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Stephen Rothstein
Stephen Rothstein
Professor of Zoology, Emeritus University of California at Santa Barbara
ucsb.edu üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
A model system for coevolution: avian brood parasitism
SI Rothstein
Annual review of ecology and systematics, 481-508, 1990
An experimental and teleonomic investigation of avian brood parasitism
SI Rothstein
The Condor 77 (3), 250-271, 1975
Conserving migratory land birds in the New World: Do we know enough?
J Faaborg, RT Holmes, AD Anders, KL Bildstein, KM Dugger, ...
Ecological applications 20 (2), 398-418, 2010
Recent advances in understanding migration systems of New World land birds
J Faaborg, RT Holmes, AD Anders, KL Bildstein, KM Dugger, ...
Ecological monographs 80 (1), 3-48, 2010
A further contribution of knowledge of the host relations of the parasitic cowbirds
H Friedmann, LF Kiff, SI Rothstein
Evolutionary rates and host defenses against avian brood parasitism
SI Rothstein
The American Naturalist 109 (966), 161-176, 1975
Parasitic birds and their hosts, studies in coevolution
SI Rothstein
(No Title), 1998
Radio‐tracking confirms a unique diurnal pattern of spatial occurrence in the parasitic brown‐headed cowbird
SI Rothstein, J Verner, E Steven
Ecology 65 (1), 77-88, 1984
Vocal dialects and their possible relation to honest status signalling in the brown-headed cowbird
SI Rothstein, RC Fleischer
The Condor 89 (1), 1-23, 1987
Ecology and behavior of cowbirds and their impact on host populations
SK Robinson, SI Rothstein, MC Brittingham, LJ Petit, JA Grzybowski
NCASI Technical Bulletin, 450, 1999
Mechanisms of avian egg recognition: which egg parameters elicit responses by rejecter species?
SI Rothstein
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 11, 229-239, 1982
Successes and failures in avian egg and nestling recognition with comments on the utility of optimality reasoning
SI Rothstein
American Zoologist 22 (3), 547-560, 1982
Nest desertion and cowbird parasitism: evidence for evolved responses and evolutionary lag
SA Hosoi, SI Rothstein
Animal behaviour 59 (4), 823-840, 2000
Mechanisms of avian egg-recognition: do birds know their own eggs?
SI Rothstein
Animal Behaviour 23, 268-278, 1975
Mechanisms of avian egg recognition: possible learned and innate factors
SI Rothstein
The Auk 91 (4), 796-807, 1974
Social dominance, mating and spacing systems, female fecundity, and vocal dialects in captive and free-ranging brown-headed cowbirds
SI Rothstein, DA Yokel, RC Fleischer
Current Ornithology: Volume 3, 127-185, 1986
Range expansion and diurnal changes in dispersion of the Brown-headed Cowbird in the Sierra Nevada
SI Rothstein, J Verner, E Stevens
The Auk 97 (2), 253-267, 1980
Signals of status in wintering white-crowned sparrows, Zonotrichia leucophrys gambelii
GN Fugle, SI Rothstein, CW Osenberg, MA McGinley
Animal Behaviour 32 (1), 86-93, 1984
Plastic particle pollution of the surface of the Atlantic Ocean: evidence from a seabird
SI Rothstein
The Condor 75 (3), 344-345, 1973
Relic behaviours, coevolution and the retention versus loss of host defences after episodes of avian brood parasitism
SI Rothstein
Animal Behaviour 61 (1), 95-107, 2001
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