Einführung in die Informatik HP Gumm, M Sommer, W Hesse, B Seeger, G Taentzer Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag Verlag, 2013 | 273 | 2013 |
Ideals in universal algebras HP Gumm, A Ursini Technische Hochschule, Fachbereich Mathematik, 1982 | 234 | 1982 |
Geometrical methods in congruence modular algebras HP Gumm American Mathematical Soc., 1983 | 225 | 1983 |
Elements of the general theory of coalgebras HP Gumm LUATCS, 1999 | 157 | 1999 |
Functors for coalgebras HP Gumm Algebra universalis 45 (2), 135-147, 2001 | 100 | 2001 |
Covarieties and complete covarieties HP Gumm, T Schröder Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 11, 42-55, 1998 | 76 | 1998 |
Congruence modularity is permutability composed with distributivity HP Gumm Archiv der Mathematik 36 (1), 569-576, 1981 | 74 | 1981 |
Algebras in permutable varieties: geometrical properties of affine algebras H Peter Gumm Algebra universalis 9, 8-34, 1979 | 68 | 1979 |
A new class of check-digit methods for arbitrary number systems (Corresp.) H Gumm IEEE Transactions on information theory 31 (1), 102-105, 1985 | 64 | 1985 |
Products of coalgebras HP Gumm, T Schröder Algebra Universalis 46 (1), 163-185, 2001 | 62 | 2001 |
Monoid-labeled transition systems HP Gumm, T Schröder Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 44 (1), 185-204, 2001 | 61 | 2001 |
Coalgebras of bounded type HP Gumm, T Schröder Mathematical Structures in Computer Science 12 (5), 565-578, 2002 | 54 | 2002 |
Types and coalgebraic structure HP Gumm, T Schröder Algebra universalis 53 (2), 229-252, 2005 | 52 | 2005 |
Presentation of set functors: a coalgebraic perspective J Adámek, HP Gumm, V Trnková Journal of Logic and Computation 20 (5), 991-1015, 2010 | 51 | 2010 |
Coalgebraic structure from weak limit preserving functors HP Gumm, T Schröder Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 33, 111-131, 2000 | 51 | 2000 |
An easy way to the commutator in modular varieties HP Gumm Archiv der Mathematik 34 (1), 220-228, 1980 | 45 | 1980 |
From T-Coalgebras to Filter Structures and Transition Systems HP Gumm International Conference on Algebra and Coalgebra in Computer Science, 194-212, 2005 | 42 | 2005 |
Equational and implicational classes of coalgebras HP Gumm Theoretical Computer Science 260 (1-2), 57-69, 2001 | 33 | 2001 |
Birkhoffs variety theorem for coalgebras HP Gumm Univ., 2001 | 29 | 2001 |
Allgemeine Algebra: mit einem Anhang über universelle Coalgebra von HP Gumm T Ihringer, HP Gumm Heldermann, 2003 | 25 | 2003 |