Takip et
Emmanuel d'Humières
Emmanuel d'Humières
Professor of Physics, Univ. Bordeaux
u-bordeaux.fr üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Laser-driven proton scaling laws and new paths towards energy increase
J Fuchs, P Antici, E d’Humieres, E Lefebvre, M Borghesi, E Brambrink, ...
Nature Physics 2 (1), 48-54, 2005
Ultrafast laser-driven microlens to focus and energy-select mega-electron volt protons
T Toncian, M Borghesi, J Fuchs, E d'Humières, P Antici, P Audebert, ...
Science 312 (5772), 410-413, 2006
Practicability of protontherapy using compact laser systems
V Malka, S Fritzler, E Lefebvre, E d'Humières, R Ferrand, G Grillon, ...
Medical physics 31 (6), 1587-1592, 2004
Proton beams generated with high-intensity lasers: Applications to medical isotope production
S Fritzler, V Malka, G Grillon, JP Rousseau, F Burgy, E Lefebvre, ...
Applied physics letters 83 (15), 3039-3041, 2003
Proton acceleration mechanisms in high-intensity laser interaction with thin foils [Phys. Plasmas 12, 062704 (2005)]
E d'Humieres, E Lefebvre, L Gremillet, V Malka
Physics of Plasmas 12 (9), 9902, 2005
Laser-driven platform for generation and characterization of strong quasi-static magnetic fields
JJ Santos, M Bailly-Grandvaux, L Giuffrida, P Forestier-Colleoni, S Fujioka, ...
New Journal of Physics 17 (8), 083051, 2015
Target charging in short-pulse-laser–plasma experiments
JL Dubois, F Lubrano-Lavaderci, D Raffestin, J Ribolzi, J Gazave, ...
Physical Review E 89 (1), 013102, 2014
Physics of giant electromagnetic pulse generation in short-pulse laser experiments
A Poyé, S Hulin, M Bailly-Grandvaux, JL Dubois, J Ribolzi, D Raffestin, ...
Physical Review E 91 (4), 043106, 2015
Hot electrons transverse refluxing in ultraintense laser-solid interactions
S Buffechoux, J Psikal, M Nakatsutsumi, L Romagnani, A Andreev, K Zeil, ...
Physical review letters 105 (1), 015005, 2010
Laser-foil acceleration of high-energy protons in small-scale plasma gradients
J Fuchs, CA Cecchetti, M Borghesi, T Grismayer, E d’Humieres, P Antici, ...
Physical review letters 99 (1), 15002, 2007
Energetic protons generated by ultrahigh contrast laser pulses interacting with ultrathin targets
P Antici, J Fuchs, E d’Humières, E Lefebvre, M Borghesi, E Brambrink, ...
Physics of plasmas 14, 030701, 2007
Divergence of laser-driven relativistic electron beams
A Debayle, JJ Honrubia, E d’Humieres, VT Tikhonchuk
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 82 (3 …, 2010
High field physics and QED experiments at ELI-NP
P Mckenna, SPD Mangles, G Sarri, J Schreiber
Romanian reports in Physics 68, S145, 2016
Comparative spectra and efficiencies of ions laser-accelerated forward from the front and rear surfaces of thin solid foils
J Fuchs, Y Sentoku, E d’Humières, TE Cowan, J Cobble, P Audebert, ...
Physics of plasmas 14, 053105, 2007
Dynamic model of target charging by short laser pulse interactions
A Poyé, JL Dubois, F Lubrano-Lavaderci, E d'Humiéres, M Bardon, ...
Physical Review E 92 (4), 043107, 2015
Laser driven nuclear physics at ELINP
F Negoita, M Roth, PG Thirolf, S Tudisco, F Hannachi, S Moustaizis, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2201.01068, 2022
Pair creation in collision of -ray beams produced with high-intensity lasers
X Ribeyre, E d'Humières, O Jansen, S Jequier, VT Tikhonchuk, M Lobet
Physical Review E 93 (1), 013201, 2016
Increased efficiency of short-pulse laser-generated proton beams from novel flat-top cone targets
KA Flippo, E d’Humières, SA Gaillard, J Rassuchine, DC Gautier, ...
Physics of Plasmas 15 (5), 2008
Generation of high-energy electron-positron pairs in the collision of a laser-accelerated electron beam with a multipetawatt laser
M Lobet, X Davoine, E d’Humières, L Gremillet
Physical Review Accelerators and Beams 20 (4), 043401, 2017
Gigagauss-scale quasistatic magnetic field generation in a snail-shaped target
P Korneev, E d'Humières, V Tikhonchuk
Physical Review E 91 (4), 043107, 2015
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