Takip et
Erol Pehlivan
Erol Pehlivan
Konya Technical University
ktun.edu.tr üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Removal of chromium (III) from aqueous solutions using Lewatit S 100: the effect of pH, time, metal concentration and temperature
F Gode, E Pehlivan
Journal of hazardous materials 136 (2), 330-337, 2006
Adsorption of Cu (II), Zn (II), Ni (II), Pb (II), and Cd (II) from aqueous solution on Amberlite IR-120 synthetic resin
A Demirbas, E Pehlivan, F Gode, T Altun, G Arslan
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 282 (1), 20-25, 2005
A comparative study of two chelating ion-exchange resins for the removal of chromium (III) from aqueous solution
F Gode, E Pehlivan
Journal of Hazardous Materials 100 (1-3), 231-243, 2003
Removal of Cr (VI) from aqueous solution by two Lewatit-anion exchange resins
F Gode, E Pehlivan
Journal of Hazardous Materials 119 (1-3), 175-182, 2005
Biosorption of chromium (VI) ion from aqueous solutions using walnut, hazelnut and almond shell
E Pehlivan, T Altun
Journal of hazardous materials 155 (1-2), 378-384, 2008
Equilibrium isotherm studies for the uptake of cadmium and lead ions onto sugar beet pulp
E Pehlivan, BH Yanık, G Ahmetli, M Pehlivan
Bioresource technology 99 (9), 3520-3527, 2008
Lead sorption by waste biomass of hazelnut and almond shell
E Pehlivan, T Altun, S Cetin, MI Bhanger
Journal of hazardous materials 167 (1-3), 1203-1208, 2009
The study of various parameters affecting the ion exchange of Cu2+, Zn2+, Ni2+, Cd2+, and Pb2+ from aqueous solution on Dowex 50W synthetic resin
E Pehlivan, T Altun
Journal of hazardous materials 134 (1-3), 149-156, 2006
Adsorption of Cu2+ and Pb2+ ion on dolomite powder
E Pehlivan, AM Özkan, S Dinç, Ş Parlayici
Journal of Hazardous Materials 167 (1-3), 1044-1049, 2009
Removal of Cr (VI) from aqueous solutions by modified walnut shells
T Altun, E Pehlivan
Food Chemistry 132 (2), 693-700, 2012
Ion-exchange of Pb2+, Cu2+, Zn2+, Cd2+, and Ni2+ ions from aqueous solution by Lewatit CNP 80
E Pehlivan, T Altun
Journal of hazardous materials 140 (1-2), 299-307, 2007
Sorption of Cr (VI) ions on two Lewatit-anion exchange resins and their quantitative determination using UV–visible spectrophotometer
E Pehlivan, S Cetin
Journal of Hazardous Materials 163 (1), 448-453, 2009
Utilization of barley straws as biosorbents for Cu2+ and Pb2+ ions
E Pehlivan, T Altun, S Parlayıcı
Journal of hazardous materials 164 (2-3), 982-986, 2009
Equilibrium studies for the sorption of zinc and copper from aqueous solutions using sugar beet pulp and fly ash
E Pehlivan, S Cetin, BH Yanık
Journal of hazardous materials 135 (1-3), 193-199, 2006
Modified barley straw as a potential biosorbent for removal of copper ions from aqueous solution
E Pehlivan, T Altun, Ş Parlayici
Food chemistry 135 (4), 2229-2234, 2012
Removal of metal ions using lignite in aqueous solution—Low cost biosorbents
E Pehlivan, G Arslan
Fuel processing technology 88 (1), 99-106, 2007
An economic removal of Cu2+ and Cr3+ on the new adsorbents: Pumice and polyacrylonitrile/pumice composite
M Yavuz, F Gode, E Pehlivan, S Ozmert, YC Sharma
Chemical Engineering Journal 137 (3), 453-461, 2008
Evaluation of Amberlite IRA96 and Dowex 1× 8 ion-exchange resins for the removal of Cr (VI) from aqueous solution
S Edebali, E Pehlivan
Chemical Engineering Journal 161 (1-2), 161-166, 2010
Adsorption of Cr (III) ions by Turkish brown coals
F Gode, E Pehlivan
Fuel Processing Technology 86 (8), 875-884, 2005
Potential evolution of Turkish agricultural residues as bio-gas, bio-char and bio-oil sources
A Demirbas, E Pehlivan, T Altun
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 31 (5), 613-620, 2006
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