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Tianshu Sun
Tianshu Sun
Dean's Distinguished Chair Professor of Information Systems, Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business
ckgsb.edu.cn üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip - Ana Sayfa
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Word-of-Mouth System Implementation and Customer Conversion: A Randomized Field Experiment
N Huang, T Sun, P Chen, J Golden
Information Systems Research 30 (3), 805-818, 2019
The value of personal data in internet commerce: A high-stake field experiment on data regulation policy
T Sun, Z Yuan, C Li, K Zhang, J Xu
Management Science 70 (4), 2023-2704, 2024
Sooner or later? Promising delivery speed in online retail
R Cui, T Sun, Z Lu, J Golden
Available at SSRN 3563404, 2020
Words matter! towards pro-social call-to-action for online referral: Evidence from two field experiments
JH Jung, R Bapna, J Golden, T Sun
Information Systems Research, Forthcoming, 2020
COVID-19 and E-commerce Operations: Evidence from Alibaba
BR Han, T Sun, LY Chu, L Wu
Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 24 (3), 1388-1405, 2022
Motivating Effective Mobile App Adoption: Evidence from a Large-scale Randomized Field Experiment
T Sun, L Shi, S Viswanathan, E Zheleva
Information Systems Research 30 (2), 523-539, 2019
Creating social contagion through firm mediated message design: Evidence from a randomized field experiment
T Sun, S Viswanathan, E Zheleva
Management Science, Forthcoming, 2019
Solving shortage in a priceless market: Insights from blood donation
T Sun, SF Lu, GZ Jin
Journal of Health Economics 48, 149-165, 2016
Mobile Messaging for Offline Group Formation in Prosocial Activities: A Large Field Experiment
T Sun, GG Gao, GZ Jin
Management Science 65 (6), 2445-2945, 2019
Designing Promotional Incentive to Embrace Social Sharing: Evidence from Field and Online Experiments
T Sun, S Viswanathan, N Huang, E Zheleva
Forthcoming at MIS Quarterly, 2020
A prescriptive analytics framework for optimal policy deployment using heterogeneous treatment effects.
E McFowland III, S Gangarapu, R Bapna, T Sun
MIS Quarterly 45 (4), 2021
Reviewing before reading? An empirical investigation of book-consumption patterns and their effects on reviews and sales
HA Lee, AA Choi, T Sun, W Oh
Information Systems Research 32 (4), 1368-1389, 2021
Displaying Things in Common to Encourage Friendship Formation: A Large Randomized Field Experiment
T Sun, S Taylor
Quantitative Marketing and Economics, Forthcoming, 2019
Connecting customers and merchants offline: Experimental evidence from the commercialization of last-mile stations at Alibaba
BR Han, T Sun, LY Chu, L Wu
This article has been accepted for publication in MIS Quarterly on behalf of …, 2019
Dislocation reduction through nucleation and growth selectivity of metal-organic chemical vapor deposition GaN
W Zhang, P Liu, B Jackson, T Sun, SJ Huang, HC Hsu, YK Su, SJ Chang, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 113 (14), 2013
GPTs and labor markets in the developing economy: Evidence from China
B Lou, H Sun, T Sun
Available at SSRN 4426461, 2023
Not registered? Please sign up first: A randomized field experiment on the ex ante registration request
N Huang, P Mojumder, T Sun, J Lv, JM Golden
Information Systems Research 32 (3), 914-931, 2021
Sooner or later
R Cui, Z Lu, T Sun, J Golden
Promising delivery speed in online retail. Promising Delivery Speed in …, 2020
Ensemble experiments to optimize interventions along the customer journey: A reinforcement learning approach
Y Song, T Sun
Management Science 70 (8), 5115-5130, 2024
Consumer and AI Co-creation: when and why human participation improves AI creation
M Zhang, T Sun, L Luo, J Golden
USC Marshall School of Business Research Paper Sponsored by iORB, No …, 2021
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