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Malgorzata Kossowska
Malgorzata Kossowska
uj.edu.pl üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip - Ana Sayfa
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Authoritarianism and social dominance in Western and Eastern Europe: The importance of the sociopolitical context and of political interest and involvement
B Duriez, A Van Hiel, M Kossowska
Political Psychology 26 (2), 299-320, 2005
The relationship between need for closure and conservative beliefs in Western and Eastern Europe
M Kossowska, AV Hiel
Political Psychology 24 (3), 501-518, 2003
Addicted to answers: Need for cognitive closure and the endorsement of conspiracy beliefs
M Marchlewska, A Cichocka, M Kossowska
European journal of social psychology 48 (2), 109-117, 2018
The motivated gatekeeper of our minds: New directions in need for closure theory and research
A Roets, AW Kruglanski, M Kossowska, A Pierro, Y Hong
Advances in experimental social psychology 52, 221-283, 2015
Szkolenia pracowników a rozwój organizacji
M Kossowska, I Sołtysińska
Oficyna Ekonomiczna, 2002
Age differences in conservatism: Evidence on the mediating effects of personality and cognitive style
I Cornelis, A Van Hiel, A Roets, M Kossowska
Journal of personality 77 (1), 51-88, 2009
The relationship between openness to experience and political ideology
A Van Hiel, M Kossowska, I Mervielde
Personality and Individual Differences 28 (4), 741-751, 2000
The presence of left‐wing authoritarianism in Western Europe and its relationship with conservative ideology
A Van Hiel, B Duriez, M Kossowska
Political Psychology 27 (5), 769-793, 2006
A multi-country test of brief reappraisal interventions on emotions during the COVID-19 pandemic
K Wang, A Goldenberg, CA Dorison, JK Miller, A Uusberg, JS Lerner, ...
Nature human behaviour 5 (8), 1089-1110, 2021
The Dirty Dozen Scale: Validation of a Polish version and extension of the nomological net
AZ Czarna, PK Jonason, M Dufner, M Kossowska
Frontiers in psychology 7, 445, 2016
Right-wing ideology reduces the effects of education on climate change beliefs in more developed countries
G Czarnek, M Kossowska, P Szwed
Nature Climate Change 11 (1), 9-13, 2021
Contemporary attitudes and their ideological representation in Flanders (Belgium), Poland, and the Ukraine
AV Hiel, M Kossowska
International Journal of Psychology 42 (1), 16-26, 2007
Many faces of dogmatism: Prejudice as a way of protecting certainty against value violators among dogmatic believers and atheists
M Kossowska, A Czernatowicz‐Kukuczka, M Sekerdej
British Journal of Psychology 108 (1), 127-147, 2017
Relationships between right‐wing authoritarianism, terrorism threat, and attitudes towards restrictions of civil rights: A comparison among four European countries
M Kossowska, M Trejtowicz, S de Lemus, M Bukowski, A Van Hiel, ...
British Journal of Psychology 102 (2), 245-259, 2011
The need for cognitive closure scale: Structure, cross-cultural invariance, and comparison of mean ratings between European-American and East Asian samples
M Kossowska, A Van Hiel, WY Chun, AW Kruglanski
Psychologica Belgica 42 (4), 2002
Need for closure and heuristic information processing: The moderating role of the ability to achieve the need for closure
M Kossowska, Y Bar‐Tal
British journal of psychology 104 (4), 457-480, 2013
Różnice indywidualne w potrzebie poznawczego domknięcia
M Kossowska
Przegląd Psychologiczny 46 (4), 355-374, 2003
Umysł niezmienny...: poznawcze mechanizmy sztywności
M Kossowska
Skrócona wersja Skali Potrzeby Poznawczego Domknięcia. Dobór pozycji i walidacja skali
M Kossowska, K Hanusz, M Trejtowicz
Psychologia Społeczna 7 (1), 89-99, 2012
Ideology shapes trust in scientists and attitudes towards vaccines during the COVID-19 pandemic
M Kossowska, P Szwed, G Czarnek
Group Processes & Intergroup Relations 24 (5), 720-737, 2021
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