Takip et
Jun Liu
Jun Liu
Professor of management, Renmin University of China
ruc.edu.cn üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Cultural and leadership predictors of corporate social responsibility values of top management: A GLOBE study of 15 countries
DA Waldman, M Sully de Luque, N Washburn, RJ House, B Adetoun, ...
Journal of international business studies 37, 823-837, 2006
Pursuit of whose happiness? Executive leaders' transformational behaviors and personal values
PP Fu, AS Tsui, J Liu, L Li
Administrative science quarterly 55 (2), 222-254, 2010
Why and when workplace ostracism inhibits organizational citizenship behaviors: An organizational identification perspective.
CH Wu, J Liu, HK Kwan, C Lee
Journal of applied psychology 101 (3), 362, 2016
Psychological ownership: How having control matters
J Liu, H Wang, C Hui, C Lee
Journal of Management Studies 49 (5), 869-895, 2012
Political Skill, Supervisor–Subordinate Guanxi and Career Prospects in Chinese Firms
LQ Wei, J Liu, YY Chen, LZ Wu
Journal of Management Studies 47 (3), 437-454, 2010
Abusive supervision and workplace deviance: The mediating role of interactional justice and the moderating role of power distance
W Wang, J Mao, W Wu, J Liu
Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources 50 (1), 43-60, 2012
Abusive supervision and subordinate supervisor‐directed deviance: The moderating role of traditional values and the mediating role of revenge cognitions
J Liu, H Kwong Kwan, L Wu, W Wu
Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology 83 (4), 835-856, 2010
Does transactional leadership count for team innovativeness? The moderating role of emotional labor and the mediating role of team efficacy
J Liu, X Liu, X Zeng
Journal of Organizational Change Management 24 (3), 282-298, 2011
Ethical leadership and job performance in C hina: The roles of workplace friendships and traditionality
J Liu, HK Kwan, PP Fu, Y Mao
Journal of occupational and organizational psychology 86 (4), 564-584, 2013
Inducements, contributions, and fulfillment in new employee psychological contracts
C Lee, J Liu, DM Rousseau, C Hui, ZX Chen
Human Resource Management 50 (2), 201-226, 2011
Idiosyncratic deals and employee outcomes: The mediating roles of social exchange and self-enhancement and the moderating role of individualism.
J Liu, C Lee, C Hui, HK Kwan, LZ Wu
Journal of applied psychology 98 (5), 832, 2013
Work‐to‐family spillover effects of workplace ostracism: The role of work‐home segmentation preferences
J Liu, HK Kwan, C Lee, C Hui
Human Resource Management 52 (1), 75-93, 2013
Feeling energized: a multilevel model of spiritual leadership, leader integrity, relational energy, and job performance
F Yang, J Liu, Z Wang, Y Zhang
Journal of Business Ethics 158, 983-997, 2019
SHRM and product innovation: Testing the moderating effects of organizational culture and structure in Chinese firms
LQ Wei, J Liu, NC Herndon
The International Journal of Human Resource Management 22 (01), 19-33, 2011
Empowering leadership and employee creativity: A dual‐mechanism perspective
S Zhang, X Ke, XH Frank Wang, J Liu
Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology 91 (4), 896-917, 2018
Are you willing and able? Roles of motivation, power, and politics in career growth
Y Liu, J Liu, L Wu
Journal of Management 36 (6), 1432-1460, 2010
Feeling trusted by business leaders in China: Antecedents and the mediating role of value congruence
DC Lau, J Liu, PP Fu
Asia Pacific Journal of Management 24, 321-340, 2007
Workplace ostracism and employee creativity: An integrative approach incorporating pragmatic and engagement roles.
HK Kwan, X Zhang, J Liu, C Lee
Journal of Applied Psychology 103 (12), 1358, 2018
What can I gain as a mentor? The effect of mentoring on the job performance and social status of mentors in China
D Liu, J Liu, HK Kwan, Y Mao
Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology 82 (4), 871-895, 2009
Moving from abuse to reconciliation: A power-dependence perspective on when and how a follower can break the spiral of abuse
EXM Wee, H Liao, D Liu, J Liu
Academy of Management Journal 60 (6), 2352-2380, 2017
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