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Mathias W. Rotach
Mathias W. Rotach
University of Innsbruck, Department of Atmospheric and Cryospheric Sciences
uibk.ac.at üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip - Ana Sayfa
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
An urban surface exchange parameterisation for mesoscale models
A Martilli, A Clappier, MW Rotach
Boundary-layer meteorology 104, 261-304, 2002
A simple parameterisation for flux footprint predictions
N Kljun, P Calanca, MW Rotach, HP Schmid
Boundary-Layer Meteorology 112, 503-523, 2004
A simple two-dimensional parameterisation for Flux Footprint Prediction (FFP)
N Kljun, P Calanca, MW Rotach, HP Schmid
Geoscientific Model Development 8 (11), 3695-3713, 2015
BUBBLE–an urban boundary layer meteorology project
MW Rotach, R Vogt, C Bernhofer, E Batchvarova, A Christen, A Clappier, ...
Theoretical and Applied Climatology 81, 231-261, 2005
A three-dimensional backward Lagrangian footprint model for a wide range of boundary-layer stratifications
N Kljun, MW Rotach, HP Schmid
Boundary-Layer Meteorology 103, 205-226, 2002
Profiles of turbulence statistics in and above an urban street canyon
MW Rotach
Atmospheric Environment 29 (13), 1473-1486, 1995
The Convective and Orographically induced Precipitation Study: A research and development project of the World Weather Research Program for improving quantitative precipitation …
V Wulfmeyer, A Behrendt, HS Bauer, C Kottmeier, U Corsmeier, A Blyth, ...
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 89 (10), 1477-1486, 2008
Mean flow and turbulence characteristics in an urban roughness sublayer
P Kastner-Klein, MW Rotach
Boundary-Layer Meteorology 111, 55-84, 2004
A wind tunnel study of organised and turbulent air motions in urban street canyons
P Kastner-Klein, E Fedorovich, MW Rotach
Journal of wind engineering and industrial aerodynamics 89 (9), 849-861, 2001
Turbulence close to a rough urban surface part I: Reynolds stress
MW Rotach
Boundary-Layer Meteorology 65 (1), 1-28, 1993
On the influence of the urban roughness sublayer on turbulence and dispersion
MW Rotach
Atmospheric Environment 33 (24-25), 4001-4008, 1999
The Convective and Orographically‐induced Precipitation Study (COPS): the scientific strategy, the field phase, and research highlights
V Wulfmeyer, A Behrendt, C Kottmeier, U Corsmeier, C Barthlott, ...
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 137 (S1), 3-30, 2011
High-resolution large-eddy simulations of flow in a steep Alpine valley. Part I: Methodology, verification, and sensitivity experiments
FK Chow, AP Weigel, RL Street, MW Rotach, M Xue
Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 45 (1), 63-86, 2006
On the boundary‐layer structure over highly complex terrain: Key findings from MAP
MW Rotach, D Zardi
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society: A journal of the …, 2007
Exchange processes in the atmospheric boundary layer over mountainous terrain
S Serafin, B Adler, J Cuxart, SFJ De Wekker, A Gohm, B Grisogono, ...
Atmosphere 9 (3), 102, 2018
The nature, theory, and modeling of atmospheric planetary boundary layers
AA Baklanov, B Grisogono, R Bornstein, L Mahrt, SS Zilitinkevich, ...
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 92 (2), 123-128, 2011
Temporal dynamics of CO2 fluxes and profiles over a Central European city
R Vogt, A Christen, MW Rotach, M Roth, ANV Satyanarayana
Theoretical and applied climatology 84, 117-126, 2006
A simple two-dimensional parameterisation for Flux Footprint Prediction (FFP), Geosci. Model Dev., 8, 3695–3713
N Kljun, P Calanca, MW Rotach, HP Schmid
Assessing the benefits of convection-permitting models by neighborhood verification: Examples from MAP D-PHASE
T Weusthoff, F Ament, M Arpagaus, MW Rotach
Monthly Weather Review 138 (9), 3418-3433, 2010
MAP D-PHASE: Real-time demonstration of weather forecast quality in the Alpine region
MW Rotach, P Ambrosetti, F Ament, C Appenzeller, M Arpagaus, ...
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 90 (9), 1321-1336, 2009
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