Description and prescription: How gender stereotypes prevent women's ascent up the organizational ladder ME Heilman Journal of social issues 57 (4), 657-674, 2001 | 4029 | 2001 |
Gender stereotypes and workplace bias ME Heilman Research in organizational Behavior 32, 113-135, 2012 | 2302 | 2012 |
Penalties for success: reactions to women who succeed at male gender-typed tasks. ME Heilman, AS Wallen, D Fuchs, MM Tamkins Journal of applied psychology 89 (3), 416, 2004 | 2184 | 2004 |
Sex bias in work settings: The lack of fit model. ME Heilman Research in organizational behavior, 1983 | 1907 | 1983 |
Why are women penalized for success at male tasks?: the implied communality deficit. ME Heilman, TG Okimoto Journal of applied psychology 92 (1), 81, 2007 | 1435 | 2007 |
Has anything changed? Current characterizations of men, women, and managers. ME Heilman, CJ Block, RF Martell, MC Simon Journal of applied psychology 74 (6), 935, 1989 | 1315 | 1989 |
When fit is fundamental: performance evaluations and promotions of upper-level female and male managers. KS Lyness, ME Heilman Journal of applied psychology 91 (4), 777, 2006 | 1099 | 2006 |
Same behavior, different consequences: reactions to men's and women's altruistic citizenship behavior. ME Heilman, JJ Chen Journal of Applied Psychology 90 (3), 431, 2005 | 861 | 2005 |
The multiple dimensions of gender stereotypes: A current look at men’s and women’s characterizations of others and themselves T Hentschel, ME Heilman, CV Peus Frontiers in psychology 10, 11, 2019 | 779 | 2019 |
Presumed incompetent? Stigmatization and affirmative action efforts. ME Heilman, CJ Block, JA Lucas Journal of applied psychology 77 (4), 536, 1992 | 725 | 1992 |
When beauty is beastly: The effects of appearance and sex on evaluations of job applicants for managerial and nonmanagerial jobs ME Heilman, LR Saruwatari Organizational behavior and human performance 23 (3), 360-372, 1979 | 706 | 1979 |
Sex stereotypes: Do they influence perceptions of managers? ME Heilman, CJ Block, RF Martell Journal of Social behavior and Personality 10 (4), 237, 1995 | 666 | 1995 |
Social science research on trial: Use of sex stereotyping research in Price Waterhouse v. Hopkins.. ST Fiske, DN Bersoff, E Borgida, K Deaux, ME Heilman American Psychologist 46 (10), 1049, 1991 | 634 | 1991 |
Motherhood: a potential source of bias in employment decisions. ME Heilman, TG Okimoto Journal of applied psychology 93 (1), 189, 2008 | 576 | 2008 |
Sex stereotypes and their effects in the workplace: What we know and what we don't know ME Heilman Journal of Social Behavior and Personality 10 (4), 3, 1995 | 566 | 1995 |
Gender stereotypes are alive, well, and busy producing workplace discrimination ME Heilman, AH Eagly Industrial and Organizational Psychology 1 (4), 393-398, 2008 | 527 | 2008 |
No credit where credit is due: attributional rationalization of women's success in male-female teams. ME Heilman, MC Haynes Journal of applied Psychology 90 (5), 905, 2005 | 519 | 2005 |
Organizational behavior and human decision processes HR Arkes, M Bar-Hillel, LR Beach, B Brehmer, JB Brett, NJ Castellan Jr, ... | 509 | 1991 |
Entrepreneurship as a solution: the allure of self-employment for women and minorities ME Heilman, JJ Chen Human Resource Management Review 13 (2), 347-364, 2003 | 482 | 2003 |
The affirmative action stigma of incompetence: Effects of performance information ambiguity ME Heilman, CJ Block, P Stathatos Academy of Management Journal 40 (3), 603-625, 1997 | 404 | 1997 |