Takip et
M. Anwar Hossain
M. Anwar Hossain
Associate Professor, School of Computing, Queen's University, Canada
queensu.ca üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Multimodal fusion for multimedia analysis: a survey
PK Atrey, MA Hossain, A El Saddik, MS Kankanhalli
Multimedia Systems 16 (6), 345-379, 2010
A survey on sensor-cloud: architecture, applications, and approaches
A Alamri, WS Ansari, MM Hassan, MS Hossain, A Alelaiwi, MA Hossain
International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks 9 (2), 917923, 2013
Estimating VR Sickness and user experience using different HMD technologies: An evaluation study
A Somrak, I Humar, MS Hossain, MF Alhamid, MA Hossain, J Guna
Future Generation Computer Systems 94, 302-316, 2019
Adaptive and context-aware service composition for IoT-based smart cities
A Urbieta, A González-Beltrán, SB Mokhtar, MA Hossain, L Capra
Future Generation Computer Systems 76, 262-274, 2017
From the service-oriented architecture to the web API economy
W Tan, Y Fan, A Ghoneim, MA Hossain, S Dustdar
IEEE Internet Computing 20 (4), 64-68, 2016
A Triaxial Accelerometer-Based Human Activity Recognition via EEMD-Based Features and Game-Theory-Based Feature Selection
Z Wang, D Wu, J Chen, A Ghoneim, MA Hossain
IEEE Sensors Journal 16 (9), 3198 - 3207, 2016
Edge computing framework for enabling situation awareness in IoT based smart city
SKA Hossain, MA Rahman, MA Hossain
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 122, 226-237, 2018
Virtual Caregiver: An Ambient-Aware Elderly Monitoring System
MA Hossain, DT Ahmed
Information Technology in Biomedicine, IEEE Transactions on 16 (6), 1024 - 1031, 2012
Exploring Latent Preferences for Context-Aware Personalized Recommendation Systems
MF Alhamid, M Rawashdeh, H Dong, MA Hossain, A El Saddik
IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems 46 (4), 615 - 623, 2016
Smart mirror for ambient home environment
MA Hossain, PK Atrey, A El Saddik
Conference Smart Mirror for Ambient Home Environment, 24-25, 2007
Evaluating the impact of a cloud-based serious game on obese people
A Alamri, MM Hassan, MA Hossain, M Al-Qurishi, Y Aldukhayyil, ...
Computers in Human Behavior 30, 468-475, 2014
Robust RGB-D hand tracking using deep learning priors
J Sanchez-Riera, K Srinivasan, KL Hua, WH Cheng, MA Hossain, ...
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology 28 (9), 2289-2301, 2017
Botanical internet of things: Toward smart indoor farming by connecting people, plant, data and clouds
J Yang, M Liu, J Lu, Y Miao, MA Hossain, MF Alhamid
Mobile Networks and Applications 23, 188-202, 2018
Motion-path based gesture interaction with smart home services
ASMM Rahman, MA Hossain, J Parra, A El Saddik
Proceedings of the 17th ACM international conference on Multimedia, 761-764, 2009
Early-stage risk prediction of non-communicable disease using machine learning in health CPS
R Ferdousi, MA Hossain, A El Saddik
IEEE Access 9, 96823-96837, 2021
Framework for a Cloud-based Multimedia Surveillance System
MA Hossain
International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, 2014
Flexible smart home architecture using device profile for web services: A peer-to-peer approach
J Parra, MA Hossain, A Uribarren, E Jacob, A El Saddik
International Journal of Smart Home 3 (2), 39-56, 2009
A framework of adaptive interaction support in cloud-based internet of things (IoT) environment
N Alhakbani, MM Hassan, MA Hossain, M Alnuem
Internet and Distributed Computing Systems: 7th International Conference …, 2014
Situation Awareness in Ambient Assisted Living for Smart Healthcare
MN Alkhomsan, MA Hossain, SMM Rahman, M Masud
IEEE Access 5 (1), 2017
Modeling and assessing quality of information in multisensor multimedia monitoring systems
MA Hossain, PK Atrey, AE Saddik
ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications …, 2011
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