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Georgina Prats
Georgina Prats
Lecturer, Departament de Geografia, Història i Història de l'Art, Universitat de Lleida
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Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Milling wheat and barley with rotary querns: the Ouarten women (Dahmani, Kef, Tunisia)
N Alonso, FJ Cantero, R Jornet, D López, E Montes, G Prats, ...
AmS-Skrifter 24, 11-30, 2014
Household storage, surplus and supra-household storage in prehistoric and protohistoric societies of the Western Mediterranean
G Prats, F Antolín, N Alonso
PloS one 15 (9), e0238237, 2020
La Font de la Canya, guia arqueològica.
D López, D Asensio, R Jornet, J Morer, S Jiménez, R Marlasca, M Merino, ...
Sant Sadurní d'Anoia(Espanya): LlopArt Impressions, 2015
From the earliest farmers to the first urban centres: a socio-economic analysis of underground storage practices in north-eastern Iberia
G Prats, F Antolín, N Alonso
Antiquity 94 (375), 653-668, 2020
The effect of dehusking on cereals: experimentation for archaeobotanical comparison
N Alonso, F Antolín, D López, FJ Cantero, G Prats
P.C.Anderson, C.Cheval et A. Durand (dir.), Regards croisés sur les outils …, 2013
The AGRICHANGE Project: an integrated on-site approach to agricultural and land-use change in relation to climate during the Neolithic in Western Europe
F Antolín, S Häberle, A Jesus, H Martínez-Grau, G Prats, M Schäfer, S B.
Past Global Changes Magazine 26 (1), 26, 2018
Manufacturing rotary querns in the 4th century BC fortified settlement of Els Vilars (Arbeca, Catalonia, Spain)
N Alonso, M Aulinas, MT Garcia, F Martín, G Prats, S Vila
Bread for the People: The Archaeology of Mills and Milling. Proceedings of a …, 2011
Aproximació tipològica i funcional de les estructures excavades al jaciment del bronze ple de Minferri (Juneda, les Garrigues): emmagatzematge i conservació a la Catalunya …
G Prats Ferrando
Universitat de Lleida, 2013
L’emmagatzematge en sitja entre el Neolític i l’època ibèrica (del 5500 ANE al I ANE). Aproximació socioeconòmica a les comunitats del nord-est de la Península Ibèrica
G Prats
Unpublished PhD dissertation, Universitat de Lleida, 2017
Underground silo storage during the Late Bronze and Early Iron Ages: An approach to the different realities of the Northeast of the Iberian Peninsula
G Prats
Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 31, 102272, 2020
The storage of pulses during the Bronze and Iron Ages in the East of the Iberian Peninsula: Examining the archaeological data through the lens of ethnography
M Tarongi, G Prats, N Alonso
Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 30, 102174, 2020
Etnoarqueología de la basura: almacenaje en silos y su reaprovechamiento en la población Ouarten de El Souidat (el Kef, Túnez)
N Alonso, F Cantero, D López, R Jornet, E Montes, G Prats, S Valenzuela
Miscelánea en homenaje a Lydia Zapata Peña (1965–2015), 37-61, 2017
La Fortalesa dels Vilars d'Arbeca: terra, aigua i poder en el món iber
E Junyent
Museu de Lleida, 2017
Plant foods, stone tools and food preparation in prehistoric Europe: An integrative approach in the context of ERC funded project PLANTCULT
SM Valamoti, D Chondrou, T Bekiaris, I Ninou, N Alonso, M Bofill, ...
University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom, 2020
Neolithic occupations (c. 5200-3400 cal BC) at Isolino Virginia (Lake Varese, Italy) and the onset of the pile-dwelling phenomenon around the Alps
F Antolín, H Martínez-Grau, BL Steiner, F Follmann, R Soteras, S Häberle, ...
Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 42, 103375, 2022
Middle Neolithic farming of open-air sites in SE France: new insights from archaeobotanical investigations of three wells found at Les Bagnoles (L’Isle-sur-la-Sorgue, Dépt …
A Jesus, G Prats, F Follmann, S Jacomet, F Antolín
Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 30 (4), 445-461, 2021
Ethnogrinding Database: A tool to collect and connect worldwide information on ethnological and ethnoarchaeological hand-milling systems
N Alonso, G Prats Ferrando, T Roustanis, P Tokmakides, SM Valamoti
University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom, 2020
L’oppidum ibèric de Gebut (Soses, Segrià): Avanç dels resultats de la campanya d’excavacions 2017
JB López, N Alonso, J Bernal, A Castellano, S González, J Martínez, ...
Revista d'arqueologia de Ponent, 247-282, 2018
L'emmagatzematge en sitja entre el Neolític i l'Època Ibèrica (del VI al I mil· leni ANE): aproximació socioeconòmica a les comunitats del nord-est de la Península Ibèrica
G Prats Ferrando
Edicions de la Universitat de Lleida, 2017
Towards the periodization of the uses of Can Sadurní Cave (Begues, Catalonia) during the Middle Neolithic I. The contribution of Bayesian modelling to radiocarbon dating sequences
F Antolín, P Martínez, E Fierro-Milà, M León, H Martínez, M Gascón, ...
CEUR-WS, 2017
Sistem, işlemi şu anda gerçekleştiremiyor. Daha sonra yeniden deneyin.
Makaleler 1–20