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692 2006 Nuclear incompressibility and density dependent interactions in the folding model for nucleus-nucleus potentials DT Khoa, GR Satchler, W Von Oertzen
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291 1994 Two-center molecular states in9 B,9 Be,10 Be, and10 B W Von Oertzen
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284 1996 Dimers based on the α + α potential and chain states of carbon isotopes W Von Oertzen
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282 * 1997 Pairing correlations of nucleonsand multi-nucleon transfer between heavy nuclei W Von Oertzen, A Vitturi
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202 1970 Concepts of nuclear -particle condensation Y Funaki, H Horiuchi, W Von Oertzen, G Röpke, P Schuck, A Tohsaki, ...
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153 1989 Spectroscopy of exotic nuclei with multi-nucleon transfer reactions HG Bohlen, A Blazevic, B Gebauer, W Von Oertzen, S Thummerer, ...
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147 1999 Optical model potentials for α-particles scattering around the Coulomb barrier on A∼ 100 nuclei M Avrigeanu, W Von Oertzen, AJM Plompen, V Avrigeanu
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