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John Douglas
John Douglas
Frazer-Nash Consultancy (Glasgow, UK)
fnc.co.uk üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip - Ana Sayfa
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Alıntı yapanlar
Equations for the estimation of strong ground motions from shallow crustal earthquakes using data from Europe and the Middle East: Vertical peak ground acceleration and …
NN Ambraseys, J Douglas, SK Sarma, PM Smit
Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering 3 (1), 55-73, 2005
Equations for the estimation of strong ground motions from shallow crustal earthquakes using data from Europe and the Middle East: horizontal peak ground acceleration and …
NN Ambraseys, J Douglas, SK Sarma, PM Smit
Bulletin of earthquake engineering 3 (1), 1-53, 2005
Internet site for European strong-motion data
N Ambraseys, P Smit, J Douglas, B Margaris, R Sigbjörnsson, S Olafsson, ...
Bollettino di geofisica teorica ed applicata 45 (3), 113-129, 2004
The 2013 European seismic hazard model: key components and results
J Woessner, D Laurentiu, D Giardini, H Crowley, F Cotton, G Grünthal, ...
Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering 13, 3553-3596, 2015
Earthquake ground motion estimation using strong-motion records: a review of equations for the estimation of peak ground acceleration and response spectral ordinates
J Douglas
Earth-Science Reviews 61 (1-2), 43-104, 2003
Magnitude calibration of north Indian earthquakes
NN Ambraseys, J Douglas
Geophysical Journal International 159 (1), 165-206, 2004
On the selection of ground-motion prediction equations for seismic hazard analysis
JJ Bommer, J Douglas, F Scherbaum, F Cotton, H Bungum, D Fah
Seismological Research Letters 81 (5), 783-793, 2010
Reference database for seismic ground-motion in Europe (RESORCE)
S Akkar, MA Sandıkkaya, M Senyurt, A Azari Sisi, BÖ Ay, P Traversa, ...
Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering 12 (1), 311-339, 2014
Near-field horizontal and vertical earthquake ground motions
NN Ambraseys, J Douglas
Soil dynamics and earthquake engineering 23 (1), 1-18, 2003
Toward a ground-motion logic tree for probabilistic seismic hazard assessment in Europe
E Delavaud, F Cotton, S Akkar, F Scherbaum, L Danciu, C Beauval, ...
Journal of Seismology 16, 451-473, 2012
Ground motion prediction equations 1964-2017
J Douglas
Website http://www.gmpe.org.uk/, 2017
Dissemination of European Strong Motion Data Using Strong Motion Datascape Navigator
NN Ambraseys, J Douglas, R Sigbjörnsson, D Rinaldis, C Berge Thierry, ...
Imperial College Press, 2004
Style-of-faulting in ground-motion prediction equations
JJ Bommer, J Douglas, FO Strasser
Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering 1, 171-203, 2003
Physical vulnerability modelling in natural hazard risk assessment
J Douglas
Natural Hazards & Earth System Sciences 7 (2), 283-288, 2007
Seismic Hazard Harmonization in Europe (SHARE): Online Data Resource
D Giardini, J Woessner, L Danciu, H Crowley, F Cotton, G Grünthal, ...
A survey of techniques for predicting earthquake ground motions for engineering purposes
J Douglas, H Aochi
Surveys in geophysics 29, 187-220, 2008
Recent and future developments in earthquake ground motion estimation
J Douglas, B Edwards
Earth-Science Reviews 160, 203–219, 2016
Selection of ground motion prediction equations for the Global Earthquake Model
JP Stewart, J Douglas, M Javanbarg, NA Abrahamson, Y Bozorgnia, ...
Earthquake Spectra 31 (1), 19–45, 2015
Ground-motion prediction equations based on data from the Himalayan and Zagros regions
ML Sharma, J Douglas, H Bungum, J Kotadia
Journal of Earthquake Engineering 13 (8), 1191-1210, 2009
Development of seismic fragility surfaces for reinforced concrete buildings by means of nonlinear time-history analysis
D Seyedi, P Gehl, J Douglas, L Davenne, N Mezher, S Ghavamian
Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics 39, 91–108, 2010
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