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Tess van de Voorde
Tess van de Voorde
Researcher, Biointeractions and Plant Health, Plant Research, Wageningen University and Research
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Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Plant–soil feedbacks: the past, the present and future challenges
WH Van der Putten, RD Bardgett, JD Bever, TM Bezemer, BB Casper, ...
Journal of ecology 101 (2), 265-276, 2013
Where, when and how plant–soil feedback matters in a changing world
WH van der Putten, MA Bradford, E Pernilla Brinkman, TFJ van de Voorde, ...
Functional Ecology 30 (7), 1109-1121, 2016
Biochar application does not improve the soil hydrological function of a sandy soil
S Jeffery, MBJ Meinders, CR Stoof, TM Bezemer, TFJ van de Voorde, ...
Geoderma 251, 47-54, 2015
The way forward in biochar research: targeting trade‐offs between the potential wins
S Jeffery, TM Bezemer, G Cornelissen, TW Kuyper, J Lehmann, ...
Gcb Bioenergy 7 (1), 1-13, 2015
Intra‐and interspecific plant–soil interactions, soil legacies and priority effects during old‐field succession
TFJ van de Voorde, WH van der Putten, T Martijn Bezemer
Journal of Ecology 99 (4), 945-953, 2011
Biochar application rate affects biological nitrogen fixation in red clover conditional on potassium availability
S Mia, JW Van Groenigen, TFJ Van de Voorde, NJ Oram, TM Bezemer, ...
Agriculture, ecosystems & environment 191, 83-91, 2014
Soil amendment with biochar increases the competitive ability of legumes via increased potassium availability
NJ Oram, TFJ van de Voorde, GJ Ouwehand, TM Bezemer, L Mommer, ...
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 191, 92-98, 2014
Legacy effects of aboveground–belowground interactions
O Kostenko, TFJ van de Voorde, PPJ Mulder, WH van der Putten, ...
Ecology Letters 15 (8), 813-821, 2012
Soil inoculation method determines the strength of plant–soil interactions
TFJ van de Voorde, WH van der Putten, TM Bezemer
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 55, 1-6, 2012
Above‐and below‐ground herbivory effects on below‐ground plant–fungus interactions and plant–soil feedback responses
T Martijn Bezemer, WH van der Putten, H Martens, TFJ van de Voorde, ...
Journal of Ecology 101 (2), 325-333, 2013
Soil biochar amendment in a nature restoration area: effects on plant productivity and community composition
TFJ van de Voorde, TM Bezemer, JW Van Groenigen, S Jeffery, ...
Ecological Applications 24 (5), 1167-1177, 2014
Are there evolutionary consequences of plant–soil feedbacks along soil gradients?
JA Schweitzer, I Juric, TFJ van de Voorde, K Clay, WH van der Putten, ...
Functional Ecology 28 (1), 55-64, 2014
The importance of plant–soil interactions, soil nutrients, and plant life history traits for the temporal dynamics of Jacobaea vulgaris in a chronosequence of old‐fields
TFJ van de Voorde, WH van der Putten, TM Bezemer
Oikos 121 (8), 1251-1262, 2012
Can the negative plant–soil feedback of Jacobaea vulgaris be explained by autotoxicity?
TFJ van de Voorde, M Ruijten, WH van der Putten, TM Bezemer
Basic and Applied Ecology 13 (6), 533-541, 2012
Transient negative biochar effects on plant growth are strongest after microbial species loss
WHG Hol, M Vestergård, F ten Hooven, H Duyts, TFJ van de Voorde, ...
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 115, 442-451, 2017
Comparing arbuscular mycorrhizal communities of individual plants in a grassland biodiversity experiment
TFJ van de Voorde, WH van der Putten, HA Gamper, WHG Hol, ...
New Phytologist, 746-754, 2010
Initial biochar effects on plant productivity derive from N fertilization
S Jeffery, I Memelink, E Hodgson, S Jones, TFJ Van De Voorde, ...
Plant and Soil 415, 435-448, 2017
Biochar application differentially affects soil micro-, meso-macro-fauna and plant productivity within a nature restoration grassland
S Jeffery, TFJ van de Voorde, WE Harris, L Mommer, JW Van Groenigen, ...
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 174, 108789, 2022
Predicting population and community dynamics: The type of aggregation matters
KM Meyer, K Schiffers, T Münkemüller, M Schädler, JM Calabrese, ...
Basic and Applied Ecology 11 (7), 563-571, 2010
Biochars produced from individual grassland species differ in their effect on plant growth
TFJ van de Voorde, F van Noppen, RW Nachenius, W Prins, L Mommer, ...
Basic and Applied Ecology 15 (1), 18-25, 2014
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