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Frederick M. Abbott
Frederick M. Abbott
Professor of Law, Florida State University College of Law
law.fsu.edu üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
The WTO medicines decision: world pharmaceutical trade and the protection of public health
FM Abbott
American Journal of International Law 99 (2), 317-358, 2005
The Doha declaration on the TRIPS agreement and public health: lighting a dark corner at the WTO
FM Abbott
J. Int'l Econ. L. 5, 469, 2002
The Doha Round's public health legacy: Strategies for the production and diffusion of patented medicines under the amended TRIPS provisions
FM Abbott, JH Reichman
Journal of international economic law 10 (4), 921-987, 2007
Protecting first world assets in the third world: Intellectual Property negotiations in the GATT multilateral framework
FM Abbott
Vand. J. Transnat'l L. 22, 689, 1989
NAFTA and the legalization of world politics: a case study
FM Abbott
International Organization 54 (3), 519-547, 2000
First report (final) to the committee on international trade law of the international law association on the subject of parallel importation
FM Abbott
Journal of International Economic Law 1 (4), 607-636, 1998
International intellectual property in an integrated world economy
FM Abbott, T Cottier, F Gurry, RB Abbott, M Burri, HG Ruse-Khan, ...
Aspen Publishing, 2024
The international intellectual property system: commentary and materials
F Abbott, T Cottier
Wolters Kluwer, 1999
The Scope of US Senate Control over the Conclusion and Operation of Treaties
SA Riesenfeld, FM Abbott
Chi.-Kent L. Rev. 67, 571, 1991
The Trips Agreement, Access to Medicines, and the Wto Doha Ministerial Conference
FM Abbott
The journal of world intellectual property 5 (1), 15-52, 2002
Distributed governance at the WTO-WIPO: an evolving model for open-architecture integrated governance
FM Abbott
Journal of International Economic Law 3 (1), 63-81, 2000
Intellectual property provisions of bilateral and regional trade agreements in light of US federal law
FM Abbott
UNCTAD-ICTSD Project on IPRs and Sustainable Development, Issue Paper, 2006
The Doha Declaration on the TRIPS Agreement and Public Health and the contradictory trend in bilateral and regional free trade agreements
FM Abbott
Quaker United Nations Office (Geneva)(QUNO), Occasional Paper, 2004
TRIPS in Seattle: the not-so-surprising failure and the future of the TRIPS agenda
FM Abbott
Berkeley J. Int'l L. 18, 165, 2000
Integration without Institutions: The NAFTA Mutation of the EC Model and the Future of the GATT Regime
FM Abbott
The American Journal of Comparative Law 40 (4), 917-949, 1992
The enduring enigma of TRIPS: A challenge for the world economic system
FM Abbott
Journal of International Economic Law 1 (4), 497-521, 1998
Facilitating access to Cross-border supplies of patented pharmaceuticals: the case of the COVID-19 pandemic
FM Abbott, JH Reichman
Journal of International Economic Law 23 (3), 535-561, 2020
A new dominant trade species emerges: is bilateralism a threat?
FM Abbott
Journal of International Economic Law 10 (3), 571-583, 2007
Commentary: the international intellectual property order enters the 21st century
FM Abbott
Vand. J. Transnat'l L. 29, 471, 1996
WTO TRIPS Agreement and its implications for access to medicines in developing countries
FM Abbott
Study Paper 2a, United Kingdom Commission on Intellectual Property Rights, 2002
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