Takip et
Sujit Kumar Bala
Sujit Kumar Bala
Professor, Bangladesh University of Engg. and Technology (BUET)
iwfm.buet.ac.bd üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Mapping of climate vulnerability of the coastal region of Bangladesh using principal component analysis
MN Uddin, AKMS Islam, SK Bala, GMT Islam, S Adhikary, D Saha, ...
Applied geography 102, 47-57, 2019
Satellite altimeter‐derived monthly discharge of the Ganga‐Brahmaputra River and its seasonal to interannual variations from 1993 to 2008
F Papa, F Durand, WB Rossow, A Rahman, SK Bala
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 115 (C12), 2010
Ganga‐Brahmaputra river discharge from Jason‐2 radar altimetry: an update to the long‐term satellite‐derived estimates of continental freshwater forcing flux into the Bay of Bengal
F Papa, SK Bala, RK Pandey, F Durand, VV Gopalakrishna, A Rahman, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 117 (C11), 2012
Flood inundation map of Bangladesh using MODIS time‐series images
AS Islam, SK Bala, MA Haque
Journal of Flood Risk Management 3 (3), 210-222, 2010
Sustainability of groundwater use for irrigation of dry-season crops in northwest Bangladesh
NC Dey, R Saha, M Parvez, SK Bala, AKMS Islam, JK Paul, M Hossain
Groundwater for Sustainable Development 4, 66-77, 2017
Satellite-derived surface and sub-surface water storage in the Ganges–Brahmaputra River Basin
F Papa, F Frappart, Y Malbeteau, M Shamsudduha, V Vuruputur, ...
Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies 4, 15-35, 2015
Correlation between potato yield and MODIS‐derived vegetation indices
SK Bala, AS Islam
International Journal of Remote Sensing 30 (10), 2491-2507, 2009
Regional changes of precipitation and temperature over Bangladesh using bias‐corrected multi‐model ensemble projections considering high‐emission pathways
MGR Fahad, AKM Saiful Islam, R Nazari, M Alfi Hasan, GM Tarekul Islam, ...
International Journal of Climatology, 1634-1648, 2018
Preliminary assessment of SARAL/AltiKa observations over the Ganges-Brahmaputra and Irrawaddy Rivers
F Frappart, F Papa, V Marieu, Y Malbeteau, F Jordy, S Calmant, F Durand, ...
Marine Geodesy 38 (sup1), 568-580, 2015
Impact of Ganges–Brahmaputra interannual discharge variations on Bay of Bengal salinity and temperature during 1992–1999 period
F Durand, F Papa, A Rahman, SK Bala
Journal of earth system science 120, 859-872, 2011
Hydrologic characteristics of floods in Ganges–Brahmaputra–Meghna (GBM) delta
AS Islam, A Haque, SK Bala
Natural Hazards 54, 797-811, 2010
Extreme flows and water availability of the Brahmaputra River under 1.5 and 2 C global warming scenarios
K Mohammed, AS Islam, GMT Islam, L Alfieri, SK Bala, MJU Khan
Climatic Change 145, 159-175, 2017
Performance of coastal structures during Cyclone Sidr
AS Islam, SK Bala, MA Hussain, MA Hossain, MM Rahman
Natural Hazards Review 12 (3), 111-116, 2011
Future floods in Bangladesh under 1.5 C, 2 C, and 4 C global warming scenarios
K Mohammed, AKMS Islam, GMT Islam, L Alfieri, MJU Khan, SK Bala, ...
Journal of Hydrologic Engineering 23 (12), 04018050, 2018
Changes in climate extremes over Bangladesh at 1.5 C, 2 C, and 4 C of global warming with high-resolution regional climate modeling
MJU Khan, AKMS Islam, SK Bala, GMT Islam
Theoretical and Applied Climatology 140, 1451-1466, 2020
Sustainability of groundwater use for irrigation in northwest Bangladesh
NC Dey, SK Bala, A Islam, MA Rashid, M Hossain
Policy Report prepared under the National Food Policy Capacity Strengthening …, 2013
Assessment of potato phenological characteristics using MODIS-derived NDVI and LAI information
AS Islam, SK Bala
Giscience & remote sensing 45 (4), 454-470, 2008
Impact of high-end climate change on floods and low flows of the Brahmaputra River
K Mohammed, AKM Saiful Islam, GM Tarekul Islam, L Alfieri, SK Bala, ...
Journal of Hydrologic Engineering 22 (10), 04017041, 2017
Observed trends in climate extremes over Bangladesh from 1981 to 2010
MJU Khan, AKMS Islam, MK Das, K Mohammed, SK Bala, GMT Islam
Climate Research 77 (1), 45-61, 2019
Impact of 1998 flood on Dhaka city and performance of flood control works
JU Chowdhury, R Rahman, SK Bala, A Islam
Dhaka, Institute of flood control and drainage research, 1998
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