Single-shot readout of a single nuclear spin P Neumann, J Beck, M Steiner, F Rempp, H Fedder, PR Hemmer, ...
Science 329 (5991), 542-544, 2010
798 2010 Quantum register based on coupled electron spins in a room-temperature solid P Neumann, R Kolesov, B Naydenov, J Beck, F Rempp, M Steiner, ...
Nature Physics 6 (4), 249-253, 2010
612 2010 Universal enhancement of the optical readout fidelity of single electron spins at nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond M Steiner, P Neumann, J Beck, F Jelezko, J Wrachtrup
Physical Review B 81 (3), 035205, 2010
284 2010 Dark states of single nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond unraveled by single shot NMR G Waldherr, J Beck, M Steiner, P Neumann, A Gali, T Frauenheim, ...
Physical review letters 106 (15), 157601, 2011
253 2011 Single ion coupled to an optical fiber cavity M Steiner, HM Meyer, C Deutsch, J Reichel, M Köhl
Physical review letters 110 (4), 043003, 2013
157 2013 Enhanced generation of single optically active spins in diamond by ion implantation B Naydenov, V Richter, J Beck, M Steiner, P Neumann, ...
Applied Physics Letters 96 (16), 163108, 2010
138 2010 Direct photonic coupling of a semiconductor quantum dot and a trapped ion HM Meyer, R Stockill, M Steiner, C Le Gall, C Matthiesen, E Clarke, ...
Physical review letters 114 (12), 123001, 2015
100 2015 Time-resolved scattering of a single photon by a single atom V Leong, MA Seidler, M Steiner, A Cerè, C Kurtsiefer
Nature communications 7, 13716, 2016
65 2016 Photon emission and absorption of a single ion coupled to an optical-fiber cavity M Steiner, HM Meyer, J Reichel, M Köhl
Physical review letters 113 (26), 263003, 2014
30 2014 Nonlinear photon-atom coupling with 4Pi microscopy YS Chin, M Steiner, C Kurtsiefer
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28 2017 Laser spectroscopy and cooling of Yb ions on a deep-UV transition HM Meyer, M Steiner, L Ratschbacher, C Zipkes, M Köhl
Physical Review A 85 (1), 012502, 2012
28 2012 Polarization gradient cooling of single atoms in optical dipole traps YS Chin, M Steiner, C Kurtsiefer
Physical Review A 96 (3), 033406, 2017
24 2017 Single atoms coupled to a near-concentric cavity CH Nguyen, AN Utama, N Lewty, K Durak, G Maslennikov, S Straupe, ...
Physical Review A 96 (3), 031802, 2017
20 2017 Photon bandwidth dependence of light-matter interaction M Steiner, V Leong, MA Seidler, A Cerè, C Kurtsiefer
Optics Express 25 (6), 6294-6301, 2017
12 2017 Quantifying the role of thermal motion in free-space light-atom interaction YS Chin, M Steiner, C Kurtsiefer
Physical Review A 95 (4), 043809, 2017
11 2017 A single ion inside a miniature cavity M Steiner
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4 2014 Towards diamond-based quantum computers M Steiner
4 2009 Transmission spectroscopy of a single atom in the presence of tensor light shifts M Steiner, YS Chin, C Kurtsiefer
New Journal of Physics 21 (2), 023012, 2019
2 2019 Single shot NMR on single, dark nuclear spins G Waldherr, P Neumann, J Beck, J Wrachtrup, F Jelezko, A Gali, ...
2 2010 Nonlinear photon-atom coupling in free space M Steiner, YS Chin, C Kurtsiefer
Quantum Technologies 2018 10674, 106740V, 2018