fracture strains of weld and HAZ in welded connections
X Liu, S Yan, KJR Rasmussen, GG Deierlein
School of Civil Engineering, University of Sydney, 2023
Zorunlu olanlar: Australian Research Council, National Natural Science Foundation of China
Preliminary results of a cost-benefit assessment of replacing Seismically vulnerable non-ductile reinforced concrete frame structures
AB Liel, GG Deierlein
Improving the Seismic Performance of Existing Buildings and Other Structures …, 2019
Zorunlu olanlar: US National Science Foundation
Bir yerde sunuluyor: 51
Quantifying the influence of ground motion duration on structural collapse capacity using spectrally equivalent records
R Chandramohan, JW Baker, GG Deierlein
Earthquake Spectra 32 (2), 927-950, 2016
Zorunlu olanlar: US National Science Foundation
Framework for incorporating probabilistic building performance in the assessment of community seismic resilience
HV Burton, G Deierlein, D Lallemant, T Lin
Journal of Structural Engineering 142 (8), C4015007, 2016
Zorunlu olanlar: US National Science Foundation
Calibration of model to simulate response of reinforced concrete beam-columns to collapse
CB Haselton, AB Liel, SC Taylor-Lange, GG Deierlein
ACI Structural Journal 113 (6), 1141-1152, 2016
Zorunlu olanlar: US National Science Foundation
Proposed updates to the ASCE 41 nonlinear modeling parameters for wide-flange steel columns in support of performance-based seismic engineering
DG Lignos, AR Hartloper, A Elkady, GG Deierlein, R Hamburger
Journal of Structural Engineering 145 (9), 04019083, 2019
Zorunlu olanlar: Swiss National Science Foundation
Quantifying the impacts of modeling uncertainties on the seismic drift demands and collapse risk of buildings with implications on seismic design checks
BU Gokkaya, JW Baker, GG Deierlein
Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics 45 (10), 1661-1683, 2016
Zorunlu olanlar: US National Science Foundation
Effective plans for hospital system response to earthquake emergencies
L Ceferino, J Mitrani-Reiser, A Kiremidjian, G Deierlein, C Bambarén
Nature communications 11 (1), 4325, 2020
Zorunlu olanlar: US National Science Foundation
A cloud-enabled application framework for simulating regional-scale impacts of natural hazards on the built environment
GG Deierlein, F McKenna, A Zsarnóczay, T Kijewski-Correa, A Kareem, ...
Frontiers in Built Environment 6, 558706, 2020
Zorunlu olanlar: US National Science Foundation
Full-scale dynamic testing of a sliding seismically isolated unibody house
E Jampole, G Deierlein, E Miranda, B Fell, S Swensen, C Acevedo
Earthquake Spectra 32 (4), 2245-2270, 2016
Zorunlu olanlar: US National Science Foundation
Structural topology optimization of tall buildings for dynamic seismic excitation using modal decomposition
A Martin, GG Deierlein
Engineering Structures 216, 110717, 2020
Zorunlu olanlar: US National Science Foundation
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