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Doug A. Bright
Doug A. Bright
Adjunct Professor, Royal Roads University; Practice Lead, Environmental Risk Assessment - Hemmera
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Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Spatial and temporal trends and effects of contaminants in the Canadian Arctic marine ecosystem: a review
D Muir, B Braune, B DeMarch, R Norstrom, R Wagemann, L Lockhart, ...
Science of the Total Environment 230 (1-3), 83-144, 1999
Contaminant risks from biosolids land application: contemporary organic contaminant levels in digested sewage sludge from five treatment plants in Greater Vancouver, British …
DA Bright, N Healey
Environmental Pollution 126 (1), 39-49, 2003
Differential bioaccumulation of non-ortho-substituted and other PCB congeners in coastal Arctic invertebrates and fish
DA Bright, SL Grundy, KJ Reimer
Environmental science & technology 29 (10), 2504-2512, 1995
A comparative survey of imposex in northeast Pacific neogastropods (Prosobranchia) related to tributyltin contamination, and choice of a suitable bioindicator
DA Bright, DV Ellis
Canadian Journal of Zoology 68 (9), 1915-1924, 1990
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon contamination in marine sediments near Kitimat, British Columbia
CD Simpson, CF Harrington, WR Cullen, DA Bright, KJ Reimer
Environmental science & technology 32 (21), 3266-3272, 1998
Evidence for short-range transport of polychlorinated biphenyls in the Canadian Arctic using congener signatures of PCBs in soils
DA Bright, WT Dushenko, SL Grundy, KJ Reimer
Science of the total environment 160, 251-263, 1995
Do current standards of practice in Canada measure what is relevant to human exposure at contaminated sites? I: A discussion of soil particle size and contaminant partitioning …
DA Bright, GM Richardson, M Dodd
Human and Ecological Risk Assessment 12 (3), 591-605, 2006
Spatial and temporal trends of mercury and other metals in landlocked char from lakes in the Canadian Arctic archipelago
D Muir, X Wang, D Bright, L Lockhart, G Köck
Science of the Total Environment 351, 464-478, 2005
Arsenic bioaccumulation and toxicity in aquatic macrophytes exposed to gold-mine effluent: relationships with environmental partitioning, metal uptake and nutrients
WT Dushenko, DA Bright, KJ Reimer
Aquatic Botany 50 (2), 141-158, 1995
Do current standards of practice in Canada measure what is relevant to human exposure at contaminated sites? II: oral bioaccessibility of contaminants in soil
GM Richardson, DA Bright, M Dodd
Human and Ecological Risk Assessment 12 (3), 606-616, 2006
Effects of local and distant contaminant sources: polychlorinated biphenyls and other organochlorines in bottom-dwelling animals from an Arctic estuary
DA Bright, WT Dushenko, SL Grundy, KJ Reimer
Science of the total environment 160, 265-283, 1995
Arsenic in subArctic lakes influenced by gold mine effluent: the occurrence of organoarsenicals and ‘hidden’arsenic
DA Bright, M Dodd, KJ Reimer
Science of the total environment 180 (2), 165-182, 1996
Uptake, tissue distribution and metabolism of 14C-labelled tributyltin (TBT) in the dog-whelk, Nucella lapillus
GW Bryan, DA Bright, LG Hummerstone, GR Burt
Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 73 (4 …, 1993
Methylation of arsenic by anaerobic microbial consortia isolated from lake sediment
DA Bright, S Brock, KJ Reimer, WR Cullen, GM Hewitt, J Jafaar
Applied organometallic chemistry 8 (4), 415-422, 1994
Differentiation of polychlorinated dibenzo‐p‐dioxin and dibenzofuran sources in coastal British Columbia, Canada
DA Bright, WJ Cretney, RW Macdonald, MG Ikonomou, SL Grundy
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 18 (6), 1097-1108, 1999
Ecosystem uptake and effects
D Muir, B Braune, B DeMarch, R Norstrom, R Wagemann, M Gamberg, ...
Canadian Arctic Contaminants Assessment Report. Ottawa: Indian and Northern …, 1997
Arsenic transport in a watershed receiving gold mine effluent near Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, Canada
DA Bright, B Coedy, WT Dushenko, KJ Reimer
Science of the total environment 155 (3), 237-252, 1994
Derivation of matrix soil standards for salt under the British Columbia Contaminated Sites Regulation
DA Bright, J Addison
Report to the British Columbia Ministry of Water, Land, and Air Protection …, 2002
Dioxin and furan signatures in northern Canadian soils: Correlation to source signatures using multivariate unmixing techniques
SL Grundy, DA Bright, WT Dushenko, M Dodd, S Englander, K Johnston, ...
Chemosphere 34 (5-7), 1203-1219, 1997
Aspects of Histology in Macoma Carlottensis (Bivalvia: Tellinidae) and In Situ Histopathology Related to Mine-Tailings Discharge
DA Bright, DV Ellis
Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 69 (2 …, 1989
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