Snake bites by the jararacuçu (Bothrops jararacussu): clinicopathological studies of 29 proven cases in São Paulo State, Brazil. R Milani Júnior, MT Jorge, FP De Campos, FP Martins, A Bousso, ... QJM: monthly journal of the Association of Physicians 90 (5), 323-334, 1997 | 185 | 1997 |
Combining mitochondrial DNA sequences and morphological data to infer species boundaries: phylogeography of lanceheaded pitvipers in the Brazilian Atlantic forest, and the … G Puorto, M da Graça Salomão, RDG Theakston, RS Thorpe, DA Warrell, ... Journal of Evolutionary Biology 14 (4), 527-538, 2001 | 149 | 2001 |
Serpentes e acidentes ofídicos: um estudo sobre erros conceituais em livros didáticos MFN Sandrin, G Puorto, R Nardi Investigações em ensino de ciências 10 (3), 281-298, 2005 | 114 | 2005 |
Hemorrhagic, fibrinogenolytic and edema-forming activities of the venom of the colubrid snake Philodryas olfersii (green snake) MT Assakura, M da Graça Salomão, G Puorto, FR Mandelbaum Toxicon 30 (4), 427-438, 1992 | 106 | 1992 |
Ecological correlates and patterns in the distribution of Neotropical boines (Serpentes: Boidae): a preliminary assessment RW Henderson, TWP Micucci, G Puorto, RW Bourgeois Herpetological Natural History 3 (1), 15-27, 1995 | 102 | 1995 |
Feeding, reproduction and growth in the crowned snake OAV Marques, G Puorto Amphibia-Reptilia 19 (3), 311-318, 1998 | 97 | 1998 |
Activity pattern of Crotalus durissus (Viperidae, Crotalinae): Feeding, reproduction and snakebite MG Salomão, SMA Santos, G Puorto Studies on neotropical Fauna and environment 30 (2), 101-106, 1995 | 75 | 1995 |
Bites by the colubrid snake Philodryas olfersii: a clinical and epidemiological study of 43 cases LA Ribeiro, G Puorto, MT Jorge Toxicon 37 (6), 943-948, 1999 | 70 | 1999 |
A biological survey of the pitviper Bothrops insularis amaral (serpentes, viperidae): An endemic and threatened offshore island snake of southeastern Brazil MR Duarte, G Puorto, FL Franco Studies on Neotropical Fauna and Environment 30 (1), 1-13, 1995 | 66 | 1995 |
Dieta e comportamento alimentar de Erythrolamprus aesculapii, uma serpente ofiófaga OAV Marques, G Puorto Revista Brasileira de Biologia 54 (2), 253-259, 1994 | 65 | 1994 |
Serpentes não peçonhentas e aspectos clínicos dos acidentes G Puorto, FOS França Cardoso, JLC; França, OSF; Wen, FH; Málaque, CMS, 125-131, 2009 | 64 | 2009 |
Cloning of an Unusual Natriuretic Peptide from the South American Coral Snake Micrurus corallinus PL Ho, MB Soares, T Maack, I Gimenez, G Puorto, MFD Furtado, I Raw European journal of biochemistry 250 (1), 144-149, 1997 | 59 | 1997 |
Systematics of the Bothrops Atrox Complex (Reptilia: Serpentes: Viperidae) in Brazil: A Multiv Ariate Analysis W Wüster, RS Thorpe, G Puorto, BBBSP Herpetologica, 263-271, 1996 | 52 | 1996 |
Atlas anatomico de bothrops jararaca wied, 1924 (serpentes: viperidae) NMB Gomes, G Puorto Memórias do Instituto Butantan 55 (supl. 1), 69-100, 1994 | 42 | 1994 |
Feeding technique of juvenile Tropidodryas striaticeps: probable caudal luring in a colubrid snake I Sazima, G Puorto Copeia 1993 (1), 222-226, 1993 | 40 | 1993 |
Atlas anatômico de Boa constrictor Linnaeus, 1758 N Gomes, G Puorto, MA Buononato, MFM Ribeiro Atlas anatômico de Boa constrictor Linnaeus, 1758, 57 p.-57 p., 1989 | 38 | 1989 |
Origin and phylogenetic position of the Lesser Antillean species of Bothrops (Serpentes, Viperidae): biogeographical and medical implications W WÜSTER, RS THORPE, MDAG SALOMÃO, L THOMAS, G PUORTO, ... Bulletin of the Natural History Museum: Zoology Series 68 (2), 101-106, 2002 | 36 | 2002 |
Padrões cromáticos, distribuição e possível mimetismo em Erythrolamprus aesculapii (Serpentes, Colubridae) OAV Marques, G Puorto Memórias do Instituto Butantan 53 (1), 127-134, 1991 | 35 | 1991 |
Two new species of colubrid snakes of the genus Clelia from Brazil FL Franco, OAV Marques, G Puorto Journal of Herpetology, 483-490, 1997 | 31 | 1997 |
8 Systematics of the Bothrops atrox complex: New insights from multivariate analysis and mitochondrial DNA sequence information W Wuster, MG Salomão, RS Thorpe, G Puorto, MFD Furtado, SA Hoge, ... Symposia of the Zoological Society of London, 99-114, 1997 | 30 | 1997 |