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Husna Nugrahapraja
Husna Nugrahapraja
School of Life Science and Technology, Institut Teknologi Bandung
itb.ac.id üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip - Ana Sayfa
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Microplastic Contamination in Human Stools, Foods, and Drinking Water Associated with Indonesian Coastal Population
A Luqman, H Nugrahapraja, RA Wahyuono, I Islami, MH Haekal, ...
Environments 8 (138), 1-9, 2021
Potential role of ACE2-related microRNAs in COVID-19-associated nephropathy
A Widiasta, Y Sribudiani, H Nugrahapraja, D Hilmanto, N Sekarwana, ...
Non-coding RNA research 5 (4), 153-166, 2020
Microplastic Contamination in the Human Gastrointestinal Tract and Daily Consumables Associated with an Indonesian Farming Community
AT Wibowo, H Nugrahapraja, RA Wahyuono, I Islami, MH Haekal, ...
Sustainability 13, 12840, 2021
Chitosan Nanoparticle-Based Coating as Post-harvest Technology in Banana
RR Esyanti, H Zaskia, A Amalia, H Nugrahapraja
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1204 (1), 012109, 2019
Foliar application of chitosan enhances growth and modulates expression of defence genes in chili pepper (Capsicum annuum L.)
RR Esyanti, FM Dwivany, S Mahani, H Nugrahapraja, K Meitha
Australian Journal of Crop Science 13 (01), 55-60, 2019
Effects of microplastic on human gut microbiome: detection of plastic-degrading genes in human gut exposed to microplastics—Preliminary study
H Nugrahapraja, PWW Sugiyo, BQ Putri, L Huang, N Hafza, F Götz, ...
Environments 9 (11), 140, 2022
Potential Cell-Based and Cell-Free Therapy for Patients with COVID-19
MI Tan, NM Alfarafisa, P Septiani, A Barlian, M Firmansyah, A Faizal, ...
Cells 11 (15), 1-20, 2022
Genome-wide identification and characterization of the pectin methylesterase (PME) and pectin methylesterase inhibitor (PMEI) gene family in the banana A-genome (Musa acuminata …
N Husna, AE Putri, DF Martha
Research Journal of Biotechnology Vol 16 (2), 2021
Phylogenetic analysis of 23 accessions of Indonesian banana cultivars based on Internal Transcribed Spacer 2 (ITS2) region
K Meitha, I Fatmawati, FM Dwivany, A Sutanto, SN Pratama, ...
Indonesian Journal of Biotechnology 25 (1), 1-11, 2020
Pertumbuhan Tanaman Air Azolla pinnata R. Br. (Mata Lele) pada Medium Pertumbuhan Berbeda
H Nugrahapraja
Program Studi Sarjana Biologi SITH. ITB Bandung, 2008
Microplastic contamination in the human gastrointestinal tract and daily consumables associated with an Indonesian farming community. Sustainability 13: 12840
AT Wibowo, H Nugrahapraja, RA Wahyuono, I Islami, MH Haekal, ...
The Unique Difference Between Serum Level of Soluble Urokinase Plasminogen Activator Receptor (suPAR) in Steroid-Resistant Nephrotic Syndrome Children Treated with an …
Widiasta, W Ahmedz, N Kurnia, S Husna, R Yunia, Dedi
Dataset of Cavendish banana transcriptome in response to chitosan coating application
FM Dwivany, H Nugrahapraja, E Fukusaki, SP Putri, C Novianti, ...
Data in brief 29, 105337, 2020
The Fungal and Bacterial Interface in the Respiratory Mycobiome with a Focus on Aspergillus spp.
A Rozaliyani, B Antariksa, F Nurwidya, J Zaini, F Setianingrum, F Hasan, ...
Life 13 (4), 1017, 2023
Genetic relationship between Tongka Langit bananas (Musa troglodytarum L.) from Galunggung and Maluku, Indonesia, based on ITS2
FM Dwivany, G Stefani, A Sutanto, H Nugrahapraja, K Wikantika, A Hiariej, ...
HAYATI Journal of Biosciences 27 (3), 258-258, 2020
Transcriptome dataset of ethylene-treated Klutuk Wulung banana
FM Dwivany, H Nugrahapraja, LDN Sari, RR Putri, C Novianti
Data in Brief 38, 107376, 2021
Biodelignification of lemon peels using Aspergillus sp. to improve yield and composition of extxracted lemon oil
MY Abduh, E Nababan, F Ginting, J Juliati, H Nugrahapraja
IIUM Engineering Journal 21 (2), 55-66, 2020
Biosynthetic gene cluster profiling from North Java Sea Virgibacillus salarius reveals hidden potential metabolites
OK Radjasa, R Steven, Z Humaira, FM Dwivany, H Nugrahapraja, ...
Scientific Reports 13 (1), 19273, 2023
RNA sequence analysis of nasopharyngeal swabs from asymptomatic and mildly symptomatic patients with COVID-19
M Faridl, K Mellyani, K Khoirunnisa, P Septiani, EA Giri-Rachman, ...
International Journal of Infectious Diseases 122, 449-460, 2022
Chitosan improving Growth in Chili (Capsicum annuum L.) Plants and acting through Distinct Gene Regulation between Cultivars
FM Dwivany, K Meitha, K Kuswati, RR Esyanti, H Nugrahapraja
Research Journal of Biotechnology 16 (2), 87-92, 2021
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