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Antoni Jordi
Antoni Jordi
X, the moonshot factory
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Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Effectiveness of protection of seagrass (Posidonia oceanica) populations in Cabrera National Park (Spain)
N Marbà, CM Duarte, M Holmer, R Martínez, G Basterretxea, A Orfila, ...
Environmental Conservation 29 (4), 509-518, 2002
Copper aerosols inhibit phytoplankton growth in the Mediterranean Sea
A Jordi, G Basterretxea, A Tovar-Sánchez, A Alastuey, X Querol
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109 (52), 21246-21249, 2012
Mapping Posidonia oceanica from IKONOS
A Fornes, G Basterretxea, A Orfila, A Jordi, A Álvarez, J Tintoré
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 60 (5), 315-322, 2006
General patterns of circulation, sediment fluxes and ecology of the Palamós (La Fonera) submarine canyon, northwestern Mediterranean
A Palanques, E García-Ladona, D Gomis, J Martín, M Marcos, A Pascual, ...
Progress in Oceanography 66 (2-4), 89-119, 2005
sbPOM: A parallel implementation of Princenton Ocean Model
A Jordi, DP Wang
Environmental Modelling & Software 38, 59-61, 2012
Contribution of groundwater discharge to the coastal dissolved nutrients and trace metal concentrations in Majorca Island: karstic vs detrital systems
A Tovar-Sánchez, G Basterretxea, V Rodellas, D Sánchez-Quiles, ...
Environmental Science & Technology 48 (20), 11819-11827, 2014
Population genetic structure and connectivity of the harmful dinoflagellate Alexandrium minutum in the Mediterranean Sea
S Casabianca, A Penna, E Pecchioli, A Jordi, G Basterretxea, C Vernesi
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 279 (1726), 129-138, 2012
Residence time and posidonia oceanica in cabrera archipelago national park, spain
A Orfila, A Jordi, G Basterretxea, G Vizoso, N Marbà, CM Duarte, ...
Continental Shelf Research 25 (11), 1339-1352, 2005
Selective exploitation of spatially structured coastal fish populations by recreational anglers may lead to evolutionary downsizing of adults
J Alós, M Palmer, IA Catalan, A Alonso-Fernández, G Basterretxea, ...
Marine Ecology Progress Series 503, 219-233, 2014
Scientific management of Mediterranean coastal zone: A hybrid ocean forecasting system for oil spill and search and rescue operations
A Jordi, MI Ferrer, G Vizoso, A Orfila, G Basterretxea, B Casas, A Álvarez, ...
Marine Pollution Bulletin 53 (5-7), 361-368, 2006
Responses of the coastal phytoplankton community to tropical cyclones revealed by high‐frequency imaging flow cytometry
S Anglès, A Jordi, L Campbell
Limnology and Oceanography 60 (5), 1562-1576, 2015
Seasonal Dynamics of a Microtidal Pocket Beach with Posidonia oceanica Seabeds (Mallorca, Spain)
G Basterretxea, A Orfila, A Jordi, B Casas, P Lynett, PLF Liu, CM Duarte, ...
Journal of Coastal Research 20 (4), 1155-1164, 2004
Breeze conditions as a favoring mechanism of Alexandrium taylori blooms at a Mediterranean beach
G Basterretxea, E Garcés, A Jordi, M Masó, J Tintoré
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 62 (1-2), 1-12, 2005
Alexandrium minutum resting cyst distribution dynamics in a confined site
S Anglès, A Jordi, E Garcés, G Basterretxea, A Palanques
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 57 (3-4), 210-221, 2010
High-resolution spatio-temporal distribution of a coastal phytoplankton bloom using laser in situ scattering and transmissometry (LISST)
S Anglès, A Jordi, E Garcés, M Masó, G Basterretxea
Harmful Algae 7 (6), 808-816, 2008
Drivers of larval fish assemblage shift during the spring-summer transition in the coastal Mediterranean
I Álvarez, IA Catalán, A Jordi, M Palmer, A Sabatés, G Basterretxea
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 97, 127-135, 2012
Shelf-slope exchanges by frontal variability in a steep submarine canyon
A Jordi, A Orfila, G Basterretxea, J Tintoré
Progress in Oceanography 66 (2-4), 120-141, 2005
Model‐based assessment of local‐scale fish larval connectivity in a network of marine protected areas
G Basterretxea, A Jordi, IA Catalan, ANA Sabatés
Fisheries Oceanography 21 (4), 291-306, 2012
Modulation of nearshore harmful algal blooms by in situ growth rate and water renewal
G Basterretxea, E Garcés, A Jordi, S Anglès, M Masó
Marine Ecology Progress Series 352, 53-65, 2007
The stevens flood advisory system: operational H3E flood forecasts for the greater New York/New Jersey metropolitan region
N Georgas, A Blumberg, T Herrington, T Wakeman, F Saleh, D Runnels, ...
Flood Risk Manag. Response 194, 648-662, 2016
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