Development of a cyber security risk model using Bayesian networks J Shin, H Son, G Heo Reliability Engineering & System Safety 134, 208-217, 2015 | 143 | 2015 |
Cyber security risk evaluation of a nuclear I&C using BN and ET J Shin, H Son, G Heo Nuclear Engineering and Technology 49 (3), 517-524, 2017 | 77 | 2017 |
Cyber attack taxonomy for digital environment in nuclear power plants S Kim, G Heo, E Zio, J Shin, J Song Nuclear Engineering and Technology 52 (5), 995-1001, 2020 | 75 | 2020 |
Cyber security risk analysis model composed with activity-quality and architecture model J Shin, H Son, G Heo International Conference on Computer, Networks and Communication Engineering …, 2013 | 23 | 2013 |
Application of STPA-SafeSec for a cyber-attack impact analysis of NPPs with a condensate water system test-bed J Shin, JG Choi, JW Lee, CK Lee, JG Song, JY Son Nuclear Engineering and Technology 53 (10), 3319-3326, 2021 | 19 | 2021 |
Sensitivity study on availability of I&C components using bayesian network R Khalil Ur, J Shin, M Zubair, G Heo, H Son Science and Technology of Nuclear Installations 2013 (1), 656548, 2013 | 19 | 2013 |
Risk-informed cyber security evaluation of nuclear facilities J Shin, G Heo, H Son 10th Nuclear plant instrumentation, control and human-machine interface …, 2017 | 7 | 2017 |
Application of Bayesian network methodology for evaluating industrial control system J Shin, H Son, S Kim, G Heo International Journal of Control and Automation 7 (3), 189-194, 2014 | 7 | 2014 |
Development of hardware in the loop system for cyber security training in nuclear power plants J Song, JW Lee, CK Lee, CY Lee, J Shin, I Hwang, J Choi Journal of The Korea Institute of Information Security & Cryptology 29 (4 …, 2019 | 6 | 2019 |
Comparative study of cyber security characteristics for nuclear systems J Shin, H Son, G Heo Frontier and Innovation in Future Computing and Communications, 87-93, 2014 | 3 | 2014 |
Reliability Analysis of I and C Architecture of Research Reactors Using Bayesian Networks KU Rahman, J Shin, G Heo, H Son | 3 | 2013 |
Development of Digital MMIS for Research Reactors: Graded Approaches JS Shin, GY Heo, HS Son, YK Kim, JK Park, SM Seo, YJ Kim | 2 | 2012 |
A Research Proposition for Failure Analysis of Digital I&C System for Cyber Security J Shin, JG Song | 1 | 2021 |
A Study of a Guide Development for Regulatory Acceptance Criteria of Technical Security Controls JG Song, JW Lee, J Shin, CK Lee Transactions of the Korean Nuclear Society Virtual Autumn Meeting, Korea …, 2020 | 1 | 2020 |
A study of cyber-attack impact to condenser test-bed by using STPA-SafeSec J Shin, J Lee, Y Lee, J Son, J Choi Transactions of the Korean Nuclear Society Virtual Spring Meeting, 2020 | 1 | 2020 |
원자력발전소 디지털 제어기의 사이버보안 기능 적합성 시험방법 연구 송재구, 신진수, 이정운, 이철권, 최종균 정보보호학회논문지 29 (6), 1425-1435, 2019 | 1 | 2019 |
A Graded Approach for Cyber Security Evaluation of Nuclear I&C System with Bayesian Update J SHIN, G HEO, H SON Proc. Int. Symp. Future Instrumentation and Control for Nuclear Power Plants …, 2017 | 1 | 2017 |
Framework for Grading of Cyber Security Check-List upon I&C Architecture J Shin, G Heo, H Son Korean Nuclear Society Spring Meeting, Jeju, Korea, May, 11-13, 2016 | 1 | 2016 |
Study on Optimization of I&C Architecture for Research Reactors using Bayesian Networks RK Ur, J Shin, G Heo Joint IGORR and IAEA Technical Meeting (13-18 October), Daejeon, Korea 2103, 0 | 1 | |
원자력발전소 사이버보안 훈련을 위한 HIL (Hardware In the Loop) System 개발 송재구, 이정운, 이철권, 이찬영, 신진수, 황인구, 최종균 정보보호학회논문지 29 (4), 867-875, 2019 | | 2019 |