Teachers' Pedagogical Thinking: Theoretical Landscapes, Practical Challenges P Kansanen, K Tirri, M Meri, L Krokfors, J Husu, R Jyrhämä Peter Lang, 2000 | 399 | 2000 |
The last 40 years in Finnish teacher education K Tirri Journal of education for teaching 40 (5), 600-609, 2014 | 317 | 2014 |
In search of a growth mindset pedagogy: A case study of one teacher's classroom practices in a Finnish elementary school I Rissanen, E Kuusisto, M Tuominen, K Tirri Teaching and teacher education 77, 204-213, 2019 | 305 | 2019 |
Teachers' perceptions of moral dilemmas at school K Tirri Journal of Moral Education 28 (1), 31-47, 1999 | 279 | 1999 |
Adolescents' implicit theories predict desire for vengeance after peer conflicts: correlational and experimental evidence. DS Yeager, KH Trzesniewski, K Tirri, P Nokelainen, CS Dweck Developmental psychology 47 (4), 1090, 2011 | 277 | 2011 |
Developing whole school pedagogical values—A case of going through the ethos of “good schooling” J Husu, K Tirri Teaching and teacher education 23 (4), 390-401, 2007 | 206 | 2007 |
Hyvää verkko-opetusta etsimässä: Oppimista edistävät ja estävät tekijä verkko-oppimisympäristöissä: opiskelijoiden kokemukset ja opettajien arviot A Nevgi, K Tirri Suomen kasvatustieteellinen seura, 2003 | 194 | 2003 |
How Finland serves gifted and talented pupils K Tirri, E Kuusisto Journal for the Education of the Gifted 36 (1), 84-96, 2013 | 190 | 2013 |
Care and responsibility in'the best interest of the child': Relational voices of ethical dilemmas in teaching K Tirri, J Husu Teachers and Teaching 8 (1), 65-80, 2002 | 183 | 2002 |
The implications of teachers’ implicit theories for moral education: A case study from Finland I Rissanen, E Kuusisto, E Hanhimäki, K Tirri Journal of Moral Education 47 (1), 63-77, 2018 | 169 | 2018 |
Mitä on kristillinen kasvatus M Muhonen, K Tirri Teoksessa Jouko Porkka (toim.) Johdatus kristilliseen kasvatukseen. Helsinki …, 2008 | 169 | 2008 |
Holistic school pedagogy and values: Finnish teachers’ and students’ perspectives K Tirri International Journal of Educational Research 50 (3), 159-165, 2011 | 164 | 2011 |
Measuring multiple intelligences and moral sensitivities in education K Tirri, P Nokelainen Springer Science & Business Media, 2012 | 163 | 2012 |
Student perceptions of teacher support and competencies for fostering youth purpose and positive youth development: Perspectives from two countries MJ Bundick, K Tirri Applied developmental science 18 (3), 148-162, 2014 | 153 | 2014 |
How Finnish elementary school teachers meet the needs of their gifted students S Laine, K Tirri High ability studies 27 (2), 149-164, 2016 | 144 | 2016 |
Teachers’ implicit meaning systems and their implications for pedagogical thinking and practice: A case study from Finland I Rissanen, E Kuusisto, E Hanhimäki, K Tirri Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research 62 (4), 487-500, 2018 | 141 | 2018 |
Opettajan ammattietiikka K Tirri WSOY, 1999 | 139 | 1999 |
The epistemological stance between the knower and the known K Tirri, J Husu, P Kansanen Teaching and Teacher Education 15 (8), 911-922, 1999 | 134 | 1999 |
Aims for learning 21st century competencies in national primary science curricula in China and Finland Y Wang, J Lavonen, K Tirri Eurasia journal of mathematics science and technology education 14 (6), 2081 …, 2018 | 130 | 2018 |
A case study approach to study one teacher's moral reflection J Husu, K Tirri Teaching and Teacher Education 19 (3), 345-357, 2003 | 125 | 2003 |