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Gevan D. Behnke
Gevan D. Behnke
illinois.edu üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Crop rotation and tillage effects on soil physical and chemical properties in Illinois
SM Zuber, GD Behnke, ED Nafziger, MB Villamil
Agronomy Journal 107 (3), 971-978, 2015
Long-term crop rotation and tillage effects on soil greenhouse gas emissions and crop production in Illinois, USA
GD Behnke, SM Zuber, CM Pittelkow, ED Nafziger, MB Villamil
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 261, 62-70, 2018
Multivariate assessment of soil quality indicators for crop rotation and tillage in Illinois
SM Zuber, GD Behnke, ED Nafziger, MB Villamil
Soil and Tillage Research 174, 147-155, 2017
Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Nitrate Leaching, and Biomass Yields from Production of Miscanthus × giganteus in Illinois, USA
GD Behnke, MB David, TB Voigt
BioEnergy Research 5, 801-813, 2012
Tillage and cover cropping effects on soil properties and crop production in Illinois
IA Dozier, GD Behnke, AS Davis, ED Nafziger, MB Villamil
Agronomy Journal 109 (4), 1261-1270, 2017
Cover crop rotations affect greenhouse gas emissions and crop production in Illinois, USA
GD Behnke, MB Villamil
Field Crops Research 241, 107580, 2019
Using cover crops in headlands of organic grain farms: Effects on soil properties, weeds and crop yields
RY Welch, GD Behnke, AS Davis, J Masiunas, MB Villamil
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 216, 322-332, 2016
Carbon and nitrogen content of soil organic matter and microbial biomass under long-term crop rotation and tillage in Illinois, USA
SM Zuber, GD Behnke, ED Nafziger, MB Villamil
Agriculture 8 (3), 37, 2018
Acidification in corn monocultures favor fungi, ammonia oxidizing bacteria, and nirK-denitrifier groups
GD Behnke, MC Zabaloy, CW Riggins, S Rodriguez-Zas, L Huang, ...
Science of the Total Environment 720, 137514, 2020
Soil microbial indicators within rotations and tillage systems
GD Behnke, N Kim, MC Zabaloy, CW Riggins, S Rodriguez-Zas, ...
Microorganisms 9 (6), 1244, 2021
Agronomic assessment of cover cropping and tillage practices across environments
GD Behnke, N Kim, MB Villamil
Agronomy Journal 112 (5), 3913-3928, 2020
Exploring the relationships between greenhouse gas emissions, yields, and soil properties in cropping systems
GD Behnke, CM Pittelkow, ED Nafziger, MB Villamil
Agriculture 8 (5), 62, 2018
New grain P and K concentration values for Illinois field crops
MB Villamil, ED Nafziger, GD Behnke
Crop, Forage & Turfgrass Management 5 (1), 1-7, 2019
Short corn rotations do not improve soil quality, compared with corn monocultures
M Hoss, GD Behnke, AS Davis, ED Nafziger, MB Villamil
Agronomy Journal 110 (4), 1274-1288, 2018
Long-term effects of crop rotation and nitrogen fertilization on phosphorus cycling and balances in loess-derived Mollisols
W Sun, MB Villamil, GD Behnke, AJ Margenot
Geoderma 420, 115829, 2022
Characterization of Mollisols after long-term N fertilization at successive rates in continuous and rotated corn systems
N Kim, GD Behnke, MB Villamil
Agronomy 12 (3), 625, 2022
A longitudinal study of the microbial basis of nitrous oxide emissions within a long-term agricultural experiment
GD Behnke, N Kim, CW Riggins, MC Zabaloy, SL Rodriguez-Zas, ...
Frontiers in Agronomy 4, 833338, 2022
Integrating plant morphological traits with remote-sensed multispectral imageries for accurate corn grain yield prediction
C Jang, N Namoi, E Wolske, D Wasonga, G Behnke, ND Bowman, ...
Plos one 19 (4), e0297027, 2024
Nitrogen fertilization effects on aged Miscanthus × giganteus stands: Exploring biomass yield, yield components, and biomass prediction using in‐season …
N Namoi, C Jang, GD Behnke, JW Lee, W Yang, DK Lee
GCB Bioenergy 16 (5), e13139, 2024
Soil properties after 36 years of N fertilization under continuous corn and corn-soybean management
N Kim, GD Behnke, MB Villamil
SOIL Discussions 2021, 1-26, 2021
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