Takip et
E. Syrkin,  E.S. Syrkin, Syrkin E.S., Сыркин Е.С., Е.С. Сыркин, Є. С. Сиркін, Сиркін Є.С.
E. Syrkin, E.S. Syrkin, Syrkin E.S., Сыркин Е.С., Е.С. Сыркин, Є. С. Сиркін, Сиркін Є.С.
B.Verkin Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Engineering of the NAS of Ukraine
ilt.kharkov.ua üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip - Ana Sayfa
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Peculiar features of phonon spectra of low-dimensional crystals
AM Kosevich, ES Syrkin, SB Feodosyev
Phys. Low-Dim. Str, 47-51, 1994
Particle finite size effects as mean field approximation
D Anchishkin
AN Ukrainskoj SSR, 1991
Phonon heat capacity of graphene nanofilms and nanotubes
IA Gospodarev, VI Grishaev, EV Manzhelii, ES Syrkin, SB Feodosyev, ...
Low Temperature Physics 43 (2), 264-273, 2017
Effect of step-edge on spectral properties and planar stability of metallic bigraphene
VV Eremenko, VA Sirenko, IA Gospodarev, ES Syrkin, SB Feodosyev, ...
Low Temperature Physics 42 (2), 99-105, 2016
On the calculation of rms atom displacements in a crystal lattice
VI Peresada, ES Syrkin
Surface Science 54 (2), 293-302, 1976
Phonon spectrum and vibrational characteristics of linear nanostructures in solid matrices
EV Manzhelii, SB Feodosyev, IA Gospodarev, ES Syrkin, KA Minakova
Low Temperature Physics 41 (7), 557-562, 2015
Quasi-two-dimensional features in the phonon spectrum of graphite
IA Gospodarev, KV Kravchenko, ES Syrkin, SB Feodos’ev
Low temperature physics 35 (7), 589-595, 2009
Effect of defects on the quasiparticle spectra of graphite and graphene
A Feher, IA Gospodarev, VI Grishaev, KV Kravchenko, EV Manzheliĭ, ...
Low Temperature Physics 35 (8), 679-686, 2009
Vibrations localized near surfaces and interfaces in nontraditional crystals
YA Kosevich, ES Syrkin, AM Kossevich
Progress in surface science 55 (1), 59-111, 1997
Electron and phonon states localized near the graphene boundary
VV Eremenko, VA Sirenko, IA Gospodarev, ES Syrkin, SB Feodosyev, ...
Low Temperature Physics 43 (11), 1323-1331, 2017
Existence criterion and properties of deeply penetrating Rayleigh waves in crystals
YA Kosevich, ES Syrkin
Zhurnal Ehksperimental’noj i Teoreticheskoj Fiziki 89 (6), 2221-2229, 1985
Capillary phenomena and elastic vibrations near a plane defect in a crystal. I. Equations of boundary dynamics and properties of long surface waves
YA Kosevich, ES Syrkin
Kristallografiya 33, 1339, 1988
Capillary phenomena and elastic waves localized near a plane crystal defect
YA Kosevich, ES Syrkin
Physics Letters A 122 (3-4), 178-182, 1987
Ondes de Rayleigh généralisées et géométrie des surfaces d'isofréquence des oscillations acoustiques dans les cristaux
AM Kosevich, YA Kosevich, ES Syrkin
ZETF. Pis′ ma v redakciû 88 (3), 1089-1097, 1985
Anisotropic behavior and inhomogeneity of atomic local densities of states in graphene with vacancy groups
VV Eremenko, VA Sirenko, IA Gospodarev, ES Syrkin, SB Feodosyev, ...
Journal of Science: Advanced Materials and Devices 1 (2), 167-173, 2016
Resonance absorption, reflection, transmission of phonons and heat transfer through interface between two solids
YA Kosevich, A Feher, ES Syrkin
Low Temperature Physics 34 (7), 575-582, 2008
Generalized Rayleigh waves and the geometry of isofrequency surfaces of sound oscillation waves in crystals
AM Kosevich, YA Kosevich, ES Syrkin
Zhurnal Ehksperimental’noj i Teoreticheskoj Fiziki 88 (3), 1089-1097, 1985
Electron spectra of graphene with local and extended defects
VV Eremenko, VA Sirenko, IA Gospodarev, ES Syrkin, SB Feodosyev, ...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 969 (1), 012021, 2018
Изгибная жесткость слоев и ее проявление в колебательных характеристиках сильно анизотропных слоистых кристаллов. Собственные частоты и условия устойчивости в квазидвумерных …
ЮАК Е.С. Сыркин, С.Б. Феодосьев, К.В. Кравченко, А.В. Еременко, Б.Я. Кантор
Физика низких температур 35 (2), 208-217, 2009
Quasi-low-dimensional effects in vibrational characteristics of 3D-crystals
SB Feodosyev, IA Gospodarev, AM Kosevich, ES Syrkin
Phys. Low-Dim. Str, 209-220, 1995
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