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Helmut Peter Echtler
Helmut Peter Echtler
GFZ Potsdam, Uni Potsdam, Professor
gfz-potsdam.de üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Segmentation of megathrust rupture zones from fore‐arc deformation patterns over hundreds to millions of years, Arauco peninsula, Chile
D Melnick, B Bookhagen, MR Strecker, HP Echtler
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 114 (B1), 2009
Kinematic constraints on intra‐arc shear and strain partitioning in the southern Andes between 38 S and 42 S latitude
M Rosenau, D Melnick, H Echtler
Tectonics 25 (4), 2006
Extensional tectonics, basement uplift and Stephano-Permian collapse basin in a late Variscan metamorphic core complex (Montagne Noire, Southern Massif Central)
H Echtler, J Malavieille
Tectonophysics 177 (1-3), 125-138, 1990
Multi-phased uplift of the southern margin of the Central Anatolian plateau, Turkey: A record of tectonic and upper mantle processes
TF Schildgen, D Cosentino, B Bookhagen, S Niedermann, C Yıldırım, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 317, 85-95, 2012
The Southern Andes between 36 and 40 S latitude: seismicity and average seismic velocities
M Bohm, S Lüth, H Echtler, G Asch, K Bataille, C Bruhn, A Rietbrock, ...
Tectonophysics 356 (4), 275-289, 2002
Heterogeneous plate locking in the South–Central Chile subduction zone: Building up the next great earthquake
M Moreno, D Melnick, M Rosenau, J Bolte, J Klotz, H Echtler, J Baez, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 305 (3-4), 413-424, 2011
Preserved collisional crustal structure of the Southern Urals revealed by vibroseis profiling
HP Echtler, M Stiller, F Steinhoff, C Krawczyk, A Suleimanov, V Spiridonov, ...
Science 274 (5285), 224-226, 1996
Internal dynamics of a paleoaccretionary wedge: insights from combined isotope tectonochronology and sandbox modelling of the South-Central Chilean forearc
J Glodny, J Lohrmann, H Echtler, K Gräfe, W Seifert, S Collao, O Figueroa
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 231 (1-2), 23-39, 2005
Coastal deformation and great subduction earthquakes, Isla Santa María, Chile (37 S)
D Melnick, B Bookhagen, HP Echtler, MR Strecker
Geological Society of America Bulletin 118 (11-12), 1463-1480, 2006
Inversion of forearc basins in south-central Chile caused by rapid glacial age trench fill
D Melnick, HP Echtler
Geology 34 (9), 709-712, 2006
Central and southern Andean tectonic evolution inferred from arc magmatism
M Haschke, A Günther, D Melnick, H Echtler, KJ Reutter, E Scheuber, ...
The Andes: Active Subduction Orogeny, 337-353, 2006
JAK2 p. V617F allele burden in myeloproliferative neoplasms one month after allogeneic stem cell transplantation significantly predicts outcome and risk of relapse
T Lange, A Edelmann, U Siebolts, R Krahl, C Nehring, N Jäkel, M Cross, ...
Haematologica 98 (5), 722-728, 2013
The Andes: active subduction orogeny
O Oncken, G Chong, G Franz, P Giese, HJ Götze, VA Ramos, MR Strecker, ...
Springer Science & Business Media, 2006
The tectono-metamorphic evolution of gneiss complexes in the Middle Urals, Russia: a reappraisal
HP Echtler, KS Ivanov, YL Ronkin, LA Karsten, R Hetzel, AG Noskov
Tectonophysics 276 (1-4), 229-251, 1997
Differential late paleozoic active margin evolution in South-Central Chile (37 S–40 S)–the lanalhue fault zone
J Glodny, H Echtler, S Collao, M Ardiles, P Burón, O Figueroa
Journal of South American Earth Sciences 26 (4), 397-411, 2008
Late Neogene and active orogenic uplift in the Central Pontides associated with the North Anatolian Fault: Implications for the northern margin of the Central Anatolian Plateau …
C Yildirim, TF Schildgen, H Echtler, D Melnick, MR Strecker
Tectonics 30 (5), 2011
Surface expression of eastern Mediterranean slab dynamics: Neogene topographic and structural evolution of the southwest margin of the Central Anatolian Plateau, Turkey
TF Schildgen, D Cosentino, A Caruso, R Buchwaldt, C Yıldırım, ...
Tectonics 31 (2), 2012
Neogene tectonic evolution of the Neuquen Andes western flank (37-39°S)
D Melnick, M Rosenau, A Folguera, E Helmut
Mesozoic to Quaternary continental margin dynamics in South-Central Chile (36–42 S): the apatite and zircon fission track perspective
J Glodny, K Gräfe, H Echtler, M Rosenau
International Journal of Earth Sciences 97, 1271-1291, 2008
Long-term geological evolution and mass-flow balance of the South-Central Andes
J Glodny, H Echtler, O Figueroa, G Franz, K Gräfe, H Kemnitz, W Kramer, ...
The Andes: active subduction orogeny, 401-428, 2006
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