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Carina Ihlström Eriksson
Carina Ihlström Eriksson
Professor in Informatics, Halmstad University
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Alıntı yapanlar
A milieu for innovation: defining living labs
B Bergvall-Kåreborn, CI Eriksson, A Ståhlbröst, J Svensson
ISPIM Innovation Symposium: 06/12/2009-09/12/2009, 2009
Evolution of the web news genre-the slow move beyond the print metaphor
LB Eriksen, C Ihlstrom
Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Hawaii International Conference on System …, 2000
The evolution of a new (s) genre
C Ihlström Eriksson
Department of Informatics, Gothenburg University, 2004
Business models for M-services: Exploring the E-newspaper case from a consumer view
C Eriksson, T Kalling, M Åkesson, T Fredberg
Journal of Electronic Commerce in Organizations (JECO) 6 (2), 29-57, 2008
Online newspapers in Scandinavia: A longitudinal study of genre change and interdependency
C Ihlström, O Henfridsson
Information Technology & People 18 (2), 172-192, 2005
Revenues for online newspapers: owner and user perceptions
C Ihlström, J Palmer
Electronic Markets 12 (4), 228-236, 2002
E-business adoption by SMEs--prerequisites and attitudes of SMEs in a Swedish network
C Ihlstrom, M Nilsson
Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce 13 (3-4), 211-223, 2003
Places and spaces within living labs
B Bergvall-Kåreborn, CI Eriksson, A Ståhlbröst
Technology Innovation Management Review 5 (12), 2015
Genre characteristics-a front page analysis of 85 Swedish online newspapers
C Ihlstrom, M Akesson
37th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2004 …, 2004
Ambidexterity under digitalization: A tale of two decades of new media at a Swedish newspaper
M Åkesson, C Sørensen, CI Eriksson
Scandinavian Journal of Management 34 (3), 276-288, 2018
A genre perspective on online newspaper front page design
C Ihlström, J Lundberg
Journal of Web Engineering, 050-074, 2004
User contribution in innovation processes-reflections from a Living Lab perspective
J Svensson, CI Eriksson, E Ebbesson
2010 43rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 1-10, 2010
The online news genre through the user perspective
C Ihlstrom, J Lundberg
36th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2003 …, 2003
From Print to Web to e-paper-the challenge of designing the e-newspaper
C Ihlström Eriksson, M Åkesson, S Nordqvist
International Council for Computer Communication (ICCC), 2004
Stakeholders in smart city living lab processes
A Ståhlbröst, B Bergvall-Kåreborn, C Ihlström-Eriksson
Americas Conference on Information Systems: 13/08/2015-15/08/2015, 2015
SME barriers to electronic commerce adoption: nothing changes-everything is new
C Ihlstrom, M Magnusson, A Scupola, VK Tuunainen
Managing IT in government, business & communities, 147-163, 2003
The e-newspaper innovation-converging print and online
C Ihlström
Proceedings of the International Workshop on Innovation and Media: Managing …, 2005
Ubiquitous advertising challenges
CI Eriksson, M Åkesson
2008 7th International Conference on Mobile Business, 9-18, 2008
Visions of Future News-Consensus or Conflict?
F Arvidsson, C Ihlström, J Lundberg
IRIS, 2002
Designing ubiquitous media services: exploring the two-sided market of newspapers
C Ihlström Eriksson, M Åkesson, J Lund
Journal of theoretical and applied electronic commerce research 11 (3), 1-19, 2016
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