Runoff and sediment losses from 27 upland catchments in Southeast Asia: Impact of rapid land use changes and conservation practices C Valentin, F Agus, R Alamban, A Boosaner, JP Bricquet, V Chaplot, ... Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 128 (4), 225-238, 2008 | 384 | 2008 |
Why is the influence of soil macrofauna on soil structure only considered by soil ecologists? N Bottinelli, P Jouquet, Y Capowiez, P Podwojewski, M Grimaldi, X Peng Soil and Tillage Research 146, 118-124, 2015 | 331 | 2015 |
Runoff and soil erosion under rainfall simulation of Andisols from the Ecuadorian Páramo: effect of tillage and burning J Poulenard, P Podwojewski, JL Janeau, J Collinet Catena 45 (3), 185-207, 2001 | 310 | 2001 |
Overgrazing effects on vegetation cover and properties of volcanic ash soil in the páramo of Llangahua and La Esperanza (Tungurahua, Ecuador) P Podwojewski, J Poulenard, T Zambrana, R Hofstede Soil Use and Management 18 (1), 45-55, 2002 | 241 | 2002 |
Dung beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) can improve soil hydrological properties J Brown, CH Scholtz, JL Janeau, S Grellier, P Podwojewski Applied soil ecology 46 (1), 9-16, 2010 | 212 | 2010 |
Chemical and physical properties of earthworm casts as compared to bulk soil under a range of different land-use systems in Vietnam P Jouquet, N Bottinelli, P Podwojewski, V Hallaire, TT Duc Geoderma 146 (1-2), 231-238, 2008 | 159 | 2008 |
Characteristics of non-allophanic Andisols with hydric properties from the Ecuadorian páramos J Poulenard, P Podwojewski, AJ Herbillon Geoderma 117 (3-4), 267-281, 2003 | 154 | 2003 |
Land-use impacts on surface runoff and soil detachment within agricultural sloping lands in Northern Vietnam P Podwojewski, D Orange, P Jouquet, C Valentin, JL Janeau, DT Tran Catena 74 (2), 109-118, 2008 | 131 | 2008 |
Influence of grass soil cover on water runoff and soil detachment under rainfall simulation in a sub‐humid South African degraded rangeland P Podwojewski, JL Janeau, S Grellier, C Valentin, S Lorentz, V Chaplot Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 36 (7), 911-922, 2011 | 106 | 2011 |
Water repellency of volcanic ash soils from Ecuadorian paramo: effect of water content and characteristics of hydrophobic organic matter J Poulenard, JC Michel, F Bartoli, JM Portal, P Podwojewski European Journal of Soil Science 55 (3), 487-496, 2004 | 99 | 2004 |
Climate and vegetation determine soil organic matter status in an alpine inner-tropical soil catena in the Fan Si Pan Mountain, Vietnam P Podwojewski, J Poulenard, ML Nguyet, A De Rouw, QH Pham, DT Tran Catena 87 (2), 226-239, 2011 | 82 | 2011 |
Los suelos de los páramos del Ecuador P Podwojewski, J Poulenard Los suelos del páramo. Serie Páramo 5, 7-26, 2000 | 82 | 2000 |
The indirect impact of encroaching trees on gully extension: A 64 year study in a sub-humid grassland of South Africa S Grellier, J Kemp, JL Janeau, N Florsch, D Ward, S Barot, ... Catena 98, 110-119, 2012 | 74 | 2012 |
Above-ground earthworm casts affect water runoff and soil erosion in Northern Vietnam P Jouquet, P Podwojewski, N Bottinelli, J Mathieu, M Ricoy, D Orange, ... Catena 74 (1), 13-21, 2008 | 72 | 2008 |
Long-term soil carbon loss and accumulation in a catchment following the conversion of forest to arable land in northern Laos S Huon, A De Rouw, P Bonté, H Robain, C Valentin, I Lefèvre, C Girardin, ... Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 169, 43-57, 2013 | 68 | 2013 |
Influence of changes in land use and earthworm activities on carbon and nitrogen dynamics in a steepland ecosystem in Northern Vietnam P Jouquet, F Bernard-Reversat, N Bottinelli, D Orange, ... Biology and Fertility of Soils 44, 69-77, 2007 | 59 | 2007 |
Interactive effects of compost, plants and earthworms on the aggregations of constructed Technosols M Deeb, T Desjardins, P Podwojewski, A Pando, M Blouin, TZ Lerch Geoderma 305, 305-313, 2017 | 58 | 2017 |
Tracing the source of gypsum in New Caledonian soils by REE contents and S Sr isotopic compositions T Toulkeridis, P Podwojewski, N Clauer Chemical Geology 145 (1-2), 61-71, 1998 | 55 | 1998 |
Soil erosion impact on soil organic carbon spatial variability on steep tropical slopes V Chaplot, P Podwojewski, K Phachomphon, C Valentin Soil Science Society of America Journal 73 (3), 769-779, 2009 | 54 | 2009 |
Rainfall simulation to identify the storm-scale mechanisms of gully bank retreat V Chaplot, J Brown, P Dlamini, T Eustice, JL Janeau, G Jewitt, S Lorentz, ... Agricultural Water Management 98 (11), 1704-1710, 2011 | 52 | 2011 |