Influence of teacher empowerment on teachers’ organizational commitment, professional commitment and organizational citizenship behavior in schools R Bogler, A Somech Teaching and teacher education 20 (3), 277-289, 2004 | 1718 | 2004 |
The effects of leadership style and team process on performance and innovation in functionally heterogeneous teams A Somech Journal of management 32 (1), 132-157, 2006 | 980 | 2006 |
Translating team creativity to innovation implementation: The role of team composition and climate for innovation A Somech, A Drach-Zahavy Journal of management 39 (3), 684-708, 2013 | 870 | 2013 |
Understanding extra-role behavior in schools: The relationships between job satisfaction, sense of efficacy, and teachers’ extra-role behavior A Somech, A Drach-Zahavy Teaching and Teacher Education 16 (5-6), 649-659, 2000 | 786 | 2000 |
Antecedents and consequences of teacher organizational and professional commitment A Somech, R Bogler Educational administration quarterly 38 (4), 555-577, 2002 | 657 | 2002 |
Exploring organizational citizenship behaviour from an organizational perspective: The relationship between organizational learning and organizational citizenship behaviour A Somech, A Drach‐Zahavy Journal of occupational and organizational psychology 77 (3), 281-298, 2004 | 545 | 2004 |
Understanding team innovation: The role of team processes and structures. A Drach-Zahavy, A Somech Group Dynamics: Theory, Research, and Practice 5 (2), 111, 2001 | 538 | 2001 |
Team conflict management and team effectiveness: The effects of task interdependence and team identification A Somech, HS Desivilya, H Lidogoster Journal of Organizational Behavior: The International Journal of Industrial …, 2009 | 468 | 2009 |
Promoting organizational citizenship behavior in schools: The impact of individual and organizational characteristics A Somech, I Ron Educational administration quarterly 43 (1), 38-66, 2007 | 455 | 2007 |
Directive versus participative leadership: Two complementary approaches to managing school effectiveness A Somech Educational administration quarterly 41 (5), 777-800, 2005 | 443 | 2005 |
Organizational citizenship behavior in school: how does it relate to participation in decision making? R Bogler, A Somech Journal of educational Administration 43 (5), 420-438, 2005 | 422 | 2005 |
Participative decision making in schools: A mediating-moderating analytical framework for understanding school and teacher outcomes A Somech Educational Administration Quarterly 46 (2), 174-209, 2010 | 360 | 2010 |
Is group productivity loss the rule or the exception? Effects of culture and group-based motivation M Erez, A Somech Academy of management journal 39 (6), 1513-1537, 1996 | 359 | 1996 |
Teachers’ organizational citizenship behavior: Examining the boundary between in-role behavior and extra-role behavior from the perspective of teachers, principals and parents E Belogolovsky, A Somech Teaching and Teacher education 26 (4), 914-923, 2010 | 292 | 2010 |
Strategies for coping with work-family conflict: The distinctive relationships of gender role ideology. A Somech, A Drach-Zahavy Journal of occupational health psychology 12 (1), 1, 2007 | 265 | 2007 |
Explicating the complexity of participative management: An investigation of multiple dimensions A Somech Educational Administration Quarterly 38 (3), 341-371, 2002 | 196 | 2002 |
Relationships of participative leadership with relational demography variables: a multi‐level perspective A Somech Journal of Organizational Behavior: The International Journal of Industrial …, 2003 | 195 | 2003 |
Managing conflict in school teams: The impact of task and goal interdependence on conflict management and team effectiveness A Somech Educational administration quarterly 44 (3), 359-390, 2008 | 189 | 2008 |
The impact of participative and directive leadership on teachers' performance: The intervening effects of job structuring, decision domain, and leader-member exchange A Somech, M Wenderow Éducational administration quarterly 42 (5), 746-772, 2006 | 188 | 2006 |
Innovation and conflict management in work teams: The effects of team identification and task and relationship conflict HS Desivilya, A Somech, H Lidgoster Negotiation and Conflict Management Research 3 (1), 28-48, 2010 | 181 | 2010 |