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Simone Belli
Simone Belli
ucm.es üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip - Ana Sayfa
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Breve historia de los videojuegos.
S Belli, C López
Athenea Digital: revista de pensamiento e investigación social, 159-179, 2008
El estudio psicosocial de las emociones: una revisión y discusión de la investigación actual
S Belli, L Iñiguez
Psico 39 (2), 139-151, 2008
Coronavirus mapping in scientific publications: when science advances rapidly and collectively, is access to this knowledge open to society?
S Belli, R Mugnaini, J Baltà, E Abadal
Scientometrics 124, 2661-2685, 2020
La construcción de una emoción y su relación con el lenguaje: revisión y discusión de una área importante de las ciencias sociales
S Belli
Theoria 18 (2), 15-42, 2009
Mapping the development of Open Access in Latin America and Caribbean countries. An analysis of Web of Science Core Collection and SciELO Citation Index (2005–2017)
S Minniti, V Santoro, S Belli
Scientometrics, 1-26, 2018
Issues in the management of acute agitation: how much current guidelines consider safety?
B Pacciardi, M Mauri, C Cargioli, S Belli, B Cotugno, L Di Paolo, S Pini
Frontiers in psychiatry 4, 26, 2013
Trust as a meta‐emotion
S Belli, F Broncano
Metaphilosophy 48 (4), 430-448, 2017
What is love? Discourse about emotions in social sciences
S Belli, R Harré, L Íñiguez
Human Affairs 20 (3), 249-270, 2010
Emociones y discurso: Una mirada a la narrativa científica de la construcción social del amor
S Belli, R Harré, L Íñiguez
Prisma Social, 1-45, 2010
Emociones y lenguaje
S Belli
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona,, 2010
La COVID-19, pantallas y reflexividad social. Cómo el brote de un patógeno está afectando nuestra cotidianidad
R Díez, S Belli, I Márquez
Revista Española de Sociología 29 (3), 759-768, 2020
Stocktaking scientific publication on bi-regional collaboration between Europe 28 and Latin America and the Caribbean
S Belli, J Baltà
Scientometrics, 1-34, 2019
A collaboratively derived environmental research agenda for Galápagos
A Izurieta, B Delgado, N Moity, M Calvopiña, I Cedeño, G Banda-Cruz, ...
Pacific Conservation Biology 24 (2), A-J, 2018
Plagiarism Detection in the Classroom: Honesty and Trust Through the Urkund and Turnitin Software
S Belli, C Lopez, T Guarda
Information Technology and Systems. ICITS 2020. Advances in Intelligent …, 2020
Emociones en la tecnociencia: la performance de la velocidad
S Belli, R Harré, L Iñiguez
Prisma Social, 1-41, 2009
A brief history of videogame
S Belli, CL Raventós
Athenea Digital: Revista de Pensamiento e Investigacion Social, 159-179, 2008
eSports events trend: A promising opportunity for tourism offerings
M Leon, MV Hinojosa-Ramos, A León-Lopez, S Belli, C López-Raventós, ...
Sustainability 14 (21), 13803, 2022
" It's All Discursive!" Crossing Boundaries and Crossing Words with Rom Harré
S Belli, JC Aceros, R Harré
Universitas Psychologica 14 (2), 771-784, 2015
Managing Negative Emotions in Online Collaborative Learning. A multimodal approach to solving technical difficulties
S Belli
Digithum, 1-12, 2018
COVID-19 pandemic and emotional contagion
S Belli, CV Alonso Moreno
Digithum, 1-9, 2021
Sistem, işlemi şu anda gerçekleştiremiyor. Daha sonra yeniden deneyin.
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