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Madeline E. Heilman
Madeline E. Heilman
Professor of Psychology, New York University
nyu.edu üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Description and prescription: How gender stereotypes prevent women's ascent up the organizational ladder
ME Heilman
Journal of social issues 57 (4), 657-674, 2001
Gender stereotypes and workplace bias
ME Heilman
Research in organizational Behavior 32, 113-135, 2012
Penalties for success: reactions to women who succeed at male gender-typed tasks.
ME Heilman, AS Wallen, D Fuchs, MM Tamkins
Journal of applied psychology 89 (3), 416, 2004
Sex bias in work settings: The lack of fit model.
ME Heilman
Research in organizational behavior, 1983
Why are women penalized for success at male tasks?: the implied communality deficit.
ME Heilman, TG Okimoto
Journal of applied psychology 92 (1), 81, 2007
Has anything changed? Current characterizations of men, women, and managers.
ME Heilman, CJ Block, RF Martell, MC Simon
Journal of applied psychology 74 (6), 935, 1989
When fit is fundamental: performance evaluations and promotions of upper-level female and male managers.
KS Lyness, ME Heilman
Journal of applied psychology 91 (4), 777, 2006
Same behavior, different consequences: reactions to men's and women's altruistic citizenship behavior.
ME Heilman, JJ Chen
Journal of Applied Psychology 90 (3), 431, 2005
The multiple dimensions of gender stereotypes: A current look at men’s and women’s characterizations of others and themselves
T Hentschel, ME Heilman, CV Peus
Frontiers in psychology 10, 11, 2019
Presumed incompetent? Stigmatization and affirmative action efforts.
ME Heilman, CJ Block, JA Lucas
Journal of applied psychology 77 (4), 536, 1992
When beauty is beastly: The effects of appearance and sex on evaluations of job applicants for managerial and nonmanagerial jobs
ME Heilman, LR Saruwatari
Organizational behavior and human performance 23 (3), 360-372, 1979
Sex stereotypes: Do they influence perceptions of managers?
ME Heilman, CJ Block, RF Martell
Journal of Social behavior and Personality 10 (4), 237, 1995
Social science research on trial: Use of sex stereotyping research in Price Waterhouse v. Hopkins..
ST Fiske, DN Bersoff, E Borgida, K Deaux, ME Heilman
American Psychologist 46 (10), 1049, 1991
Motherhood: a potential source of bias in employment decisions.
ME Heilman, TG Okimoto
Journal of applied psychology 93 (1), 189, 2008
Sex stereotypes and their effects in the workplace: What we know and what we don't know
ME Heilman
Journal of Social Behavior and Personality 10 (4), 3, 1995
Gender stereotypes are alive, well, and busy producing workplace discrimination
ME Heilman, AH Eagly
Industrial and Organizational Psychology 1 (4), 393-398, 2008
No credit where credit is due: attributional rationalization of women's success in male-female teams.
ME Heilman, MC Haynes
Journal of applied Psychology 90 (5), 905, 2005
Organizational behavior and human decision processes
HR Arkes, M Bar-Hillel, LR Beach, B Brehmer, JB Brett, NJ Castellan Jr, ...
Entrepreneurship as a solution: the allure of self-employment for women and minorities
ME Heilman, JJ Chen
Human Resource Management Review 13 (2), 347-364, 2003
The affirmative action stigma of incompetence: Effects of performance information ambiguity
ME Heilman, CJ Block, P Stathatos
Academy of Management Journal 40 (3), 603-625, 1997
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